Domenica pomeriggio, senza Silvia, impegnata a Sartirana, ma coi bimbi, siamo stati a Pieva Albignola, a trovare Paolo (e Lucia), con Matteo e Isabella. Abitano in una bella casa “di campagna”, con una corte molto ampia, ricca di animali, dai cavalli, ai conigli, passando per le galline e il cane. E indubbiamente Lorenzo e Beatrice, assieme alla bravissima e bellissima Isabella, si sono divertiti assai… (le galline, un po’ meno…)
Last Sunday, in the afternoon, we went to Pieve Albignola, to meet Paolo and his family. They live in a lovely place, with a big courtyard, full of interesting animals, starting from the two horses (Jack and Patty Lady) and including also rabbits, chickens and a sweet dog (Viola). Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot the place and the kindness of Isabella, who spent a lot of time playing with them… Chickens probably didn’t like too much the advent of Lorenzo and Bea…
You are currently browsing the archives for September, 2017.
Una domenica in campagna
September 26, 2017 // Posted in animals, friends | No Comments
Una serata speciale
September 22, 2017 // Posted in environment, Pavia | No Comments
In questa lunga estate (che termina proprio oggi), abbiamo avuto un giro piuttosto complicato di baby sitter che ci hanno aiutato coi bimbi, visto che l’asilo e’ ancora ben lontano dall’essere a regime, almeno per Bea. Tra queste, Fatima e Jamila sono quelle che piu’ sono state coi bimbi, e si sono dimostrate davvero speciali. Fatima l’abbiamo conosciuta al Rodari (dove ha svolto il servizio civile), Jamila l’abbiamo conosciuta tramite Fatima. E stasera abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitarle (assieme alle rispettive sorelle) qui da noi, per una semplice pizza da asporto. Abbiamo cosi’ conosciuto anche Jamila, sorella di Fatima e Sara, sorella di Jamila, e abbiamo passato una serata davvero piacevole, ravvivata anche dall’allegra spensieratezza dei bimbi, in particolare di Beatrice. Grazie per essere passate a trovarci; siamo sicuri che ci rivedremo presto, tutti assieme.
During this summer we had to ask some help for Lorenzo and Bea, because their schools still are not working at 100%. We had many baby sitters, but at the end, two of them, Fatima (we met her at kindergarden) and Jamila (we met her thanks to Fatima) were the ones that helped us most of the time. For this reason we were very happy when both of them accepted the invitation at our place for a simple pizza; moreover they brought also Jamila and Sara, their sisters, and we really spent a nice evening. Thanks for coming, for being so kind with our little Lorenzo and Bea, and, more in general, thanks for helping us with the kids.
During this summer we had to ask some help for Lorenzo and Bea, because their schools still are not working at 100%. We had many baby sitters, but at the end, two of them, Fatima (we met her at kindergarden) and Jamila (we met her thanks to Fatima) were the ones that helped us most of the time. For this reason we were very happy when both of them accepted the invitation at our place for a simple pizza; moreover they brought also Jamila and Sara, their sisters, and we really spent a nice evening. Thanks for coming, for being so kind with our little Lorenzo and Bea, and, more in general, thanks for helping us with the kids.
September 18, 2017 // Posted in bike, Pavia | No Comments
Oggi, nell’ambito del “Lebici festival“, organizzato in questi giorni a Pavia, abbiamo partecipato alla “Pedalongobarda“, una pedalata di gruppo, per grandi e piccini, attraverso i monumenti storici di Pavia, ripercorrendo la storia dei longobardi. E’ stata un’occasione per Lorenzo, e per la sua amica Anna, di pedalare ormai come i grandi, nonostante la bici con le ruote piccolissime. Certo Lorenzo non ha apprezzato le soste durante le quali venivano letti brani della storia dei longobardi, ma la pedalata e’ stata decisamente affascinante. La piccola Bea invece se l’e’ fatta nel seggiolino, un po’ con papa’, un po’ con mamma, ma anche in lei sembra scorrere il sacro fuoco della bici, visto che comunque, un pezzo di strada per avvicinarsi al centro l’ha fatto con la sua bici rossa senza pedali.
Today there was a nice bike ride through the historic center of Pavia, following the history of “Longobardi”. It was a nice occasion, for Lorenzo and for his friend Anna, to ride their little bicycles. Hopefully we rode through safe paths, but sometimes it was a bit risky because of the “terrible” floor of the center of Pavia. But Lorenzo and Anan did their best and they were very proud of this ride. Good job. While Lorenzo and Anna were riding, little Bea and Marta were carried by the parents… but little Bea tried a short ride with her red bike… Maybe next year…
Today there was a nice bike ride through the historic center of Pavia, following the history of “Longobardi”. It was a nice occasion, for Lorenzo and for his friend Anna, to ride their little bicycles. Hopefully we rode through safe paths, but sometimes it was a bit risky because of the “terrible” floor of the center of Pavia. But Lorenzo and Anan did their best and they were very proud of this ride. Good job. While Lorenzo and Anna were riding, little Bea and Marta were carried by the parents… but little Bea tried a short ride with her red bike… Maybe next year…
September 10, 2017 // Posted in food | No Comments
E’ da parecchi anni ormai che, a settembre, in concomitanza con la Festa del Ticino, a Pavia arriva il Mercatino Europeo. Anche se, negli anni, le curiosita’ gastronomiche degli altri paesi europei sono diventate sempre piu’ care e meno novita’, il Mercatino conserva il suo fascino, e tra quelle bancarelle si respira un’atmosfera particolare. Quest’anno e’ stato l’anno dei brezen, che, abbiamo scoperto, piacciono tanto a Bea e Lorenzo, oltre che a Enrico e Silvia…
The second weekend of September is, since many years, the “Mercatino Europeo” weekend. It is based close to the Castle and you can find almost any kind of European food: paella from Spain, gulash from Hungary, sausage from Poland ans so on. This year Lorenzo and Bea discovered the brezel, and they like it a lot, as mamma Silvia and Enrico, by the way.
The second weekend of September is, since many years, the “Mercatino Europeo” weekend. It is based close to the Castle and you can find almost any kind of European food: paella from Spain, gulash from Hungary, sausage from Poland ans so on. This year Lorenzo and Bea discovered the brezel, and they like it a lot, as mamma Silvia and Enrico, by the way.
1000 giorni di Bea
September 5, 2017 // Posted in Beatrice, family | No Comments
Se i nostri conti non sono sbagliati oggi la nostra piccola Beatrice compie 1000 giorni. Sembra incredibile, eppure ci accompagna gia’ da 1000 giorni. E se avevamo dedicato un post ai primi 1000 giorni di Lorenzo (vedi qui), non possiamo non dedicarne uno a quell’adorabile monellina che e’ Bea. Per noi sara’ sempre la nostra piccolina, ma in questi 1000 giorni Bea ne ha fatti di progressi: non e’ piu’ cosi’ piccolina, parla un sacco, e’ uno spasso quando gioca con Lorenzo, sta imparando a fare a meno del pannolino, e, dopo aver finito il nido la scorsa estate, si appresta a cominciare una nuova avventura alla scuola dell’Infanzia; e, sopratutto, assieme a Lorenzo contribuisce a riempire di gioia le nostre vite
It seems yesterday, but Beatrice arrived within us exactly 1000 days ago. She always will remain our “little baby”, but in these 1000 days, she did a lot of things, she had a lot of experiences, and, for sure, she is not so little as before. We love Bea (and his brother Lorenzo). Thanks for making our lifes so joyful
It seems yesterday, but Beatrice arrived within us exactly 1000 days ago. She always will remain our “little baby”, but in these 1000 days, she did a lot of things, she had a lot of experiences, and, for sure, she is not so little as before. We love Bea (and his brother Lorenzo). Thanks for making our lifes so joyful
Ex colleghi
September 1, 2017 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Gli ultimi anni in Marvell hanno visto la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli seduto vicino a Antonio e Maurizio. Per un periodo purtroppo breve, anche Domenico si e’ seduto li’ vicino, e abbiamo avuto modo di conoscere e apprezzare questo siciliano cosi’ “silenzioso”. Poi le strade si sono progressivamente separate, e ora tutti e quattro siamo sparpagliati in quattro diverse aziende. Ma l’amicizia e’ rimasta, inalterata, ed e’ bello rivedersi di tanto in tanto. Stasera poi abbiamo approfittato della bella sera d’estate per mangiare fuori, e anche Silvia e i bimbi si sono uniiti all’allegra comitiva. Ed abbiamo passato insieme davvero una bella serata.
Tonight we went out for a pizza with some dear friend and former colleague at Marvell: Maurizio, Antonio and Domenico. We used to sit very close each other for a while, and although now we are spread through four different companies, we still like to meet each other. And today it was particularly nice and funny also because Silvia and the babies joined us. Thanks Domenico for the lovely sweet gift…
Tonight we went out for a pizza with some dear friend and former colleague at Marvell: Maurizio, Antonio and Domenico. We used to sit very close each other for a while, and although now we are spread through four different companies, we still like to meet each other. And today it was particularly nice and funny also because Silvia and the babies joined us. Thanks Domenico for the lovely sweet gift…