You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2012.
Questioni di logica
March 25, 2012 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
Today, while we were walking through the “Parco della Vernavola” we noted this strange sign. Probably it means that under thirtheen and over sixty may fish, but its rigid interpretation could be more severe, because everyone is included in the category “> 13 y.o” and “< 60 y.o." ...
March 25, 2012 // Posted in flowers | No Comments
Spring time at the end arrived, and today weather was so warm that we had the sensation to be at the beginning of the summer. And after the winter, nature is coming back… So here you can see the first flower of the season from our yellow hibiscus
Le tortine zebrate
March 21, 2012 // Posted in celebrations, friends | No Comments
Today it was the birthday of our friend Antonio, and Silvia prepared for him a special version of the “zebra cake”. The result was very good (better than the tentative done by the male component some months ago, as reported qui), and Antonio was very happy. Let us wish him happy birthday also from the blog.
Merenda primaverile
March 19, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Grazie davvero per essere venuti a trovarci e un grazie particolare a Marina, Sofia e Leo, i tre bimbi che hanno animato la giornata.
Spring time is now very close so yesterday, although weather was not that beautiful, we invited some good friends at our place for a snack all together. So here you can see all the group in the picture. Thanks for coming, and a particular thank to Marina, Sofia and Leo, the three babies that made the afternoon very happy.
Un Audace(s) revival
March 18, 2012 // Posted in friends, Uncategorized | No Comments
After more than 5 years, we decided to play again a volleyball match. So for one evening, the famous Audaces was back to life. The sensations and the feeling was not that different compared to when we used to play together for many years, and at the end we ate a good pizza together.
Finale Ligure by bike
March 16, 2012 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Giovedi’, con gli ottimi Alessandro e Antonio, abbiamo deciso di trascorrere una giornata in bici anziche’ in ufficio. Cosi’, con la mitica Multipla a metano, e il bagagliaio carico di bici, ci siamo diretti in quel di Finale Ligure dove abbiamo ufficialmente iniziato la stagione ciclistica 2012. Un bel giro di 70 km, con partenza e arrivo proprio a Finale, dal mare fin su oltre quota 1000. Un giro certo impegnativo, specie considerando che l’allenamento non e’ proprio al top, ma decisamente ricco di emozioni. Che dire, grazie davvero ad Antonio e Alessandro per la splendida compagnia e i bei momenti vissuti assieme.
Last Thursday, together with my colleagues Antonio and Alessandro (aka Pesu), we decided to spend one day riding our bicycle instead of staying at the office. So we moved to Finale Ligure with the Multipla filled with our bicycles, and here we rode through a really nice route, up to 1000m, and then back to Finale Ligure. It was a great experience, also because we found a route with no traffic, and this made our ride fantastic.
Un pizza raduno
March 14, 2012 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Sometimes it happens that Silvia meets her “old” friends Fede, Dede, Ali (and Luisa, which actually is not only a friend, but also a sister). And often also the “guys” are invited. So this happened last Tuesday, when we ate a good pizza together listening Fede talking about her recent travel to India. And here you can see all the group in the picture.
The Artist
March 13, 2012 // Posted in free time | No Comments
Non capita spesso che noi si vada al cinema. Un po’ per pigrizia, un po’ perche’ a Pavia, sciaguratamente, la tendenza e’ chiudere i cinema in centro e aprire multisala in provincia. Fatto sta che ci si va di rado, ma solitamente si vedono bellissimi film, come e’ accaduto con “Il discorso del re” (vedi qui) e con “Milk” (vedi qui). E cosi’ e’ successo con “The Artist”, un film a dir poco delizioso, peraltro vincitore di parecchi premi Oscar. Il film e’ muto, ed in bianco e nero, ma riesce davvero a trasmettere delicatezza ed emozioni; con lo straordinario sorriso di George Valentin, il protagonista, e con l’irresistibile simpatia del cane Uggie.
We don’t go so often to movie theatre, usually only once per year. But the movies we choose to watch generally are very nice. This happened with “Il discorso del re” (see here) and “Milk” (see qui). The same happened yesterday, when we watched “The Artist”, a lovely movie that recently won many oscars. It is
Un’allegra merenda
March 11, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Eccoci quindi a trascorrere un bellissimo pomeriggio ad ammirare la splendida Alice e il meraviglioso Alessandro, mangiando qualche succulenta delizia sentendosi circondati e coccolati dalla sincera amicizia che ci lega. Grazie davvero, e alla prossima…
More than a year ago we had a great snack experience at Sivia’s and Michele’s place (see here) together with Alessandro and Luisa. Nevertheless it was more than a year that we were invited by Alessandro and Luisa at their place for a great dinner together with Michele and Silvia. So today, although with some delay, we were very happy to have all of them, together with their lovely babies, Alice and Alessandro, at our place. Thanks for coming and for being so special and kind with us.
L’autobus misterioso
March 11, 2012 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
This morning, during the classic Sunday walk, we noted something strange. Inside a building site there was a bus. And to make everything stranger, the bus is without plate, and carries the coat of arms of ATM, the public transportation society from Milan. Let’s next Sunday what we will find…