You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2011.
Focaccia alle cipolle
July 31, 2011 // Posted in food | 1 Comment
Viva la focaccia) e bisogna dire che i risultati sono stati decisamente confortanti. E presto proveremo altri tipi di focaccia.
Considering that we had a large amount of onions in our refrigerator, we decided to use them. So, looking at this interesting website (Viva la focaccia), we deside to try the “focaccia con cipolle”. We followed that recipe, and the results were very encouraging. We will explore more focaccia recipes in the future…
Essendo che in casa c’era abbondanza di cipolle, stamattina, sfruttando le temperature inusualmente miti considerando che siamo in estate, ci siamo cimentati nella mitica focaccia alle cipolle. La ricetta e’ stata presa da questo interessante sito (Considering that we had a large amount of onions in our refrigerator, we decided to use them. So, looking at this interesting website (Viva la focaccia), we deside to try the “focaccia con cipolle”. We followed that recipe, and the results were very encouraging. We will explore more focaccia recipes in the future…
Tortine alle pere
July 30, 2011 // Posted in food | No Comments
qui e qui, ad esempio), il giusto mix tra semplicita’ e bonta’. Cosi’ anche stavolta, avendo a disposizione delle pere coscia, abbiamo cercato di replicare la ricetta trovata nel suo fantastico libro Regali golosi, ricette dolci e salate per tutto l’anno, creando cosi’ uno squisito tortino alle pere. Non sappiamo se la foto renda o meno giustizia, ma dobbiamo riconoscere che ci sono piaciuti davvero un sacco…
We usually are inspired by the lovely book Regali golosi, ricette dolci e salate per tutto l’anno because we like the mix of simplicity and excellence of the recipes of Sigrid Verbert. This times too, having some little pear available, we tried her special pear cackes. Although the pictures is probably not perfect, they were great….
Spesso ci e’ capitato di ispirarci ai dolci di Sigrid Verbert (vedi We usually are inspired by the lovely book Regali golosi, ricette dolci e salate per tutto l’anno because we like the mix of simplicity and excellence of the recipes of Sigrid Verbert. This times too, having some little pear available, we tried her special pear cackes. Although the pictures is probably not perfect, they were great….
Un giorno ad Alassio
July 29, 2011 // Posted in friends, Travels | No Comments
Luca, Laura and little Edo are staying this month in Alassio, in vacation. They kindly invited us to join them, and yesterday we decided to take a vacation day and we spent it with them. We were lucky enough because weather was very good, and we enjoyed to stay with them in a lovely place. Edo is really a fantastic baby, and we had a lot of fun with him. We also had a delicious lunch together and we also swam a little bit in the sea. Thanks for sharing with us such a lovely day. And we will wait at our place for the traditional “gelato”
Matteo e Vassy
July 23, 2011 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
qui); essendo pero’ Matteo molto goloso di bottarga non ha saputo resistere all’ultimo richiamo e cosi’ eccoli ancora qui con noi, per una bella serata trascorsa insieme a parlare (poco) di lavoro (Matteo e Silvia sono colleghi) e tanto di tutto il resto. E ovviamente a gustare i bucatini alla bottarga che sembra siano piaciuti parecchio. Grazie ancora per la bella serata.
Matteo and Vassy (Valassia) are two friends of us who came at our place some time ago (see here). But when we realized that Matteo loves a lot bottarga, we invited them to prepare our special “bucatini alla bottarga”. The evening was really nice and we thank you a lot, Matteo and Vassy, for joining us.
Matteo e Vassy (Valassia) sono due cari amici che gia’ erano venuti a trovarci qualche tempo fa (vedi Matteo and Vassy (Valassia) are two friends of us who came at our place some time ago (see here). But when we realized that Matteo loves a lot bottarga, we invited them to prepare our special “bucatini alla bottarga”. The evening was really nice and we thank you a lot, Matteo and Vassy, for joining us.
Insuperabile linux
July 21, 2011 // Posted in computer | No Comments
Linux did it again. As you know we are enthusiastic linux users and we don’t care if the rest of the world prefers to use Windows or Apple systems. However it is cool when some Windows users ask help to us. In the particular case, a colleague was no more able to access his USB disk from any Windows machine he tried. While with linux it was so easy….
Segnaletica imbarazzante
July 18, 2011 // Posted in bike, Pavia | No Comments
Non sappiamo se la causa di questo sfacelo sia dovuto all’inadeguatezza dei controlli, o a un’incomprensibile tolleranza, fatto sta che ormai si convive rassegnati con questo tipo di soprusi. Spesso si dice pero’ che non c’e’ limite al peggio, e osservare che di recente il Comune di Pavia ha sposato la causa delle rotonde cittadine, non e’ certo una buona notizia per pedoni e ciclisti. Se poi le striscie pedonali vengono disegnate, con non poca superficialita’, in corrispondenza di “regolari” parcheggi sul marciapiede, viene da pensare che certi lavori pubblici vengono svolti con ingiustificata superficialita’. E poco importa se, dopo apposita segnalazione, le striscie blu del parcheggio sono state rimosse. La citta’ e’ ancora stracolma di barriere architettoniche, e non sembra che questo sia un problema primario per chi ci governa.
We often talked about how hard is life for pedestrian and cyclists in Italy, and more specifically here in Pavia. Always, when we travel around the world, we see that a safer world is possible, we see that it is possible to limit the terrific obtrusiveness of cars and car drivers. It is a cultural problem, someone says. It is because there is no adequate control from policeman, or because there is a not understandable (at least to me) tolerance. However, when recently pedestrian crossings were drawn in correspondence of a “regular” parking on the sidewalk, I realized that there is no sensitivity towards pedestrians, and a great approximation in the way public works are realized.
The fact that after reporting this critical issue, car parking has been prohibited thus allowing pedestrian to cross, is only a partial consolation…
Un gelato con i nubendi
July 16, 2011 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Alice and Filippo are really dear friends, and last Thursday they came to our place to officially announce their wedding, next October. We already knew about that, but now it is official. And again we had the confirmation that it is very nice for us to share some time with them. We ate a great “gelato” they brought, and then we told each others about our recents vacations in the US (we visited the west coast, while they went to Florida). It is very nice to see them so happy; good luck for everything, and thanks again for your friendship.
Bottarga e amici
July 12, 2011 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
bottarga, avendo ricevuto in omaggio bel pezzo di questo squisito alimento. Abbiamo cosi’ deciso di condividere questa delizia con due cari amici e colleghi, entrambi provenienti da posti di mare, per trascorrere una serata in compagnia. Ecco allora che sia Carlo (pugliese, ma giramondo) e Piero (nientepopodimeno che dalla costiera amalfitana) ci hanno fatto visita e con loro abbiamo trascorso momenti davvero piacevoli. Grazie ancora per esserci venuti a trovare e per aver condiviso con noi una serata davvero speciale.
P.S.Anche se il clou della cenetta e’ stata la bottarga, degno di nota e’ stato anche il liquore “artigianale” portato da Piero, il “concierto”, una vera squisitezza.
Yesterday we decided to prepare a “bottarga” based dinner (bucatini alla bottarga, in particular). In fact we received, as a gift, a lovely piece of “bottarga di tonno” and we decide to invite at our place to friends of us, both coming from villages close to the sea. So we had both Piero (from Amalfi) and Carlo (from Puglia) together with us, and we shared a really lovely evening. The food was great, but above all we appreciated the kind friendship of Piero and Carlo. Thanks a lot for joining us and for being so special to us.
Ieri sera abbiamo deciso di preparare una cenetta incentrata sugli spaghetti (bucatini in realta’) alla P.S.Anche se il clou della cenetta e’ stata la bottarga, degno di nota e’ stato anche il liquore “artigianale” portato da Piero, il “concierto”, una vera squisitezza.
Yesterday we decided to prepare a “bottarga” based dinner (bucatini alla bottarga, in particular). In fact we received, as a gift, a lovely piece of “bottarga di tonno” and we decide to invite at our place to friends of us, both coming from villages close to the sea. So we had both Piero (from Amalfi) and Carlo (from Puglia) together with us, and we shared a really lovely evening. The food was great, but above all we appreciated the kind friendship of Piero and Carlo. Thanks a lot for joining us and for being so special to us.
Vecchi incontri…
July 5, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
The male component of Sacchibelli knew Danilo and Gianfranco almost 15 years ago. He was a young Ph.D. student, while they were graduating. Ivan was my boss, and together we started to work in the RFIC world. It was nice and exciting, and although now we are working for different companies, the friendship is still strong. And it is nice to spend some time all together, as it happened this evening, for an appetizer with Gianfranco, for a short period back to Italy.
Con la Dany in Oltrepo’
July 3, 2011 // Posted in friends | 2 Comments
Dany e’ la nostra amica di Portland, che a volte irrompe nel nostro blog (vedi qui, qui, qui) e che recentemente abbiamo incontrato proprio in quel di Portland (vedi qui). In questo weekend, approfittando del periodo che sta trascorrendo in Italia, e’ venuta a trovarci. Cosi’ ne abbiamo approfittato per trascorrere una bella giornata in Oltrepo’. Ed e’ stata davvero una bella giornata. Dopo la sosta a Varzi e all’Eremo di Sant’Alberto di Butrio, ci siamo fermati all’Agriturismo I Due Camini per un pranzo che si e’ rivelato davvero speciale; ecco il menu’
Dany is our friend from Portland and sometimes it happens that she comes at our place (see here, here, here). We visited her last month in Portland, and during his period here in Italy today she visited us again. And this made us very happy. So, we decided to spend the whole day within Oltrepo’, stopping at Varzi and at Sant’Alberto di Butrio. We then had an amazing lunch at Agriturismo I Due Camini, a lovely place, managed by lovely persons. We strongly suggest it.
After the lunch we stopped at Montesegale, famous for a really fantastic castle, and then at Zavattarello, with another famous castle. The evening came soon, and we really enjoyed this day spent together. Thanks for coming Dany, and we hope to see you again soon.
La - Salumi dell’Otrepò, tortino alle erbette e ricotta, zucchine ripiene al forno
- Risotto ai fiori di zucca
- Pollo ruspante con erbe aromatiche
- Ratatuille di verdure di stagione
- Crostata di albicocche, panna cotta con lamponi
Che dire, davvero notevole, il tutto accompagnato dalla squisita cortesia dei proprietari, e dalla bellezza del locale. Caldamente consigliato!!!
Lasciato l’agriturismo, abbiamo poi proseguito per Montesegale, dove abbiamo ammirato lo straordinario castello (purtroppo chiuso) e infine abbiamo fatto tappa a Zavattarello, uno dei borghi piu’ belli d’Italia, con visita guidata all’imponente castello.
La sera e’ arrivata in fretta e abbiamo cosi’ salutato Daniela. Grazie davvero per essere passata a trovarci e grazie per i bei momenti trascorsi insieme. Ti aspettiamo presto.
Dany is our friend from Portland and sometimes it happens that she comes at our place (see here, here, here). We visited her last month in Portland, and during his period here in Italy today she visited us again. And this made us very happy. So, we decided to spend the whole day within Oltrepo’, stopping at Varzi and at Sant’Alberto di Butrio. We then had an amazing lunch at Agriturismo I Due Camini, a lovely place, managed by lovely persons. We strongly suggest it.
After the lunch we stopped at Montesegale, famous for a really fantastic castle, and then at Zavattarello, with another famous castle. The evening came soon, and we really enjoyed this day spent together. Thanks for coming Dany, and we hope to see you again soon.