After riding, during fall time, along the Ticino and Adda river, we decided to move to the sea, because of warmer weather. So yesterday, together with Antonio, Pesu and Flavio, we went by train to Genova, carrying on our bicycles, and then we rode following the wonderful path you can see in the map. The sun was really warm, and to eat focaccia in front of the sea, close to our bikes and in perfect harmony with true friends is something magic.
You are currently browsing the archives for December, 2011.
Una pedalata al mare
December 29, 2011 // Posted in bike, friends, Travels | No Comments
Dopo le pedalate lungo il Ticino e lungo l’Adda, anche ora che il freddo inverno tenderebbe a frenare le velleita’ dei ciclisti, noi non ci si arrende. Cosi’, proprio ieri, approfittando delle ottime previsioni meteo e dello straordinario clima ligure, con tre amici e colleghi (il Pesu, Antonio e Flavio) ci siamo avventurati, in perfetto spirito pedale-maiale, in quel di Genova (in treno) e da li’ abbiamo raggiunto prima Chiavari, attraversando le colline dell’entroterra ligure, e poi Rapallo, pedalando lungo la costa, baciati da uno splendido sole. Un’ottantina di chilometri alla fine, trascorsi in allegria e straordinaria armonia. Un grazie davvero a tutti per la straordinaria giornata, e anche a Trenitalia, che ha fornito un servizio forse poco flessibile, ma decisamente efficiente. E un grazie anche all’inimitabile focaccia ligure….
After riding, during fall time, along the Ticino and Adda river, we decided to move to the sea, because of warmer weather. So yesterday, together with Antonio, Pesu and Flavio, we went by train to Genova, carrying on our bicycles, and then we rode following the wonderful path you can see in the map. The sun was really warm, and to eat focaccia in front of the sea, close to our bikes and in perfect harmony with true friends is something magic.
After riding, during fall time, along the Ticino and Adda river, we decided to move to the sea, because of warmer weather. So yesterday, together with Antonio, Pesu and Flavio, we went by train to Genova, carrying on our bicycles, and then we rode following the wonderful path you can see in the map. The sun was really warm, and to eat focaccia in front of the sea, close to our bikes and in perfect harmony with true friends is something magic.
Una cenetta italo-francese
December 27, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
I nostri amici Marco e Anna, ormai trasferitisi dalla west coast a Grenoble, sono ora piu’ a portata di mano. E questo ci fa solo piacere, perche’ capita piu’ spesso di stare un po’ con loro. Li abbiamo visti ad aprile (vedi qui), a giugno (vedi qui) e piu’ recentemente (solo Marco), a novembre (vedi qui). Cosi’ quando abbiamo saputo che sarebbero transitati da queste parti per Natale, li abbiamo prenotati per trascorrere una serata in compagnia qui dai sacchibelli. E cosi’, dopo una cena soft (il pranzo di Santo Stefano era stato impegnativo), ci siamo ritrovati a chiacchierare e ad aggiornarci un po’ su come procedono le nostre vite, pensando al futuro con un ragionevole ottimismo. Grazie per aver trovato il tempo per farci visita, e promettiamo che presto verremo a trovarvi a Grenoble.
Since Marco and Anna, with their little Matteo, moved from west coast to Grenoble, it often happens that we meet them. And this makes us very happy. So, once we knew that they were planning to spend some days around Christmas here at Pavia, we “reserved” them for a dinner here at our place. So yesterday they came and we spent a really nice evening, eating (a little bit) and reciprocically updating about our lives and our hopes for the future. Thanks for visiting us, and for sure we will do our best to visit you in Grenoble.
Since Marco and Anna, with their little Matteo, moved from west coast to Grenoble, it often happens that we meet them. And this makes us very happy. So, once we knew that they were planning to spend some days around Christmas here at Pavia, we “reserved” them for a dinner here at our place. So yesterday they came and we spent a really nice evening, eating (a little bit) and reciprocically updating about our lives and our hopes for the future. Thanks for visiting us, and for sure we will do our best to visit you in Grenoble.
Merry Christmas
December 25, 2011 // Posted in family, home | No Comments
Ecco il nostro alberello di Natale, un po’ vissuto e sofferente, ma circondato da tanti doni. Evidentemente siamo stati bravi quest’anno….
Il nostro Natale, trascorso con i parenti piu’ cari, e’ stato felice e sereno. E la nostra speranza e’ che tale sia stato anche per tutti voi.
Here you can see our little and old Christmas tree, full of gifts we received. Evidently we have beeen good guys this year….
We spent this day in family, and it was quite and happy. And let’s hope that the same has been for all of you.
Il nostro Natale, trascorso con i parenti piu’ cari, e’ stato felice e sereno. E la nostra speranza e’ che tale sia stato anche per tutti voi.
Here you can see our little and old Christmas tree, full of gifts we received. Evidently we have beeen good guys this year….
We spent this day in family, and it was quite and happy. And let’s hope that the same has been for all of you.
Una piacevole serata
December 24, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Il Natale che si avvicina e’ spesso occasione per ritrovarsi con vecchi amici e trascorrere momenti felici in lieta armonia. E questa e’ una delle magie del Natale. Cosi’ ieri sera ci siamo ritrovati da Fulvio ed Eva, assieme anche a Luca e Laura e, attorniati dalle scatenate Ginevra e Rebecca da un lato, ed Edoardo dall’altro, abbiamo vissuto una serata davvero magica. La cena, al solito superba, preparata da Eva, il piacere di sentirsi circondati da persone speciali e a noi vicine, e la straordinaria gioia degli irresistibili sorrisi dei bimbi scatenati ci ha davvero trasmesso sensazioni uniche. Grazie davvero, e grazie anche per esservi sottoposti al consueto rito (tortura?) della foto di gruppo.
One of the reasons for which Christmas is so magic is that it makes easier to meet with true friends. This happened just 2 evenings ago when we joined Luca, Laura and their little Edo at Fulvio’s and Eva’s place. Here, obviously, we also enjoyed the presence of their little baby girls Ginevra and Rebecca. Everything was perfect, starting from the food and finishing with the warm athmosphere that good friends and good wine are able to create. But the huge smiles of the three lovely babies will be for sure something we will store in our hearts for long time. Thanks again to all of you.
One of the reasons for which Christmas is so magic is that it makes easier to meet with true friends. This happened just 2 evenings ago when we joined Luca, Laura and their little Edo at Fulvio’s and Eva’s place. Here, obviously, we also enjoyed the presence of their little baby girls Ginevra and Rebecca. Everything was perfect, starting from the food and finishing with the warm athmosphere that good friends and good wine are able to create. But the huge smiles of the three lovely babies will be for sure something we will store in our hearts for long time. Thanks again to all of you.
Un dolce pomeriggio
December 18, 2011 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Oggi pomeriggio l’ottimo Fernando, il nostro amico che non ama i blog, ci ha invitato a casa sua per lo scambio degli auguri natalizi, assieme a Carlo e Susana e a Nico e Dana, con rispettivi bimbi, Marina e Sofia, e Leo. Gia’ il fatto di passare il pomeriggio con cari amici e’ davvero piacevole; se a tutto cio’ si aggiunge che l’evento e’ stato “addolcito” dal Parrozzo, preparato magistralmente da Fernando, dallo Strudel delizioso di Silvia, e dallo squisito croccante di Fasano si puo’ ben immaginare che il pomeriggio sia stato davvero memorabile. Grazie davvero a tutti.
Today in the afternoon we reached Fernando’s place to taste, together with Carlo and Susana, and Dana and Nico (and with their lovely children), the amazing Parrozzo he prepared. It was great, but it was not the only dessert we ate. In fact Silvia prepared her first Strudel (and it was delicious), and Carlo brought a special croccante from Fasano, his native village. Obviously we drunk also some good wine. Probably now we have to start some diet, but the afternoon was great and energetic.
Today in the afternoon we reached Fernando’s place to taste, together with Carlo and Susana, and Dana and Nico (and with their lovely children), the amazing Parrozzo he prepared. It was great, but it was not the only dessert we ate. In fact Silvia prepared her first Strudel (and it was delicious), and Carlo brought a special croccante from Fasano, his native village. Obviously we drunk also some good wine. Probably now we have to start some diet, but the afternoon was great and energetic.
La piccola Anna
December 18, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Anna, la bellissima bimba dei nostri carissimi amici Luca e Chiara e’ davvero speciale. Cosi’ ieri sera siamo stati ben contenti di andare a trovare tutta la famigliola, mangiandoci una buona pizza (non Anna, e’ ancora un po’ piccolina) e godendoci i suoi meravigliosi sorrisi. E si, e’ proprio irresistibile.
Anna is the lovely little baby girl of our dear friends Luca and Chiara. And yesterday we were very happy to share with them a good pizza at their place. They really are special friends to us, and Anna is amazingly cute. She smiles a lot, and, definitely, we can’t resist to her smiles…
Anna is the lovely little baby girl of our dear friends Luca and Chiara. And yesterday we were very happy to share with them a good pizza at their place. They really are special friends to us, and Anna is amazingly cute. She smiles a lot, and, definitely, we can’t resist to her smiles…
Festa di compleanno
December 11, 2011 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Con un giorno di anticipo abbiamo oggi festeggiato il compleanno della mamma di Silvia. Ci siamo cosi’ ritrovati assieme anche a Paolo e Luisa e assieme a un bicchiere di spumante, abbiamo pure mangiato una fetta di una torta speciale preparata da Silvia. Con delle simpatiche (e gustose) ranocchie di biscotto.
Tanti auguri.
Today, one day before, we celebrated Silvia’s mom birthday. So we went to her place and together with Paolo and Luisa we drunk a glass of wine and we ate a slice of a special cake made by Silvia. With some funny (and tasty) cookie frog.
Tanti auguri.
Today, one day before, we celebrated Silvia’s mom birthday. So we went to her place and together with Paolo and Luisa we drunk a glass of wine and we ate a slice of a special cake made by Silvia. With some funny (and tasty) cookie frog.
Paolo e Luisa a cena
December 11, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Ieri sera abbiamo avuto ospiti a cena Paolo e Luisa. E’ stata una cosa un po’ improvvisata, ma la serata e’ riuscita piuttosto bene. Il menu’ e’ stato decisamente vario e interessante, e l’ottima torta di pere e cioccolato che Paolo e Luisa hanno portato si e’ rivelata a dir poco prodigiosa. Che dire, passare una serata tra amici e’ sempre un’esperienza speciale. Grazie di cuore.
Yesterday we had Paolo and Luisa for a dinner. We invited them without notice, but it was really nice and funny to share the evening with them. Food was great (good job Silvia) and the pear and chocolate cake Paolo and Luisa brought to us was really amazing. Thanks a lot for coming.
Yesterday we had Paolo and Luisa for a dinner. We invited them without notice, but it was really nice and funny to share the evening with them. Food was great (good job Silvia) and the pear and chocolate cake Paolo and Luisa brought to us was really amazing. Thanks a lot for coming.
Arch Linux on a Toshiba Satellite U305
December 11, 2011 // Posted in computer | No Comments
Come probabilmente i lettori di questo blog sanno, linux e’ il sistema operativo di casa sacchibelli. La componente maschile lo usa sul suo laptop (un bel Toshiba Satellite U305) e ultimamente ne sta testando varie distribuzioni. Il laptop in effetti e’ nato con Windows Vista, ma dopo due giorni la migrazione a Ubuntu (con rimozione completa del sistema operativo Microsoft) e’ stata attuata senza rimpianti (se non per il fastidio di aver “pagato” Vista all’atto dell’acquisto del PC). Recentemente abbiamo provato, con notevole soddisfazione, Linux Mint (vedi qui) ma e’ Arch Linux la distribuzione che piu’ mi ha entusiasmato. Sorvoliamo qui sui dettagli dell’installazione, ma soffermiamoci sull’attivazione del bluetooth. In effetti, per quanto ormai quasi qualunque tipo di hardware venga riconosciuto dalle piu’ recenti distribuzioni di Linux, i laptop Toshiba con Phoenix bios, soffrono di un noto problema (vedi qui) nell’attivazione del modulo Bluetooth sotto Linux. Il modulo Omnibook ha brillantemente risolto il problema, anche se per il Satellite 305 si era rivelata necessaria qualche customizzazione (vedi qui). Tuttavia il kernel 3.1.1 usato da Arch Linux non e’ piu’ compatibile col modulo Omnibook, a causa dell’uso di una funzione non piu’ inclusa nel kernel Linux
La buona notizia e’ pero’ che anche coi nuovi kernel e’ possibile attivare il Bluetooth. Infatti, seguendo questo how-to, e caricando il modulo toshiba-bluetooth, il bluetooth viene riconosciuto ed e’ possibile utilizzarlo.
In particolare
As probably you already know here at Sacchibelli’s we are happy user of Linux as OS of our PCs. In particular the male component is running now Arch Linux on his Toshiba Satellite U305, after many years with Ubuntu and a short period with Linux Mint (the original OS, Microsoft Vista was erased after 2 days of unlucky experiments). Arch Linux philosophy is quite interesting, although the setting of the laptop is a bit tricky compared to Debian based distributions. The good thing, however, is that now Linux is so mature that almost every kind of hardware is easily recognized. For my laptop (it has a Phoenix bios) Bluetooth was usually a pain (see here for details), and only thanks to the Omnibook module (to be compiled with some trick) it has been possible to enable Bluetooth. Unfortunately newest linux kernel (3.1.1 in Arch Linux) does not support anymore a function used within omnibook, and if you try to compile omnibook source you get the following error
The good news is that starting the daemon
In function ‘omnibook_key_polling_disable’:
error: implicit declaration of function ‘cancel_rearming_delayed_workqueue’
make[2]: ***
Errore 1
La buona notizia e’ pero’ che anche coi nuovi kernel e’ possibile attivare il Bluetooth. Infatti, seguendo questo how-to, e caricando il modulo toshiba-bluetooth, il bluetooth viene riconosciuto ed e’ possibile utilizzarlo.
In particolare
- Il daemon bluetooth permette l’attivazione del modulo bluetooth
[enrico@frisco ~]$ hcitool dev
hci0 00:03:7A:CF:BD:3F - Il modulo toshiba-bluetooth permette la comunicazione con gli altri dispositivi
Non so da quanto il modulo toshiba-bluetooth funzioni anche per i laptop toshiba con phoenix bios (credo si tratti di laptop commercializzati con brand Toshiba ma effettivamente realizzati da Compal), ad ogni modo questo sembra rendere inutile il modulo omnibook. Se invece si preferisse compilare e caricare il modulo omnibook per l’attivazione del bluetooth, e’ necessario usare kernel linux precedenti la versione 3.1.1 e non caricare il modulo toshiba-bluetooth (in caso contrario il caricamento del modulo omnibook con il comando modprobe omnibook
darebbe errore)
As probably you already know here at Sacchibelli’s we are happy user of Linux as OS of our PCs. In particular the male component is running now Arch Linux on his Toshiba Satellite U305, after many years with Ubuntu and a short period with Linux Mint (the original OS, Microsoft Vista was erased after 2 days of unlucky experiments). Arch Linux philosophy is quite interesting, although the setting of the laptop is a bit tricky compared to Debian based distributions. The good thing, however, is that now Linux is so mature that almost every kind of hardware is easily recognized. For my laptop (it has a Phoenix bios) Bluetooth was usually a pain (see here for details), and only thanks to the Omnibook module (to be compiled with some trick) it has been possible to enable Bluetooth. Unfortunately newest linux kernel (3.1.1 in Arch Linux) does not support anymore a function used within omnibook, and if you try to compile omnibook source you get the following error
In function ‘omnibook_key_polling_disable’:
error: implicit declaration of function ‘cancel_rearming_delayed_workqueue’
make[2]: ***
Errore 1
The good news is that starting the daemon
(see here and then loading the module toshiba-bluetooth
, the bluetooth is recognized and activated. Very good (if you prefer to use omnibook, with older kernel, please remember to unload toshiba-bluetooth
before loading omnibook
, unless you will get an error)
Orata al forno
December 8, 2011 // Posted in food | No Comments
Anche se qui dai sacchibelli il pesce non e’ l’elemento principale della dieta, di sicuro ci piace molto. Non c’e’ molta abitudine nel prepararlo, ma con un certo impegno, stiamo almeno cercando di affrontare i piatti piu’ semplici. Cosi’ ieri Silvia, seguendo la ricetta dell’orata al forno trovata su questo blog si e’ superata, preparando un ottimo piatto. Certo, e’ bello pensare che le orate le abbiamo pescate noi nell’ipotetico mare vicino al quale ci piacerebbe abitare (piu’ banalmente le abbiamo pescate all’esselunga, provenienti da un allevamento in Grecia…), pero’ la cena e’ stata davvero speciale. Ottimo!!!
Although here we usually do not eat fish, we are trying to introduce it in our diet. We love fish a lot, and probably we would enjoy living in a place close to the sea. Here in Pavia we don’t have any see, and we just bought two sea breams at “Esselunga” and Silvia cooked them following a nice recipe found here. The photo looks great and, trust on me, the fish too was excellent. Good job Silvia
Although here we usually do not eat fish, we are trying to introduce it in our diet. We love fish a lot, and probably we would enjoy living in a place close to the sea. Here in Pavia we don’t have any see, and we just bought two sea breams at “Esselunga” and Silvia cooked them following a nice recipe found here. The photo looks great and, trust on me, the fish too was excellent. Good job Silvia