Birrifico Rurale di Cascina Calderari, facevano in effetti parte dei cadeaux natalizi da loro ricevuti. La serata avrebbe dovuto avere il suo clou nella sostituzione della lampada di retroilluminazione dello schermo del laptop di Luisa, ma diciamo che l’operazione e’ stata rimandata a momenti di maggior lucidita’. Dopo cena in effetti non ce la siamo sentita di seguire tutti i passaggi illustrati da questo sito.
Last Saturday we had both Paolo and Luisa here for a dinner. It was funny to prepare for them some great food (and drinks) they offered us as Christmas present: in particular we ate some great “pasta tricolore” with “sausage and barolo” sauce and we drunk a very special beer Paolo bought here. The plan was also to substitute the backlight ccfl lamp of Luisa’s laptop, but after dinner we were to tired to follow all the steps here mentioned, so we postponened the repairament…
Sabato scorso abbiamo avuto il piacere di avere a cena Paolo e Luisa. La cosa curiosa e’ che la cena che abbiamo offerto era quasi esclusivamente a base di prodotti che ci erano di recente stati regalati da Paolo e Luisa stessi: in particolare le ottime farfalle tricolori, con sugo di salsiccia al barolo (slurp), e la squisita birra artigianale del You are currently browsing the archives for January, 2012.
Farfalle tricolori
January 30, 2012 // Posted in food, friends | 1 Comment
L’ipod ritrovato
January 24, 2012 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
qui) il saluto al “vecchio” ipod nano di prima generazione (2G di memoria), richiamato dalla Apple per un difetto alla batteria, e il 24 gennaio siamo qui a raccontare che la Apple ha prontamente provveduto a spedire ai sacchibelli un ipod di sesta generazione (8G di memoria), in sostituzione. Diciamo che la procedura e’ stata efficiente, e il dispiacere per aver dovuto abbandonare un oggetto cui si era molto affezionati e’ stato parzialmente compensato da 6G di memoria in piu’.
In less than three weeks Apple sent back us a new Ipod (6th generation, 8G) to substitute the old one (1st generation, 2G), we gave them back because of a battery issue (see here). So we lost a really cool object that was a great gift we received, but we gained some giga of memory…
Il 3 gennaio avevamo descritto (vedi In less than three weeks Apple sent back us a new Ipod (6th generation, 8G) to substitute the old one (1st generation, 2G), we gave them back because of a battery issue (see here). So we lost a really cool object that was a great gift we received, but we gained some giga of memory…
Sperimentazioni gastronomiche
January 22, 2012 // Posted in food | No Comments
qui). Decisamente deliziose, oltre che fotogeniche. Non contenta del primo exploit, ha poi affrontato la preparazione della pizza ripiena, ispirata da questa ricetta. Che dire, un weeekend decisamente interessante anche per il sottoscritto, che ha gustato queste prelibatezze.
This weekend Silvia made two interesting gastronomic experiements. First of all, inspired by a recipe related to the food processor (see here), she prepared great chicken, mushroom and leeks crepes. She then found this interesting recipe about “filled” pizza, and she didn’t resist. And the results were very good. Great job Silvia!!!
Questo weekend Silvia ha deciso di sperimentare un po’ in cucina. E i risultati sono stati decisamente interessanti. Dapprima, ispirata da una ricetta trovata sul ricettario del robot da cucina, ha preparato delle ottime crespelle con ripieno di funghi, porri e pollo (vedi This weekend Silvia made two interesting gastronomic experiements. First of all, inspired by a recipe related to the food processor (see here), she prepared great chicken, mushroom and leeks crepes. She then found this interesting recipe about “filled” pizza, and she didn’t resist. And the results were very good. Great job Silvia!!!
Trapianto informatico
January 22, 2012 // Posted in computer | No Comments
It happens that also the objects you like a lot sometimes break. So also the old Silvia’s laptop became jelous of the new one and decided to stop to work. Hopefully, before to dismiss it, we realized that Fulvio, a friend of us, holds the same kind of laptop, so we were able to transplant the ram in it. Moreover we saved the hard disk (now used as external USB) and at the end, this makes less dramatic its discarding.
Pranzo in compagnia
January 15, 2012 // Posted in family, food | No Comments
Oggi a pranzo ci siamo ritrovati in otto intorno a una bella e ricca tavolata. Un pranzo domenicale coi parenti che si e’ rivelato decisamente piacevole e allegro. Coi racconti di papa’ Sacchi che hanno tenuto banco per quasi tutto il pomeriggio. Dagli antipasti al riso coi peperoni, passando per il lesso con le patate al latte, tantissima frutta, e lo squisito semifreddo alla nocciola portato da Paolo. Che dire, grazie a tutti per la bella giornata.
Today we went for a lunch at Enrico’s parents place spending a wonderfull day listening Beppe’s stories and eating great food.
L’azalea di gennaio
January 15, 2012 // Posted in flowers | No Comments
azalea da’ segni di squilibrio e a meta’ gennaio presenta una fioritura tanto bella quanto inaspettata.
Winter here in Pavia is not that cold as expected, at least till now. However all the plants that, in the other seasons, we have on the balcony, have been moved inside the apartment and the Azalea has decided that Spring time has come…
Che l’inverno quest’anno qui a Pavia non sia stato, almeno finora, particolarmente rigido, e’ cosa nota. Abbiamo si’ avuto un lungo periodo nebbioso, ma e’ da parecchio che ci godiamo comunque cielo azzurro e sole. Come ogni inverno comunque le piante che abbelliscono i nostri balconi in primavera e estate, vengono “parcheggiate” in casa, dove la temperatura, pur rispettando le direttive comunali, e’ decisamente piu’ mite che all’esterno. Tuttavia l’Winter here in Pavia is not that cold as expected, at least till now. However all the plants that, in the other seasons, we have on the balcony, have been moved inside the apartment and the Azalea has decided that Spring time has come…
Concorso (non a premi)
January 7, 2012 // Posted in food | 5 Comments
Here we are with a new kind of post; let’s ask you a question about the lovely cookies Silvia prepared this afternoon. They are shamrock shaped and, because of this, she decided to add an ingredient to make them green. Such an ingredient is completely natural (no artificial colouring). Do you have any idea about that? Obviously the few (lucky) persons that tonight will taste them will take advantage…
Cena a quattro
January 5, 2012 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Yesterday we went for a dinner at Teo’s place. We spent a lovely evening together with him and Tere (although both are Inter supporters….). Food, prepared by Teo, was great, and the dessert, prepared by his mom (an amazing creme caramel) was really fantastic. Thanks a lot!!!
Bye bye Ipod
January 3, 2012 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
Matteo e Valentina: un Ipod Nano di prima generazione. Lo abbiamo usato molto e ci siamo affezionati parecchio all’oggetto. Tuttavia pochi giorni fa abbiamo ricevuto da Apple la comunicazione che a causa di un possibile (ma improbabile) surriscaldamento della batteria, e’ iniziato un programma di sostituzione (vedi qui). Non e’ ben chiaro se riceveremo in cambio un Ipod identico o uno piu’ recente, ma il legame affettivo era forte. Speriamo bene. Per ora l’abbiamo imbustato nella busta dell’UPS e domani parte per l’Olanda….
As you know, we don’t like too much Apple philosophy. However some years ago we received as a gift from our friends Matteo and Valentina a 1st generation Ipod nano. We used it a lot and we like it. But recently we were informed by Apple that it has to be replaced because of a possible battery overheat (see here). So now we received all the details to send it back to Apple and in few weeks we should receive a replace for it (same generation? newer one?). Maybe we will receive something better, but from the emotional point of view, we were very attached to it…
Come voi sapete qui dai sacchibelli non amiamo molto la filosofia Apple. Tuttavia qualche anno fa abbiamo ricevuto uno regalo speciale da parte dei nostri amici As you know, we don’t like too much Apple philosophy. However some years ago we received as a gift from our friends Matteo and Valentina a 1st generation Ipod nano. We used it a lot and we like it. But recently we were informed by Apple that it has to be replaced because of a possible battery overheat (see here). So now we received all the details to send it back to Apple and in few weeks we should receive a replace for it (same generation? newer one?). Maybe we will receive something better, but from the emotional point of view, we were very attached to it…
Buon 2012
January 1, 2012 // Posted in celebrations, family | No Comments
Il primo dell’anno e’ giorno di relax, in cui si ripensa a cio’ che l’anno vecchio si e’ portato via, e si cerca di immaginare cosa il nuovo anno portera’. Noi ci siamo limitati a trascorrerlo in famiglia, approfittando dell’invito a pranzo a casa della mamma di Silvia e di Luisa. Capodanno trascorso serenamente, con cibo ottimo e abbondante. Ed ecco la prima foto dei sacchibelli nel 2012. Buon anno.
When the New Years begins, usually it is normal to think to what happened in the past and to make some good proposal for the new one. Here at sacchibelli we didn’t do anything special, but we just had a great lunch at Silvia’s mother place. And about the new year, let’s hope that it will be good. For now let’s share the first sacchibelli picture of the year…