You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2018.
Il compleanno della Francy
July 30, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Today in the afternoon we celebrated cousin Francesca birthday, together with zia Lulu’ and zio Paolo. It was a very warm day, but Lorenzo, Bea and Francy were very happy and enjoyed the celebration. A special mention to the great “purple” cake. Happy birthday little Francesca!!!
Compagni di viaggio
July 30, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Huawei della componente maschile adulta di casa Sacchibelli volge al termine… A settembre ci saranno delle news. Ma con questo post volevamo salutare Federico e Santina. Il primo e’ stato compagno e collega di pendolarismo per tutti i 14 mesi trascorsi a Segrate, mentre Santina lo e’ stato solo negli ultimi tre mesi (per sua fortuna). Che dire, l’esperienza lavorativa forse non e’ stato il top, ma i compagni di viaggio sono stati un valore aggiunto notevole. E anche se Trenord non sempre si e’ dimostrata all’altezza, il viaggio e’ sempre stato davvero molto piacevole. Grazie di cuore!!!
The experience at Huawei of the sacchibelli adult male component is almost expiring. Next September you will have some news about it… But let me thank both Federico and Santina, friends, colleague and travel companions. The work experience maybe was not so exciting, but to travel with them, although Trenord didn’t perform always very well, was for sure a benefit. Thanks for your friendship, for the discussions and for the great exchnages we had.
L’avventura in The experience at Huawei of the sacchibelli adult male component is almost expiring. Next September you will have some news about it… But let me thank both Federico and Santina, friends, colleague and travel companions. The work experience maybe was not so exciting, but to travel with them, although Trenord didn’t perform always very well, was for sure a benefit. Thanks for your friendship, for the discussions and for the great exchnages we had.
July 30, 2018 // Posted in environment | No Comments
Both Lorenzo and Bea were very excyted by the expected moon eclipse, but they were too tired after the swimming pool… and decided to sleep. No way to observe it from a nice place, so let’s grab the nice picture taken by “zio Paolo”. Good job!!!
Arriva la fibra
July 23, 2018 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Open Fiber“, ecco che ruspe, scavatrici e operai sono arrivati anche in via Bixio… Non si puo’ dire che abbiano fatto un lavoro di fino (soprattutto il rattoppo), ma connettere tutta la citta’ con fibra a velocita’ vicine al Gbit/s e’ comunque un investsimento potenzialmnente importante… Vedremo quando il tutto sara’ operativo… Sperando che, prima o poi, risistemino anche le strade, ora ben lontane dall’essere confuse con un tavolo da bigliardo, tanto sono malmesse…
At the end the “Open Fiber” consortium arrived also in via Bixio, and now we have the infrastructure needed to connect, in the future, to the internet at very high bit rate (1 Gbps) and, in the meanwhile, a very devastated blacktop. Let’s hope that soon we will have a really fast internet connection, and also some plan to pave again our streets…
Dopo che, negli ultimi mesi, tutte le vie nei dintorni erano state mezze sinistrate per la posa della fibra ottica da parte del consorzio “At the end the “Open Fiber” consortium arrived also in via Bixio, and now we have the infrastructure needed to connect, in the future, to the internet at very high bit rate (1 Gbps) and, in the meanwhile, a very devastated blacktop. Let’s hope that soon we will have a really fast internet connection, and also some plan to pave again our streets…
Luis e gli alieni
July 15, 2018 // Posted in Beatrice, Lorenzo | No Comments
Luis e gli alieni“; sara’ che d’estate il cinema e’ meno gettonato, sara’ che mare e piscine sono piu’ appealing in questa stagione, e sara’ la contemporaneita’ con la finale dei mondiali, ma in sala non c’era molta gente. Nessuno quando abbiamo scattato la foto; altre tre famiglie quando il film e’ effettivamente cominciato. Film peraltro molto carino e piacevole…
This afternoon we decided to go to movie theatre to watch “Luis e gli alieni“. Probably swimming pool was more appealing, due to the how weather, and also the world cup final didn’t help to have a full theater, but we felt a bit alone, at least at the beginning. Then other three families joined us…
In una domenica calda dove non si poteva andare in piscina a causa del torcicollo di Lorenzo e del raffreddore di Bea, abbiamo deciso di rintanarci nel fresco di un cinema a vedere “This afternoon we decided to go to movie theatre to watch “Luis e gli alieni“. Probably swimming pool was more appealing, due to the how weather, and also the world cup final didn’t help to have a full theater, but we felt a bit alone, at least at the beginning. Then other three families joined us…
Prima colazione senza biberon
July 15, 2018 // Posted in Beatrice, Lorenzo | No Comments
Lorenzo started to drink milk from a cup and not from a baby bottle. This morning, for some unknown reason, Beatrice decided to emulate him. So, no baby bottles around, at least for one day…
July 9, 2018 // Posted in Beatrice, Lorenzo | No Comments
Summertime is not terribly hot, at least till now, here in Pavia. But on Sunday afternoon, the best place where to go is for sure a swimming pool…
Mobilita’ urbana
July 9, 2018 // Posted in bike, cars | No Comments
La soluzione sarebbe semplice:
- I marciapiedi ai pedoni
- Percorsi ciclabili sicuri ottenuti togliendo spazio al parcheggio delle auto, per le bici
- Percorsi privilegiati per i mezzi pubblici
- Se resta spazio, che lo si lasci alle auto…
If in 2018 the public administration of our town defines parking to be payed a sidewalk, it means that there is no hope…
The solution should be
- Sidewalk for pedestrian only
- Safe bikepaths instead of crowded streets
- Special paths for public transportation
- If there is some more room, leave it for the cars
July 2, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui) mentre quest’anno la cosa e’ stata un po’ piu’ studiata. Ma rivedere Teo e Vale (e nell’occasione anche Flavio), e’ sempre molto piacevole. Gli anni in cui si era compagni di Universita’ cominciano a essere parecchio indietro nel tempo, ognuno di noi ha vissuto mille avventure, viviamo molto lontani, ma ci si sente sempre amici. Ed e’ bello bere, anche se di rado, una birra insieme. A presto!!!!
Last year we had chance meeting Matteo and Valentina (see here), while this year the event was a bit more organized. However it is always a pleasure to see you again, after so many years, and leaving so far away, it is always nice to understand that our friendship is very strong. Good luck for everything and, as usual, we hope to see you again soon.
L’anno scorso ci si era incrociati per caso (vedi Last year we had chance meeting Matteo and Valentina (see here), while this year the event was a bit more organized. However it is always a pleasure to see you again, after so many years, and leaving so far away, it is always nice to understand that our friendship is very strong. Good luck for everything and, as usual, we hope to see you again soon.
La fine di un ciclo
July 2, 2018 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
qui)) e’ arrivato anche il momento di salutare la scuola materna “L’Aquilone“; il tempo vola e a settembre comincerĂ la nuova avventura con le scuole elementari. L’Aquilone ci lascia tre anni intensi e vivaci, pieni di esperienze e soprattutto di amicizie. Lorenzo ci e’ entrato che era ancora un piccolo e ora, pur rimanendo un bambino, sembra davvero cresciuto. In bocca al lupo, piccolo Lorenzo. E grazie per gioia che ci dai, e per la tua energia.
After three happy years, also the adventure at scuola materna “L’Aquilone” ended, last Friday and Lorenzo is almost ready to start the elementary school. Lorenzo grew up a lot during these years, and he made a lot of great experiences. We leave that school, but Lorenzo keeps a lot of strong friendships. Good luck for the new adventure, and thanks for being so special, Lorenzo
Dopo i tre anni di Rodari (vedi After three happy years, also the adventure at scuola materna “L’Aquilone” ended, last Friday and Lorenzo is almost ready to start the elementary school. Lorenzo grew up a lot during these years, and he made a lot of great experiences. We leave that school, but Lorenzo keeps a lot of strong friendships. Good luck for the new adventure, and thanks for being so special, Lorenzo