Quasi tre anni fa eravamo stati a Poggio a trovare Luca e Chiara. Anna, allora, aveva un anno o poco piu’. Lorenzo due mesetti abbondanti (vedi qui). Un po’ di tempo e’ passato… Di cose ne sono successe. Ma di certo Anna e Lorenzo sono cresciuti tantissimo e sono diventati irresistibili monelli. E’ arrivata Beatrice, nel frattempo, e chissa’…Grazie per il bel pomeriggio trascorso assieme. E grazie anche per averci fatto scoprire gli ottimi formaggi di capra di Pizzocorno.
After three years we were back at Luca’s house in Poggio Ferrato. Here we spent a lovely afternoon all together, and it was amazing to see how both Anna and Lorenzo grew up. Moreover, the little Beatrice is present now and in the future some good news will arrive from Luca and Chiara too. Thanks for everything, and also for bringing us to Pizzogorno to taste and buy some amazing goat cheese.
You are currently browsing the archives for May, 2015.
A Poggio Ferrato
May 31, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Una serata social
May 27, 2015 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Era da un po’ che, pur essendo Beatrice molto brava e dolce, e pur essendo Lorenzo ormai un ometto, non trascorrevamo una sera in compagnia di amici. Il timore di rompere i ritmi, sempre delicati, dei due marmocchi, in particolare di Beatrice, ci ha frenato un po’. Ma questa sera abbiamo voluto provare, e abbiamo goduto della compagnia, oltre che di Antonio e Maurizio, anche di zio Paolo e zia Lulu’. Che dire, una serata davvero speciale… Grazie!!!
After a while Sacchibelli come back to their social life. This evening we were just planning to eat pizza together with Antonio and Maurizio; but then also Paolo and Lulu’ joined us, and this made the dinner a special and social event. Thanks a lot to all of you!!!
After a while Sacchibelli come back to their social life. This evening we were just planning to eat pizza together with Antonio and Maurizio; but then also Paolo and Lulu’ joined us, and this made the dinner a special and social event. Thanks a lot to all of you!!!
Il fascino dei pompieri
May 23, 2015 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
We recently visited Pompieropoli, and Lorenzo was very excited. But this morning we met our friend firefighter Lorenzo in front of the station, and he invited us to try the hook-and-latter, also speaking at the radio…. Thanks a lot firefighter Lorenzo…
May 21, 2015 // Posted in weather | No Comments
A volte la bellezza della natura e’ davvero sorprendente… E un pomeriggio con cielo nuvoloso e alternanza di sole e pioggia si tinge, per pochi attimi, dei colori dell’arcobaleno. E cogliere lo stupore negli occhi di Lorenzo, ipnotizzato da questa magia, trasmette gioia e invidia per la spontaneita’ con cui i bimbi guardano al mondo.
It was sunny this morning, and then started to rain… And then the sun came back again… Ideal situation for a rainbow, and in fact, before dinner, we noticed this lovely and coulored rainbow. Something magic for a baby like Lorenzo, really surprised and excited because of this.
It was sunny this morning, and then started to rain… And then the sun came back again… Ideal situation for a rainbow, and in fact, before dinner, we noticed this lovely and coulored rainbow. Something magic for a baby like Lorenzo, really surprised and excited because of this.
May 19, 2015 // Posted in Lorenzo | 2 Comments
Come tutti i bambini, anche Lorenzo adora i pompieri. Sono gli unici il cui fascino e’ paragonabile a quello dei mezzi della nettezza urbana che svuotano i cassonetti e puliscono le strade. Cosi’ domenica scorsa non potevamo perdere l’evento di Pompieropoli, all’interno del “Bambinfestival“, nonostante la lunga attesa in coda. E alla fine il piccolo Lorenzo era ovviamente molto felice e orgoglioso di aver spento il fuoco e salvato un gattino (di peluche)
Lorenzo, as almost all the little boys, love firefighters. So, last Sunday, we had to go to Pompieropoli, an event where actual firefighters introduced little boys to their activities. And Lorenzo, as expected, was very happy about this experience.
Lorenzo, as almost all the little boys, love firefighters. So, last Sunday, we had to go to Pompieropoli, an event where actual firefighters introduced little boys to their activities. And Lorenzo, as expected, was very happy about this experience.
Semplicemente Linux
May 16, 2015 // Posted in Geek | No Comments
Qui dai Sacchibelli abbiamo ancora un vecchio videoregistratore VHS e una TV con tubo catodico. Prima o poi ci ammoderneremo, ma per come vediamo la TV ora, l’attuale setup basta e avanza. Stiamo pero’ cercando di “salvare” le bellissime videocassette Disney per quando il videoregistratore non ci sara’ piu’. Cosi’, dopo una rapida indagine, ci siamo dotati (elemosinandolo a nonno beppe) di un accrocchio che cattura il segnale composito del VCR e lo ridirige su una porta USB. Trattasi di un Grabby Terratec. Dopo vani (e nervosi) tentativi di acquisire da ambiente Windows (il PC di Silvia, unico in casa sacchibelli, ha anche una partizione Win 7), sia col software Terratec che con altri software scaricabili dalla rete, ci abbiamo provato in ambiente Linux. L’hardware viene correttamente riconosciuto (senza necessita’ di installare alcun driver) e la nuova Debian 8 che gira sul vecchio portatile di Enrico (Toshiba Satellite U305, ormai avviato verso gli 8 anni di onorato e glorioso servizio), con una semplice riga di comando ha perfettamente “grabbato” video e audio in un unico file compresso. Chapeau. Le istruzioni le abbiamo recuperate da questo link, mentre il comando eseguito e’ stato il seguente:
To grab video and audio from old origina VHS (Disney movies) and convert them in digital format is something tricky. But we need to do that to save some old VHS while our old VCR is still working. We bought this hardware, and we gave a try in Windows environment, but we were not lucky. Some issue with the audio, or some issue with the compression. At the end we moved back to Linux (a new Debian 8 running on the old Toshiba U305) and following this link, with a simple command line we were able to do the job. Thanks Linux!!!!
mencoder tv:// -tv channel=0:driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1:normid=5:input=0:width=720:height=576:norm=PAL:fps=25:alsa:adevice=hw.1:forceaudio:brightness=0:contrast=0:hue=0:saturation=0:buffersize=256 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts fixed_quant=5:threads=2:turbo:nochroma_me:vhq=0 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -endpos 04:10:00 -o output.avi
To grab video and audio from old origina VHS (Disney movies) and convert them in digital format is something tricky. But we need to do that to save some old VHS while our old VCR is still working. We bought this hardware, and we gave a try in Windows environment, but we were not lucky. Some issue with the audio, or some issue with the compression. At the end we moved back to Linux (a new Debian 8 running on the old Toshiba U305) and following this link, with a simple command line we were able to do the job. Thanks Linux!!!!
mencoder tv:// -tv channel=0:driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1:normid=5:input=0:width=720:height=576:norm=PAL:fps=25:alsa:adevice=hw.1:forceaudio:brightness=0:contrast=0:hue=0:saturation=0:buffersize=256 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts fixed_quant=5:threads=2:turbo:nochroma_me:vhq=0 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -endpos 04:10:00 -o output.avi
Una Fede di passaggio
May 16, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
La nostra amica Fede, in trasferta ormai da parecchio nel sud della Francia, e’ capitata a casa nostra per una pizza quasi a sorpresa dopo un fortuito incrocio alla Coop. Noi si e’ tutti felici quando riusciamo a stare un po’ con lei, e Lorenzo in particolare ne e’ rimasto affascinato. In effetti Fede, coi bimbi, ci sa fare davvero. Grazie ancora per la visita e per il bellissimo regalo.
We met our friend Federica at the supermarket. She is usually living in France now, but she is spending a short period back in Pavia, and after meeting her, we invited her for a pizza. She acceptede, and she made us very happy. Lorenzo in particular enjoyed her presence, because she was very nice with him, with also a special gift. Thanks a lot, and good luck, dear Fede.
We met our friend Federica at the supermarket. She is usually living in France now, but she is spending a short period back in Pavia, and after meeting her, we invited her for a pizza. She acceptede, and she made us very happy. Lorenzo in particular enjoyed her presence, because she was very nice with him, with also a special gift. Thanks a lot, and good luck, dear Fede.
Venticinque anni fa…
May 12, 2015 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
… la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli era uno studente di liceo, a poco piu’ di un mese dalla maturita’, pieno di entusiasmo e pronto a conquistare il mondo. Con lui, una classe di amici prima che compagni, che il destino ha poi un po’ sparpagliato, e che faticosamente abbiamo cercato di riunire per celebrare le “nozze d’argento” della nostra maturita’. Purtroppo ci sono state parecchie assenze, ma alla fine, assieme a bimbi e partner, ci siamo ritrovati in una ventina, a trascorrere un allegro pranzo in una bella location, l’Hostaria Amici del Po, alla confluenza tra Po e Ticino. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato alla rimpatriata, nella speranza di ripeterne una a breve con una partecipazione piu’ massiccia.
Last Sunday we met, at lunch, a bunch of old schoolmates. Twenty five years ago, the sacchibelli’s adult male component was ending the high school, and we decided to celebrate this anniversary. Many school mate were missing (so we will try to repeat the experiment in the future), but it was really nice to see again these friends. We often agree that “time is flying”, and again we had a demonstration for that; it seems yesterday, we were dudes, and now we all are men or women, still with a lot of enthusiasm, but facing any kind of issues. Life is not always easy, but remembering, with a bit of nostalgia, our past experiences, was a a nice experiment.
Last Sunday we met, at lunch, a bunch of old schoolmates. Twenty five years ago, the sacchibelli’s adult male component was ending the high school, and we decided to celebrate this anniversary. Many school mate were missing (so we will try to repeat the experiment in the future), but it was really nice to see again these friends. We often agree that “time is flying”, and again we had a demonstration for that; it seems yesterday, we were dudes, and now we all are men or women, still with a lot of enthusiasm, but facing any kind of issues. Life is not always easy, but remembering, with a bit of nostalgia, our past experiences, was a a nice experiment.
May 2, 2015 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Quarantaquattro sono gli anni che oggi la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli ha compiuto. Un bel numero… che inevitabilmente comincia a farsi sentire. Ma festeggiarlo con in braccio Lorenzo e Beatrice, e con mamma Silvia che ci fa la foto, e’ il regalo piu’ bello che potessi mai immaginare. Grazie!!!!!
Today the sacchibelli male adult component turned 44. It starts to be a big number, but to celebrate it with Lorenzo and Beatrice so close, and with Silvia taking the picture is the best gift I could imagine. Thanks!!!!
Today the sacchibelli male adult component turned 44. It starts to be a big number, but to celebrate it with Lorenzo and Beatrice so close, and with Silvia taking the picture is the best gift I could imagine. Thanks!!!!
L’elefante di Napoleone
May 1, 2015 // Posted in animals, Pavia | No Comments
Oggi, nella nostra passeggiata festiva (1 maggio) nel centro di Pavia, ci siamo imbattuti in un elefante… (https://universitiamo.eu/campaigns/napoleone-ci-dono-elefante). Si tratta infatti di un elefante imbalsamato, donato da Napoleone all’Universita’ di Pavia, e abbandonato negli ultimi 60 anni nel sottotetto del Castello!!! Ora per fortuna si vuole restaurarlo, e la sua esposizione serve proprio a raccogliere fondi per tale scopo. Lorenzo ovviamente ne e’ rimasto affascinato.
Today, walking through the center of our town, we met a big elephant… Obviously it was not alive, but it was stuffed. It is a gift from Napoleon to the University of Pavia, and after many years, it is now in exposition at the University. Lorenzo was really impressed. And I think that we will come back many times to meet it.
Today, walking through the center of our town, we met a big elephant… Obviously it was not alive, but it was stuffed. It is a gift from Napoleon to the University of Pavia, and after many years, it is now in exposition at the University. Lorenzo was really impressed. And I think that we will come back many times to meet it.