Il cammello di San Silvestro

January 1, 2011 // Posted in family  

Il cammello di pasta sfoglia

Ieri sera, San Silvestro, l’ultimo giorno dell’anno, Paolo e Luisa, con Giovanna, la mamma di Silvia e Luisa, sono venuti a cena qui dai sacchibelli. E’ stata una serata tranquilla ma piacevole, trascorsa mangiando (e bevendo) in compagnia, giocando a un interessante gioco che consisteva nel ricordare gli spot TV degli anni 80, e brindando al nuovo anno, fiduciosi e speranzosi che possa essere un bell’anno. Anziche’ il classico pandoro o panettone, il dolce che Paolo e Luisa hanno portato, si e’ rivelato essere un originale (e buonissimo) cammello di pasta sfoglia. La crema al mascarpone (non propriamente ipocalorica) preparata da Silvia e’ stato l’abbinamento ideale, e cosi’ il cenone 2010 verra’ ricordato per il simpatico cammello. E non poteva mancare la fatidica foto di gruppo (puurtroppo senza mamma Giovanna…)

Silvia, Enrico, Luisa e Paolo

Yesterday, for the last dinner of this year, Paolo and Luisa together with Giovanna (Silvia’s and Luisa’s mother) came at our place. We spent a lovely evening, eating and drinking in the wait of the new year. We also played a nice game whose goal was to “remember” the TV spot that characterized the eighty, the period when we were kids and we used to watch a lot of television. But the most characteristic element of the yesterday dinner was the french pastry camel that Paolo and Luisa brought. We never seen something similar, but it was really great. And together with the lovely cream Silvia prepared, we enjoyed an amazing dessert. Thanks a lot for joining us Paolo, Luisa and “mamma” Giovanna, and let’s hope that next year will be a good one…

This entry was posted on January 1, 2011 at 5:58 pm and is filed under family. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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