Qui il quasi 4-enne Lorenzo e’ in piena fase “dinosauro” e per l’imminente compleanno mamma Silvia sta sperimentando per trovare la torta piu’ adatta. La crostata “paleozoica” di oggi e’ tra le migliori candidate… Ed e’ anche buonissima….
Lorenzo is almost turning 4, and in this phase he is a dinosaurs fanatic. Silvia is trying to identify which is the best birthday cake, and the “crostata paleozoica” she prepared today is probably the good solution. And it is also pretty good.
You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2016.
Crostata paleozoica
March 29, 2016 // Posted in celebrations, food | No Comments
Pasqua con i tuoi
March 28, 2016 // Posted in celebrations, family | No Comments
L’anno scorso (vedi qui) eravamo andati a Sestri Levante. Quest’anno abbiamo preferito restare tranquilli a casa a sbrigare un po’ di faccende e a divertirci coi bimbi. Il giorno di Pasqua e’ iniziato con la rituale apertura delle uova, con Lorenzo particolarmente attivo e su di giri. E poi ci siamo concessi un pranzo un po’ piu’ “decoroso” del solito, pranzando tutti assieme e gustando dell’ottimo risotto (con peperoni e prosciutto) e un arrosto con patate. Puo’ sembrare una Pasqua banale, ma a noi e’ piaciuta davvero tanto. Buona Pasqua a tutti!!!
Last year we went at the sea (see here), while this year we preferred to stay at home during Easter vacation. This morning we started with a lot of chocolate eggs to be “broken”, and we had a nice day staying all together. The lunch was something special (compared to our recent standard) with a great risotto con peperoni e prosciutto, and a good roast with potatoes. Maybe it doesn’t sound amazing, but we enjoyed a lot this day all together.
Last year we went at the sea (see here), while this year we preferred to stay at home during Easter vacation. This morning we started with a lot of chocolate eggs to be “broken”, and we had a nice day staying all together. The lunch was something special (compared to our recent standard) with a great risotto con peperoni e prosciutto, and a good roast with potatoes. Maybe it doesn’t sound amazing, but we enjoyed a lot this day all together.
Pausa pranzo a Certosa
March 24, 2016 // Posted in bike, Pavia | No Comments
La primavera ormai e’ arrivata, e in questi giorni di cielo azzurro, abbiamo deciso (Enrico e Silvia) di spendere la nostra pausa pranzo con una bella pedalata fino a Certosa, lungo l’alzaia. Niente di eclatante, certo, ma comunque molto piacevole, ad ammirare uno straordinario monumento, e a goderci qualche attimo di relax e tranquillita’ insieme, mangiando anche un ottimo panino con la coppa. Da ripetere!!!
Last Tuesday together with Silvia, we rode to Certosa during our lunch break. Weather was great, and we decided to go to see the beautiful Monastery, staying in a quiet atmosphere for a while. The experience was very good, also because we found a good place where to have a great “panino alla coppa”.
Last Tuesday together with Silvia, we rode to Certosa during our lunch break. Weather was great, and we decided to go to see the beautiful Monastery, staying in a quiet atmosphere for a while. The experience was very good, also because we found a good place where to have a great “panino alla coppa”.
50 anni
March 20, 2016 // Posted in celebrations, family | No Comments
Che Marco, il fratello della componente maschile adulta di casa Sacchibelli, abbia compiuto cinquant’anni, non e’ di per se grave. Piu’ grave e’ che questo significhi che la componente maschile adulta di casa Sacchibelli e’ avviata verso i 45 anni. Ma a parte il constastare un po’ tristemente lo scorrere del tempo, oggi in realta’ e’ stata una giornata di festa, con un pranzo in compagnia di tanti amici e conoscenti, proprio per celebrare i 50 anni di Marco. Il cibo e’ stato notevole e la torta di compleanno decisamente sorprendente. Grazie!!!
Today we went for a lunch at “Oratorio del Carmine” to celebrate the 50th birthday of uncle Marco. Fifty years starts to be an impressive age, but hopefully the adult male component of Sacchibelli family is five years younger. And, however, Marco looks younger than fifty. The lunch was great, and the cake very impressive. Thanks!!!
Today we went for a lunch at “Oratorio del Carmine” to celebrate the 50th birthday of uncle Marco. Fifty years starts to be an impressive age, but hopefully the adult male component of Sacchibelli family is five years younger. And, however, Marco looks younger than fifty. The lunch was great, and the cake very impressive. Thanks!!!
Il ballo dei panettoni
March 15, 2016 // Posted in bike, Pavia | No Comments
Succede che nella poco ciclabile Pavia ci sia uno sforzo, da parte dell’amministrazione, di rendere la vita piu’ semplice a chi, come pedoni e ciclisti, tipicamente deve convivere (soffrendo) con le troppe (e troppo indisciplinate) automobili. Sia ben chiaro, lo sforzo e’ minimo e finora non ha prodotto nulla di concreto. Ma coltiviamo la speranza che qualcosa stia cambiando. Un piccolo segnale potrebbe essere l’atenzione con cui l’assessore alla mobilita’ ha prontamente fatto risistemare i “panettoni” che delimitano una zona chiusa al traffico. Certo, e’ triste che tra gli automobilisti ci sia chi e’ cosi’ arrogante da violare una (rarissima) zona vietata al traffico, ad evidentemente testimonianza del fatto che chi dovrebbe controllare (la polizia municipale) ha evidentemente altro da fare e si ha la quasi certezza di non essere sanzionati, qualunque sia la regola che si viola. Ad ogni modo, onore all’assessore che, in poche ore ha fatto risistemare il panettone… Sperabilmente in modo definitivo.
Pavia is for sure not a safe place for bicycles. Cars are everywhere, and there is an excessive tolerance versus cars violations. However let’s be optimistic and let’s at least appreciate how fast reacted the “mobility council member” when I sent him the picture you see on top, where a “panettone” was placed inside a bike path to allow cars to go inside a forbidden zone. In few hours everything was corrected, hopefully in a final way.
Pavia is for sure not a safe place for bicycles. Cars are everywhere, and there is an excessive tolerance versus cars violations. However let’s be optimistic and let’s at least appreciate how fast reacted the “mobility council member” when I sent him the picture you see on top, where a “panettone” was placed inside a bike path to allow cars to go inside a forbidden zone. In few hours everything was corrected, hopefully in a final way.
Serata spagnola
March 13, 2016 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Questa sera abbiamo cenato da Carmen e Giuseppe, con i loro Lorenzo (grande) e Giulia. E come tutte le volte che stiamo con loro, trascorriamo sempre momenti molto speciali. Poi stasera Carmen, aiutata da Giuseppe e anche da Lorenzo grande si e’ superata esibendosi in una cena a tema spagnolo. I bimbi si sono comportati tutto sommato bene (Giulia e Lorenzo piccolo sono compagni di materna e hanno giocato insieme tutta sera), e noi ci sentiamo ormai di famiglia quando siamo con loro…. Grazie davvero.
Lorenzo (grande), Bea e papa’ Enrico alle prese con la cena spagnola[/caption]This evening we had dinner at Giuseppe’s and Carmen’s place, together with their lovely sons, Lorenzo (the big) and Giulia. The dinner was spanish inspired, and it was amazing. Sangria, paella, tortilla… everything was perfect. Thanks Carmen and Giuseppe, when we are with you we feel like a home…. we consider you as a part of our family. Thanks for your kindness.
Lorenzo (grande), Bea e papa’ Enrico alle prese con la cena spagnola[/caption]This evening we had dinner at Giuseppe’s and Carmen’s place, together with their lovely sons, Lorenzo (the big) and Giulia. The dinner was spanish inspired, and it was amazing. Sangria, paella, tortilla… everything was perfect. Thanks Carmen and Giuseppe, when we are with you we feel like a home…. we consider you as a part of our family. Thanks for your kindness.
Social compleanni
March 6, 2016 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
La vita sociale coi bimbi e’ interessante. Ora che Lorenzo si avvia verso i 4 anni, le sue amicizie, tra scuola materna, oratorio e piscina, crescono esponenzialmente. Stiamo cosi’ entrando nel vortice delle feste di compleanno; sara’ che sono comunque le prime, ma per ora sono esperienze positive e interessanti, anche a livello sociale per gli adulti. Oggi abbiamo partecipato alla festa di Giorgio, compagno di nuoto di Lorenzo, ed abbiamo trascorso un allegro pomeriggio, insieme a tanti bimbi (scatenati) e con la possibilita’ di stare con amici a chiacchierare un po’. Direi ottima festa, grazie Giorgio (e famiglia) per l’invito.
Little Lorenzo is growing, and his life starts to be very social. Today he was invited to a party to celebrate Giorgio’s birthday, a swimming-mate. It was a great afternoon, with a lot of babies, and a lot of fun, also for the parents. In fact here we found some friends because also their babies were invited to the same party. And it was nice to talk each other. Happy birthday Giorgio!!!!
Little Lorenzo is growing, and his life starts to be very social. Today he was invited to a party to celebrate Giorgio’s birthday, a swimming-mate. It was a great afternoon, with a lot of babies, and a lot of fun, also for the parents. In fact here we found some friends because also their babies were invited to the same party. And it was nice to talk each other. Happy birthday Giorgio!!!!