You are currently browsing the archives for January, 2011.
Biscotti occhio di bue
January 30, 2011 // Posted in food | 1 Comment
Few days ago Silvia received as a gift the new book from Sigrid Verbert (alias il cavoletto di bruxelles) whose title is “Regali golosi, ricette dolci e salate per tutto l’anno”. The book looks quite interesting and today, considering the bad weather outside (it is snowing) she decided to warm up a little bit the mood of our apartment preparing some cookies inspired to a recipe she found in the book. The cookies, that you can see in the pictures, are made with almonds, cinnamon and cherries jam, and they are not only cute but also very tasty. You should try…
Una serata diversa
January 30, 2011 // Posted in free time, Pavia | No Comments
Yesterday we spent a nice evening going to local theater (Teatro Fraschini) to watch a special ballet session (Certe Notti)performed by the Aterballetto company, and based on songs and poetry by Luciano Ligabue. Although we are not quite expert in dance and ballet, we really appreciated the performance also thanks to the suggestion of the music chosen. You can watch a short portion of the ballet on youtube, at this address.To make the evening very peculiar, before to go to the theater we had a really nice happy hour at Rebound Cafe’, in Piazza della Vittoria.
La pancia degli italiani
January 24, 2011 // Posted in free time, Pavia | 1 Comment
This evening we went to Collegio Ghislieri to meet Beppe Severgnini, a famous italian journalist presenting his last book “La pancia degli italiani – Berlusconi spiegato ai posteri” about our Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and about the reasons why so many italians are supporting him. Beppe Severgnini is a smart guy, able to point out many topics with an “english” humor we like a lot. But at the end of his presentation we were quite depressed because the picture of Italy that emerged, and that people from outside is able to catch (see the famous NYTimes article “A prisonner of the world that he created) is really sad…
Il mare d’inverno
January 22, 2011 // Posted in Travels | 1 Comment
A while ago our friends Matteo and Laura gave us a Smartbox, a really appreciated gift. We had to choose a place where to stay (among a long list of lovely proposals) and the box included the dinner, the night and the breakfast. After many months, we were able to choose the place where to stay (Locanda Borgo Antico), and so we passed two nice days in Liguria. We were very lucky because weather was great, and close to this Locanda we found many interesting places to be visited. Just to be schematic we went to
- Albenga, with a lovely “old town” just in the center
- Alassio, with a wonderful promenade and the famous “budello”
- Borgio Verezzi and the amazing Grotte di Borgio
- Finalborgo a wonderful “borgo”
- Finale Ligure, a nice city in front of the sea
As we said, we were lucky because of the weather, because of the nice “locanda” we choose (with a really exciting fish based dinner) and because of our friends Matteo and Laura, which are very kind with us. Thanks a lot for this gift so appreciated by sacchibelli’s… We really needed to escape from the daily routine at least for a short period….
Chocolate addicted
January 16, 2011 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Here at sacchibelli’s we love chocolate a lot, in all its “manifestations”. Unfortunately chocolate is not only extremely good, but also too much caloric, so we try to reduce as much as possible the amount of chocolate we eat, and we avoid to buy it if not for particular occasions. But last Christmas there was a strange and sweet convergence of chocolate-based gifts, so you can see in the picture the enormous amount of chocolate now available at sacchibelli’s place. We will try to ration it as much as possible, but this situation is quite risky, and we hope to avoid any “crisis”…. If you will not see this blog update anymore, probably it is because we made ourselves sick eating it…
Talmone se ne va…
January 8, 2011 // Posted in Pavia | 2 Comments
This morning, walking through the center, we stopped in front of “Talmone” a nice sweet and chocololate shop where you can find some very peculiar and extremely good products. Unfortunately the shop window was almost empty and the reason was that this “historic” store will close quite soon… This news made us quite sad, because “Talmone” is an “old way” store, a store with a “soul”, very different from the ones, very standard, that globalization pushes in our city. Stores that you can find all around the world, selling all the same things. But without a “soul”…
Spirito natalizio pavese
January 5, 2011 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
I was often told that at Christmas we are all good guys…. Sorry for the pedestrian translation of an italian figure of speech. However this is not always true, and walking through the center of Pavia it is possible to note some example… So it happens that someone stole Christmas ornamentation in front of a store, and not far from that place (in “via XX settembre”) you can read a “sign” against unknown person that use to bring his dog to dirty a children game machine. Not so good…
Il cammello di San Silvestro
January 1, 2011 // Posted in family | 1 Comment
Yesterday, for the last dinner of this year, Paolo and Luisa together with Giovanna (Silvia’s and Luisa’s mother) came at our place. We spent a lovely evening, eating and drinking in the wait of the new year. We also played a nice game whose goal was to “remember” the TV spot that characterized the eighty, the period when we were kids and we used to watch a lot of television. But the most characteristic element of the yesterday dinner was the french pastry camel that Paolo and Luisa brought. We never seen something similar, but it was really great. And together with the lovely cream Silvia prepared, we enjoyed an amazing dessert. Thanks a lot for joining us Paolo, Luisa and “mamma” Giovanna, and let’s hope that next year will be a good one…