You are currently browsing the archives for December, 2010.
Una cena sublime
December 31, 2010 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Yesterday we went, for a dinner, at Daniele’s and Assunta’s place. Daniele is a colleague of sacchibelli’s male component and he is a lovely person. Assunta too is really kind and Marco, their “bimbetto” is a smart guy. We like him a lot. Unfortunately we forgot to take a group picture, but hopefully we documented the lovely food Assunta (with the help of Daniele too) prepared for us. We started with a “flan” of peas, then we had a great pumpkin risotto (with marsala and cinnamom too) and an amazing veal meat fillet with artichoke cream. Everything was very good, but we enjoyed also the kindness and the friendship Daniele and Assunta showed to us. Thanks a lot. And let’s use the last post of 2010 to wish happy new year to all our readers…
Una visita (quasi) a sorpresa
December 30, 2010 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Cesare and Maria, with their lovely Emma, are two true friends that moved to Switzerland a while ago. We always have in mind to visit them but this year we didn’t find nor time nor energy to put this idea into action. So yesterday they decided to visit us, and we were very happy about that. They are spending few days in Italy for Christmas vacation, and although we spent only a short time together, we really appreciated their kindness. Thanks a lot Cesare Maria and Emma, and we will do our best to meet you soon in Neuchatel next year. And considering that next year will start in less than 2 days, we could meet you quite soon. Thanks again and have an Happy New Year!!!
December 27, 2010 // Posted in computer | 4 Comments
This year here at sacchibelli’s we received a lot of nice gifts. Many of them were technologically based (geek oriented, to be honest, and thus very appreciated), but we also received nice things related to our bicycles, many books, good food and everything for the swimming pool activity we are planning to start quite soon. But the most appreciated one was the beautiful smartphone (Android based) Silvia bought for me. It is an amazing LG Optimus one P500, and I’m really excited (and addicted). Thanks a lot!!!
Raduni natalizi
December 24, 2010 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Christmas time is not particularly appealing here at sacchibelli’s, because we don’t like too much its consumer aspects, and this year in particular we are not feeling for happy moments. We will take some time to stay close each other and to think to the future. However Christmas time is also an occasion to see many of the friends that were so close to us during this hard year. So few days ago the male component had a nice lunch with some old school mate, while yesterday we ate a good pizza with many of the historic friends of the female components. There was also Federica, which now is back to Italy after a long period spent in Germany.
Thanks to everyone, and obviously let’s say Merry Christmas to all our friends.
Torta budinosa o budino tortoso?
December 19, 2010 // Posted in food | 2 Comments
Today is Luisa’s birthday and we invited her for a lunch, together with mum Giovanna. It was a nice day, and we ate a lot. But let’s focus on the dessert (forgetting, for a moment, the lovely legumes and spelt soup). Luisa brought some amazingly great pastry while Silvia prepared a very original cake, based on two layered puddings. Not easy to explain, but the photos should be self-explaining: it was cute and very good. Thanks and happy birthday again Luisa.
Starbucks? No, tea to go
December 19, 2010 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
We love italian Espresso, but we miss a lot also Starbucks and in particular the habit to walk around with a cup of hot coffee or cappuccino, as it happens in USA. Unfortunately Starbucks will never open any store here in Italy (see here), but hopefully yesterday we found an interesting shop, called La Maison d’Epice just in the center of Pavia. And this shop was offering a cup of hot (and good) tea to go. This was great because we were walking (and freezing) through the center, and that cup of hot tea was really helpful. Waiting for Starbucks, we will repeat the experiment
Buone feste
December 16, 2010 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
E’ inevitabile che in questo periodo si sia portati a fare una specie di bilancio dell’anno.
Ecco, quest’anno per i Sacchibelli è stato davvero brutto perchè brutto vuol dire stare male, perdere una persona proprio nel momento in cui sarebbe dovuta arrivare, provare una delusione senza speranza che mozza il respiro, avere l’impressione che la propria anima sia stata presa a calci e pugni e che abbia il valore di un foglio di carta straccia.
Le cose brutte pero’, a volte, ristabiliscono il giusto ordine delle priorità e fanno riconoscere gli amici veri. E i Sacchibelli sono fortunati, perchè di amici veri ne hanno tanti e tutti straordinari!
Quest’anno il Natale ha per noi un significato particolare: è un momento in cui guardarsi attorno e vedere che sotto alle luci e allo scintillio delle vetrine c’è la vita vera di chi non ha nulla e non ha nessuno a cui chiedere aiuto.
Potrà sembrare un discorso retorico ma se si regalasse una speranza a chi non ne ha non si starebbe meglio?
Noi siamo ormai affezionati a questa associazione che ci hanno fatto conoscere Luca e Chiara:
Se passate di qui e volete indicare nei commenti qualche associazione/organizzazione a cui affidare un “aiuto” cosi’ da essere di ispirazione per chi non ne conosce o non ha idee noi saremmo davvero contenti.
Buone feste!
Campagna elettorale subliminale
December 12, 2010 // Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments
This morning, walking through the center, we noted a board that, at the beginning, we equivocated, exchanging it for a political spot. A more accurate analysis allowed us to clear up the misunderstanding and to understand that it doesn’t contain any political message (Silvio is the name of the italian prime minister). It is just a spot for an exhibition of the artist Giuliana Consilvio, whose last name is quite strange.
Un’allegra serata
December 10, 2010 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Ieri sera Fulvio ed Eva, con le loro adorabili bimbe Ginevra e Rebecca sono venuti a trovarci. Abbiamo cosi’ trascorso insieme davvero una bella serata, mangiando in compagnia, chiacchierando e giocando con le bimbe. La lavagna bianca con i pennarelli colorati e’ stata la dotazione piu’ apprezzata di casa sacchibelli, tanto che le bimbe si sono divertite a scrivere e disegnare, dimostrando una notevole capacita’, considerando l’eta’. Che dire, il tempo e’ volato e si e’ subito fatto tardi, ma cio’ non ha impedito di scattare una bella foto di gruppo. C’e’ voluto un po’ per avere tutti con gli occhi aperti, espressioni “intelligenti”, ma alla fine questa non e’ per niente male. Grazie ancora per esserci venuti a trovare…. e ovviamente, speriamo di rivedervi presto.
Yesterday Fulvio and Eva, together with their lovely Ginevra and Rebecca, came at our place. We spent a very nice evening together , eating some good food and enjoying the cheerfulness of the two little girls. They particularly enjoyed the white board with colored markers that allowed them to be very creative. Before they came back to their place we had the chance to take a picture together. It was not so easy to have everyone well positioned and with open eyes, but at the end the result was not so bad…. Thanks again for coming and, obviously, we hope to see you soon.
Gingerbread cookies
December 6, 2010 // Posted in food | 6 Comments
E’ da un po’ che non pubblichiamo nulla relativamente ai nostri esperimenti culinari, cosi’ ecco nella foto i simpatici biscottini che Silvia ha preparato proprio oggi. Gli omini pan di zenzero sono decisamente carini, fanno atmosfera natalizia e poi sono davvero buonissimi….. Ne ha fatti parecchi, ma mi sa che non dureranno a lungo…. Direi che l’acquisto del taglia-biscotti a forma di omino pan di zenzero e’ stata una scelta geniale.
It is longtime that we don’t publish anything about our cooking experiment, so here you can see the picture of the lovely cookies Silvia prepared today. I always heard about gingerbread cookies, but I never tried them, so I was quite happy and curious when she bought a gingerbread man cookie-cutter. And today I realized that they are amazingly good!!! Although Silvia prepared a large number of cookies, I’m not sure they wiil survive for longtime… Here the recipe she followed:
- 350g plain flour
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 100 g butter
- 175 g soft brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 tsp honey