I nostri amici Carlo e Susana, con Marina e Sofia, sono sempre a Grenoble, mentre Marco e Anna, con Matteo, sono ritornati negli States. Poco piu’ di un anno fa li avevamo rivisti tutti assieme (http://www.sacchibelli.it/?p=2145), mentre ieri abbiamo avuto la possibilita’ di reincontrare Carlo e Susana, con le bimbe, di passaggio da Pavia per le vacanze estive. L’ottimo Fernando, il nostro amico che non ama i blog, ha deciso di ospitarci tutti da lui per una allegra grigliata sul terrazzo.
Che dire, al solito e’ stata davvero un bellissimo momento… e un po’ di nostalgia e’ riapparsa. In bocca al lupo Carlo e Susana, e grazie per ricordarvi sempre di noi. E complimenti perle bellissime, e cresciutissime, Marina e Sofia.
Our friends from Grenoble decided to stop in Pavia in their long travel to holydays. So yesterday we met each other at Fernando’s place, and to see again Carlo, Susana and Marina and Sofia, was something special.
We miss them a lot, and thanks for not forgetting about us!!!!
You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2014.
Facendo tappa a Pavia
July 29, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
July 21, 2014 // Posted in home, Pavia | 2 Comments
Ecco come si presenta il nostro “vecchi” bagnettoAvevamo in mente da un po’ di tempo di ristrutturare almeno uno dei bagni della nostra casetta. Quando ci siamo entrati non avevamo energie (e soldi) da dedicare alla causa. Ora, dopo oltre sette anni, ci siamo decisi e domani cominceranno i lavori. Saranno giorni un po’ complicati, in cui dovremo conciliare le esigenze di Lorenzo, quelle lavorative, quelle climatiche e quant’altro, ma ormai ci siamo imbarcati e quindi non si torna indietro. E fra una quindicina di giorni, sperabilmente, posteremo le foto di come apparira’ il nuovo bagno…
When we entered in our house, roughly seven years ago (http://www.sacchibelli.it/?p=20), we decided to delay the restorations of our bathrooms, although they were not so nice. At that time we didn’t have energies nor money. Now, we decided to start with the restoration of one of the two bathroom, and tomorrow the demolition phase will start. Let’s hope that everything will be fine and in few weeks we will be able to post the pictures of the new bathroom..,
When we entered in our house, roughly seven years ago (http://www.sacchibelli.it/?p=20), we decided to delay the restorations of our bathrooms, although they were not so nice. At that time we didn’t have energies nor money. Now, we decided to start with the restoration of one of the two bathroom, and tomorrow the demolition phase will start. Let’s hope that everything will be fine and in few weeks we will be able to post the pictures of the new bathroom..,
Triplice fioritura
July 13, 2014 // Posted in flowers | No Comments
Su questo blog di tanto in tanto hanno fatto capolino le nostre orchidee (qui, qui e qui, per esempio); ne siamo abbastanza orgogliosi e, pur non essendo assolutamente esperti, siamo lieti di vederle rifiorire di tanto in tanto. Questa volta, per una congiuntura favorevole, ne abbiamo addirittura tre contemporaneamente fiorite. Non male…
Sometimes here we shown some of our orchids (here, here and here, for example). We love them, and although we are not expert, we are lucky enough because they periodically bloom. BUt it is the first time that three of them bloom simultaneously. Not bad…
Sometimes here we shown some of our orchids (here, here and here, for example). We love them, and although we are not expert, we are lucky enough because they periodically bloom. BUt it is the first time that three of them bloom simultaneously. Not bad…
July 12, 2014 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Stamattina, per tornare dal centro, abbiamo deciso di prendere l’autobus. Era la prima volta per Lorenzo (aveva provato il tram a Grenoble, e il pollicino coi nonni), ed e’ stato davvero un viaggio entusiasmante. Lorenzo era felicissimo, e anche tutti i signori che hanno osservato le sue reazioni erano parecchio divertiti. E chissa’ cosa succedera’ quando proveremo il treno…..
This morning we decided to come back from the center by bus. And Lorenzo was very happy to try it for the first time. He was very excited, and it was also funny for the other persons traveling with us to watch at him…
This morning we decided to come back from the center by bus. And Lorenzo was very happy to try it for the first time. He was very excited, and it was also funny for the other persons traveling with us to watch at him…
Aperitivo con Sokratis and Co.
July 6, 2014 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Oggi era il compleanno di Sokratis, un compagno di asilo di Lorenzo, la cui mamma e’ collega del nostro caro amico Teo. Erano gia’ stati a casa nostra tempo fa (http://www.sacchibelli.it/?p=2314) e siamo stati ben contenti di accettare il loro invito per un aperitivo in compagnia in occasione del compleanno di Sokratis. Come previsto e’ stata davvero un bel pomeriggio, caratterizzato dall’allegria spensierata dei due bimbi. Grazie di cuore, e a presto!!!
Today we were invited by Sokratis parents to join them for an appetizer. Sokratis is a Lorenzo’s kindergarten mate (they already visited us a while ago http://www.sacchibelli.it/?p=2314), and we were very happy to meet them again, together with our common friend Matteo. As expected, it was a nice appetizer, with a lot of fun coming from Lorenzo and Sokratis vivacity. Thanks Maria Kristhia and thanks Alexandros, we were very happy to see you again. And happy birthday Sokratis!!!
Today we were invited by Sokratis parents to join them for an appetizer. Sokratis is a Lorenzo’s kindergarten mate (they already visited us a while ago http://www.sacchibelli.it/?p=2314), and we were very happy to meet them again, together with our common friend Matteo. As expected, it was a nice appetizer, with a lot of fun coming from Lorenzo and Sokratis vivacity. Thanks Maria Kristhia and thanks Alexandros, we were very happy to see you again. And happy birthday Sokratis!!!
Cominciamo male
July 6, 2014 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Qualche settimana fa Pavia ha scelto un nuovo Sindaco. Su questo blog, apolitico, non ne abbiamo parlato, ma diciamo che, da ciclisti, abbiamo accolto con simpatia il nuovo Sindaco, appassionato ciclista. Ovviamente e’ presto per dire se questo permettera’ a questa povera citta’ di avere finalmente una mobilita’ piu’ a misura d’uomo, ma la prima mossa osservata non e’ certo incoraggiante. Con solerzia infatti sono in via di rititnteggiatura ler orribili righe blu che definiscono, anche sui marciapiedi, i parcheggi a pagamento. Dal momento che e’ noto ai piu’ che il marciapiede e’ pensato per i pedoni, gia’ questo non entusiasma. Se poi si osserva che nelle stesse strade dove il blu viene ripassato con zelo, si lasciano delicati passaggi pedonali completamente sbiaditi, la sensazione di un deja’ vu comincia a delinearsi… Speriamo bene.
We have a new major since few weeks. We didn’t talk about that, because this is not a political blog, however we are very curious about new mobility politics, considering that the new major like to ride his bike. Unfortunately, the first action we observed, is the painting of blue lanes on sidewalk, to identify paying parking lots. This is disappointing (a sidewalk should be used by pedestrians) and, moreover, we see that the same care is not use painting critical pedestrian crossing lanes. Let’s hope….
We have a new major since few weeks. We didn’t talk about that, because this is not a political blog, however we are very curious about new mobility politics, considering that the new major like to ride his bike. Unfortunately, the first action we observed, is the painting of blue lanes on sidewalk, to identify paying parking lots. This is disappointing (a sidewalk should be used by pedestrians) and, moreover, we see that the same care is not use painting critical pedestrian crossing lanes. Let’s hope….
Ah le pozzanghere
July 1, 2014 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Le pozzanghere sono sempre stato un richiamo speciale per i bimbi; ma Peppa Pig ha qualche responsabilita’ sui bimbi delle nuove generazioni. Questo weekend Lorenzo ci ha dato dentro parecchio. Dal tuffo (clamoroso) in una pozzanghera di fango sabato mattina, ad un intero pomeriggio trascorso con l’adorata Anna, in tenuta da pozzanghera, in giro per la citta’. E i genitori un pensierino (cattivo) agli autori di Peppa Pig l’hanno fatto….
Mud puddles have always been something exciting for babies. And this weekend Lorennzo did his best: on Saturday he “dived” in a huge mud puddle, and on Sunday we walked through the town, with his dear friend Anna, happily jumping in all the puddles he found…..
Mud puddles have always been something exciting for babies. And this weekend Lorennzo did his best: on Saturday he “dived” in a huge mud puddle, and on Sunday we walked through the town, with his dear friend Anna, happily jumping in all the puddles he found…..