Viola e’ una delle compagne di Lorenzo fin dal primo anno di asilo. E la sorella Giulia e’ compagna di Bea. Inevitabile che nascesse una sana amicizia con Cristina e Carlo, i loro genitori. E anche se non capita di frequentarsi spessissimo (l’anno scorso siamo stati in piscina da loro, vedi qui), l’amicizia tra i bimbi si fa giorno dopo giorno piu’ solida. Cosi’ e’ stato un piacere avere oggi a casa nostra, per un gelato in compagnia, tutta la famiglia Prandini. Lorenzo era particolarmente su di giri, e’ stato un po’ molesto, ma la giornata e’ stata bella e divertente. Grazie di cuore per averci regalato un bel pomeriggio!!!
Lorenzo and Viola met each other 4 years ago, at the nursery. Now they are still together at the kindergarten. Moreover also Viola’s sister (Giulia) is a nursery mate of our Bea, so you can imagine, how close we feel each other. Today we were very happy to have them at our place for a gelato-based snack. Thanks for coming, and thanks for being so kind with us.
You are currently browsing the archives for June, 2016.
Gelato in compagnia
June 26, 2016 // Posted in Beatrice, friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Dal parrucchiere
June 19, 2016 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Settimana scorsa e’ toccato a Bea. Stavolta invece e’ il turno di Lorenzo. Per Lorenzo andare dal parrucchiere (Nevio & Maurizio) e’ un rito, che ripete ogni volta con il nonno Beppe che lo tiene in braccio. Ma stavolta il nostro 4enne preferito ha deciso che e’ grande a sufficienza per affrontare il primo taglio “da solo”. Ed ecco che, attento, osserva Nevio all’opera.
It was haircut time for Lorenzo this week, as usual with Grandfather and Grandmother. But this time he was more independent, and he didn’t sit on top of his grandphater, but alone, on the seat.
It was haircut time for Lorenzo this week, as usual with Grandfather and Grandmother. But this time he was more independent, and he didn’t sit on top of his grandphater, but alone, on the seat.
Con l’aiuto di Lorenzo
June 19, 2016 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Lorenzo e’ sempre stato affascinato dall’autolavaggio; ma se da piccolo questa sua passione implicava un significativo sforzo per fargli lavare la macchina (vedi qui), ora e’ quasi indipendente, e oggi mi e’ stato effettivamente di grande aiuto. Piccoli bimbi crescono…
Lorenzo always enjoyed when we went to the car wash. But today he also helped me a lot, as you can see. He is still a baby, but he is growing very fast…
Lorenzo always enjoyed when we went to the car wash. But today he also helped me a lot, as you can see. He is still a baby, but he is growing very fast…
June 13, 2016 // Posted in Beatrice, Lorenzo | No Comments
Bea e Lorenzo, quando sono in luna buona, amano stare assieme e giocare. Lorenzo, a volte, fa il bravo fratello maggiore, e orgoglioso della sua sorellina, ci gioca e la presenta agli amici. Qui le da un passaggio in moto…
When Lorenzo is in good spirit, he plays well with little Beatrice. Today he gave her a ride with his electric motorbike…
Raccolta differenziata
June 12, 2016 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Anche nel nostro quartiere, da qualche mese, e’ partita la raccolta differenziata porta a porta (vedi qui). Ancora non si sa come stia andando, ma nel nostro piccolo siamo ben contenti di farla, e operativamente, non mi pare ci siano particolari problemi. Spariti i (poco eleganti) cassonetti, ogni condominio dispone di propri bidoni, per umido, secco, plastica e carta, e tutto pare piu’ ordinato. Dopo aver pero’ sradicato le viole che avevamo sul balcone per sostituirle con le begonie, ci siamo chiesti dove potessimo buttare terra e vecchi fiori. Vicino a casa, abbiamo scoperto, esiste una piccola isola dedicata alla raccolta del verde… la cui gestione pero’ lascia un po’ a desiderare.
We recently started a door to door recycling also in our neighborhood. Everything seems to work well, both for paper, plastic, glass and organic, but when we had to understand where to put some old flowers and their topsoil, we had some perplexity. We went to the supposed “green island”, but here we found what you see in the picture…
We recently started a door to door recycling also in our neighborhood. Everything seems to work well, both for paper, plastic, glass and organic, but when we had to understand where to put some old flowers and their topsoil, we had some perplexity. We went to the supposed “green island”, but here we found what you see in the picture…
Primo taglio anche per Bea
June 12, 2016 // Posted in Beatrice, family | No Comments
Il piccolo Lorenzo aveva resistito 10 mesi, e poi c’era stato il primo taglio di capelli (vedi qui). Beatrice ha resistito un po’ di piu’, ma arrivata a 18 mesi, anche per lei c’e’ stato il battesimo della parrucchiera. Abbiamo infatti sfruttato la gentilezza e la bravura di Cinzia, di Nouvelle Image, e cosi’, in pochi minuti, la piccola Bea coi capelli che le cascavano ormai sugli occhi e’ stata trasformata in una bimba, sempre bellissima e ancora piu’ somigliante a suo fratello…
After 1 year and a half Bea had to try her first haircut, because she had her hair long enough to cover her eyes. So we went at Nouvelle Image, where our friend Cinzia was very kind and very good, and now we still have a beautiful Bea, with short hairs. Probably more similar to Lorenzo…
After 1 year and a half Bea had to try her first haircut, because she had her hair long enough to cover her eyes. So we went at Nouvelle Image, where our friend Cinzia was very kind and very good, and now we still have a beautiful Bea, with short hairs. Probably more similar to Lorenzo…
Il ponte x la festa della Repubblica
June 5, 2016 // Posted in Travels | No Comments
Giovedi’ due giugno si festeggiava la Repubblica, e venerdi’ tre giugno gli asili di Lorenzo e Beatrice restavano chiusi per il ponte. Al che abbiamo deciso di seguire il loro esempio e concederci un breve ponte a cavallo della Festa della Repubblica, per evadere in quel di Finale Ligure, meta a noi molto cara per questo tipo di brevi vacanze. Il meteo, annunciato pessimo e’ stato quasi bello, e anche l’alloggio inedito presso il Residence Isophylla e’ stato piu’ che decoroso. Lorenzo e Bea uno spasso, e Finale sempre bella e accogliente. Che dire, forse non sono stati due giorni super rilassanti, ma il mare ha sempre il suo fascino. E anche le merende a Finalborgo.
We decided to spend few days at Finale Ligure, being Lorenzo’s and Beatrice’s school closed on Friday because of the national holiday (Festa della Repubblica) the day before. So we went to Finale where we had a lot of fun, thanks to Bea and Lorenzo. Meteo wheather was not expected to be too good, but at the end we were lucky enough, being rains mainly confinated during the night period. So we had the possibility to go to the beach with the babies, and we played a bit with the waves, but avoiding to be completely wet. At the end we were very happy, and we also enjoyed the great ice cream in Finaloborgo.
We decided to spend few days at Finale Ligure, being Lorenzo’s and Beatrice’s school closed on Friday because of the national holiday (Festa della Repubblica) the day before. So we went to Finale where we had a lot of fun, thanks to Bea and Lorenzo. Meteo wheather was not expected to be too good, but at the end we were lucky enough, being rains mainly confinated during the night period. So we had the possibility to go to the beach with the babies, and we played a bit with the waves, but avoiding to be completely wet. At the end we were very happy, and we also enjoyed the great ice cream in Finaloborgo.