Arch Linux, comprato nel lontano 2007 dal mitico Frys, durante l’ultimo soggiorno americano, a Santa Clara, necessitava di una nuova tastiera. La magia di internet ha permesso di recuperarne una, originale, perfetta per il Toshiba U305-S7467, su un sito ( che me l’ha spedita da Hong-Kong. Con calma mi e’ stata spedita (gratuitamente), e seguendo le chiarissime istruzioni trovate a questo indirizzo (, sostituire la tastiera vecchia con quella nuova e’ stato un gioco da ragazzi. Cosi’, con circa 40 minuti di margine, riusciamo a mandare ai nostri lettori, gli auguri di un buon 2015 con una tastiera nuova, con anche il tasto x e il tasto z funzionante.
Let’s whish Happy New Year to our reader using the new keyboard we recently bought to replace the broken one from the laptop of the sacchibelli’s male (and adult) component. Thanks to the magic internet we found one brand new keyboard perfectly fitting the old Toshiba Satellite U305-S7467, from this website ( They delivered it for free, from Hong Kong and following the instructions found here (, to replace the old one with the new one was very easy. So, without waiting for Midnight (when there are babies, to sleep as much as possible is fundamental), let’s wish Happy New Year to our readers. 2014 was not a good year for us, but hopefully, at the end, little Beatrice came to make it in some way special. Let’s hope that 2015 will be better.`
Manca un’ora alla fine del 2014. Anno intenso e particolare, non facile, direi brutto, se non fosse che e’ stato rischiarato dall’arrivo della piccola Beatrice. Quest’anno non si aspetta la mezzanotte. Il sonno e’ risorsa preziosa quando ci sono bimbi piccoli in casa. Ma visto che proprio oggi siamo riusciti a recuperare, in mattinata, la tastiera da sostituire al portatile della componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli, ecco che non ho resistito e mi sono cimentato nella sostituzione. Il glorioso portatile, ora con You are currently browsing the archives for December, 2014.
Geek auguri
December 31, 2014 // Posted in celebrations, computer | No Comments
La prima neve
December 28, 2014 // Posted in friends, weather | 1 Comment
Last year we didn’t see any snow in town, and two years ago Lorenzo was too young to appreciate it. But yesterday, when he saw the first snow, he was very excited. And in the afternoon we went at the Castle together with Anna to build some snowmen. It was something magic and funny to see the two babies playing together with the snow.
Natale 2014
December 25, 2014 // Posted in family | No Comments
La piccola ha cominciato a esplorare il mondo: per ora ci siamo mossi in un raggio di 100 metri intorno a casa… ma gli orizzonti si allargheranno.
Merry Christmas to all our readers. Here we started to explore the world around us, all together. For now we stopped at 100m from our house, but the horizons will enlarge…
40 anni di zia Lulu’
December 20, 2014 // Posted in family | No Comments
Special birthday for “zia Lulu'” this year. She is entering in the age of fourthy. We were not able to organize a real party, but we were at least happy to say her “Happy Birthday” with a good cake prepared by Silvia. Thank you zia Lulu’!!!
La magia di Mowgli
December 14, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Il libro della giungla” con le avventure di Mogli, Baghera, Balu e quanti altri e’ riuscita, a tratti, a catturarne l’attenzione e a tranquillizzarli…
Yesterday, waiting for Silvia and Beatrice, we went at Luca’s, Chiara’s and Anna’s place for a nice dinner together. Lorenzo and Anna were, as usual, very excited and only the magic “The jungle book” has been able to capture their attention for a while…
Ieri sera, aspettando l’arrivo di mamma Silvia e Beatrice (previsto per oggi) siamo andati a cena da Luca, Chiara e dall’adorata Anna. Lorenzo era ovviamente molto su di giri, e con Anna, al solito, ha dato vita a una serata decisamente vivace e dinamica. Solo la magia de “Yesterday, waiting for Silvia and Beatrice, we went at Luca’s, Chiara’s and Anna’s place for a nice dinner together. Lorenzo and Anna were, as usual, very excited and only the magic “The jungle book” has been able to capture their attention for a while…
Da oggi siamo in quattro
December 10, 2014 // Posted in family | 3 Comments
Today Sacchibelli’s family grew up, in fact little Beatrice is born. Although, to avoid bad luck, we never mentioned Silvia’s pregnancy, we can now share our happiness with you all.
Una cena speciale
December 8, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Sunday we joined Nico’s place for a dinner together with Bene and Zube too. Little Lorenzo, with Giulia and Bea, was really excited, and tried to terrify in any way Peter, the cat. Thanks Nico, we feel at home when we visit you, and your risotto was great!!!
A casa di Michele e Silvia
December 8, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui) avevamo gustato una splendida merenda “canadese” andando a trovare Michele e Silvia, con Ale e Luisa, nella loro vecchia casa, in centro. Quest’anno abbiamo invece avuto la possibilita’ di replicare l’esperimento ospiti della loro bellissima nuova casa. I protagonisti sono gli stessi, e cosi’ pure la piacevole sensazione di essere circondati da un gruppo di veri amici. Con la gioia di vedere i bimbi crescere e giocare felici insieme. Grazie davvero a tutti!!!!
Last year (see here) Michele and Silvia invited us (and Alessandro and Luisa) for a “canadian” snack at their old house. This year we got the same invitation, but at their new and beatiful house. And we shared with all of them a lovely afternoon. Thanks a lot for everything: warm friendship and great food.
L’anno scorso (vedi Last year (see here) Michele and Silvia invited us (and Alessandro and Luisa) for a “canadian” snack at their old house. This year we got the same invitation, but at their new and beatiful house. And we shared with all of them a lovely afternoon. Thanks a lot for everything: warm friendship and great food.
Pasticceria Sacchibelli
December 8, 2014 // Posted in food | No Comments
This long weekend was quite busy, with a lot of invitations from our dear friends. So, under the guide of chef Lorenzo, here we are with the preparation of two cakes, one apple based, and the other one, ricotta based.