You are currently browsing the archives for February, 2012.
Pizza km 0
February 29, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
E a giugno, quando il Teo, con tutta la famiglia stavolta, ripassera’ da queste parti, siamo sicuri che riusciremo a coinvolgere un gruppo un po’ piu’ folto.
At least once a year Teo di Contafamily comes back to Italy and usually we meet with some old schoolmates for a good lunch or dinner. Unfortunately this time only Flavio and the sacchibellis were able to join Teo, who was available only last Monday. However we spent together a really nice evening, and we hope that next June, when Teo will come back with all the family, we will be able to meet with more schoolmates.
C’e’ speranza
February 25, 2012 // Posted in computer | 3 Comments
Few days ago our friend Angelo called us to ask help in the installation of Linux on Camilla’s (his 6 y.o daughter) netbook. Surprisingly Camilla’s school is starting a program to promote open source software within the children. And we were very happy to help Angelo and Camilla. And after few hours, here we go, with a lovely Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) perfectly running on Toshiba nb550d.
February 25, 2012 // Posted in bike | No Comments

This blog supports the twitter campaign #salvaiciclisti, originated by a campaign of “The Times” to protect cyclist against dangers due to heavy trafic. In the last 10 years 27.000 cyclist were killed in UK, and starting from this crazy number, “The Times” started its sensibilitation activity. Such a campaign is spreaded over the world trough #salvaciclisti is very popular in Italy too, where the situation for cyclist is ever worst than in UK. Let’s hope that something will change…
Una birra come ai vecchi tempi…
February 25, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last year we started this experiment: to meet at least once at season with the old friends of the “Oratorio”. And season after season (see here and here), this is happening. So thursday night we went out for a beer and we spent a lovely evening, with the presence of Marco too, our world-traveller friend. And let’s hope that next season also who was not able to attend this time, will join us.
Un risotto senza piu’ lacrime
February 19, 2012 // Posted in food | 1 Comment
We love “risotto” and today we prepared a special risotto with “pasta di salame” and beans. It was great but it will be remembered mainly because, to brown the onions, we didn’t cry. Paolo suggested to clog up the nose while cutting onions. We were a little bit sceptical, but at the end, this trick worked well. And we enjoyed our first “risotto” without tears.
Pattinaggio inusuale
February 11, 2012 // Posted in Pavia, weather | No Comments
Few posts ago we already mentioned that the naviglio’s surface started to ice. But after a week of extra cold weather, with the addition of some snow, now the ice layer seems to be very solid. And someone started to walk on it….
Una pizza con Antonio
February 9, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
When our friend Antonio comes to our place, it is always a nice moment for us. And although last Monday there was no any PC to convert from Windows to Linux, as it happened in the past (see here and here), it was however a really nice evening. And here there is the classic photo.
Trovando sacchibelli
February 5, 2012 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Analytics e’ un interessante servizio di Google per analizzare i dati relativi al traffico su un sito web. Tale servizio e’ evidentemente pensato per scopi commerciali ma applicarlo al nostro blog e’ comunque un esperimento interessante. Ad esempio ci si accorge che Sacchibelli riceve mediamente 20 visite al giorno (il che non e’ poco), si scopre che il browser piu’ usato da chi ci visita e’ Firefox (e non Internet Explorer) e che la percentuale di utenti linux che visita sacchibelli raggiunge circa il 20%; non male.
Ma la cosa piu’ divertente e’ leggere le chiavi di ricerca, alcune delle quali davvero bizzarre, con cui i visitatori sono capitati su sacchibelli; e l’ammirazione per l’algoritmo di google aumenta sempre di piu’… Ecco le chiavi di ricerca utilizzate nell’ultimo mese….
Analytics is a Google service that allow you analyze your website traffic. It is obviously for commercial use, but to apply it to our blog is in some way interesting and funny. So we discovered that we have at least 20 visit each day (and this is quite impressive) and, for example, our visitors prefer to browse the web with Firefox and Linux users are quite impressive (roughly 20%). But the funny part is to give a look at the keywords that have been used and that Google redirected to our blog… Here is the list…
Parola chiave, Visite
1 sacchibelli, 33
2, 12
3 antipasti natale, 7
4 orchidea, 6
5 trasloco, 4
6 www,, 3
7 auto+pedoni, 2
8 coprire graffi mobili, 2
9 ‘mare d”inverno’, 2
10 omini pan di zenzero, 2
11 sacchi belli, 2
12 trasloco divertente, 2
13 “regali golosi”, 1
14 “treni svizzeri”, 1
15 (not provided), 1
16 anna costa camini, 1
17 antipasto natale, 1
18 aperitivo pavia, 1
19 arch linux, 1
20 ‘aspettando l”help desk’, 1
21 autunno in canada, 1
22 balcone fiorito, 1
23 base di biscotto budini, 1
24 bereguardo biodinamica, 1
25 biscotti natalizi decorati, 1
26 biscotti occhi di bue ricetta, 1
27 biscottini pan di zenzero, 1
28 calze infradito, 1
29 castello di zavattarello, 1
30 chi controlla i controllori platone, 1
31 chillon silvia, 1
32 ciambella marmorizzata, 1
33 cielo blu, 1
34 cinnamon rolls, 1
35 controllo polizia locale spidd ceke, 1
36 decorazioni omini pan di zenzero, 1
37 destra sinistra, 1
38 dinosauri pavia, 1
39 ‘e”sempre qui la festa screen’, 1
40 eremo santalberto di butrio, 1
41 ericini, 1
42 foto comitiva vacanza, 1
43 i sacchibelli, 1
44 infradito e calzini, 1
45 installazione linux mint 11, 1
46 kenwood robot winter 2008, 1
47 kernel 3.1 bios, 1
48 ‘la maison d”epice pavia’, 1
49 lattina simbolo acc, 1
50 laura edo luca, 1
51 lausanne microelectronics august, 1
52 linux, 1
53 linux mint 12, 1
54 ‘mare d”inverno foto’, 1
55 marvell pavia, 1
56 negozio dolci, 1
57 omino biscottino, 1
58 omino pan di zenzero, 1
59 opere santiago calatrava, 1
60 orchidea immagini, 1
61 papa pavia, 1
62 pasticceria trapani colicchia, 1
63 pesce al forno, 1
64 phalenopsys non fiorisce, 1
65 piacere culinario, 1
66 pinguino usb, 1
67 pizza tra amiche, 1
68 pizzette con taleggio pecorino mela e miele, 1
69 plum cake marmorizzato, 1
70 poggio ferrato -val di nizza, 1
71 ps â agriturismo âi due caminiâ, 1
72 pupazzo di babbo nay, 1
73 rebound pavia happy hour notte san silvestro, 1
74 regali golosi, 1
75 ricetta gingerbread biscuits, 1
76 rompicapo in legno diy, 1
77 sacchibel, 1
78 sacchiberlli, 1
79, 1
80 sachibelli, 1
81 salamella, 1
82 scelta kenwood o kitchenaid, 1
83 sesto calende, 1
84 silvia enrico sposi, 1
85 silvia primroses, 1
86 smartguy, 1
87 tavola apparecchiata con formaggio e frutta, 1
88 torta marmorizzata, 1
89 torta mirtilli, 1
90 torte da fare in casa, 1
91 torte maschili, 1
92 trattoria lodigiana, 1
93 una torta maschile, 1
94 vecchi televisori accatastati, 1
95 vetrine di natale abbigliamento, 1
96 zabaione, 1
Until few days ago we had, here in Pavia, a winter season quite mild. No snow, no rain, not so cold. But in the last few days weather is effectively getting worse and after many years we have seen the “naviglio” icing, at list on the surface. Hopefully not enough to do icescating, but it conveys the sensation of cold.