You are currently browsing the archives for April, 2014.
Con Nico, Giulia e Bea
April 27, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Yesterday Nico, with Giulia and Bea, joined us for an ice cream. And then we went to the nice park we have close to our place. And although Lorenzo is a bit younger than Giulia and Bea, they all had a lot of fun togehter. Thanks for coming, and obviously we hope to see you soon again!!
Teo e Tere
April 21, 2014 // Posted in celebrations, friends | No Comments
Today our friends Teo and Tere stopped for a while at our place, bringing nice gifts to little Lorenzo: a cute pajama and the blue t-shirt of the italian national soccer team… And let’s hope that he will be proud to wear it during next World Cup.
Buona Pasqua
April 20, 2014 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
It was a quiet Easter day today, full of excitation and happiness for Lorenzo and his chocolate eggs, and spent with some true friends. Thanks!!!
Da Giulia e Lorenzo grande
April 19, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui). Ci si incrocia spesso in piscina il sabato mattina (oltre che vedere Giuseppe tutti i giorni in ufficio) ma gia’ da un po’ avevamo promesso che avremmo ricambiato la loro visita. Cosi’ oggi, approfittando di una giornata piovosa e di un sabato un po’ piu’ tranquillo, siamo andati a trovarli (la pastiera, superba, preparata da Carmen, non ha condizionato la nostra scelta, ma certo e’ stato un ulteriore valore aggiunto). Vedere i bimbi giocare insieme senza particolari problemi, e parlare, del piu’ e del meno, con persone con cui ci si intende a meraviglia e’ davvero qualcosa di speciale. Per cui grazie davvero per questo pomeriggio piu’ che speciale. E complimenti a Carmen per la straordinaria pastiera, e al fratello di Giuseppe per gli imperdibili cioccolatini belgi…
After few months, today we were able to meet again Giuseppe, Carmine and their lovely Lorenzo and Giulia. We went to their place, and we really enjoyed this afternoon spent with true friends, being happy also because of the happiness shown by the babies. And let us mention the incredible “pastiera” prepared by Carmen, and the great pralines coming from Bruxells. Thanks a lot, and let’s hope that we will not have to wait more than three months before to see each other again.
Giuseppe e Carmen, con i loro Lorenzo (grande) e Giulia, erano venuti a trovarci a inizio anno (vedi After few months, today we were able to meet again Giuseppe, Carmine and their lovely Lorenzo and Giulia. We went to their place, and we really enjoyed this afternoon spent with true friends, being happy also because of the happiness shown by the babies. And let us mention the incredible “pastiera” prepared by Carmen, and the great pralines coming from Bruxells. Thanks a lot, and let’s hope that we will not have to wait more than three months before to see each other again.
Due anni di Lorenzo
April 16, 2014 // Posted in celebrations, Lorenzo | No Comments
qui), ed ora e’ qui che salta, corre, parla e ride. Grazie Lorenzo, e grazie anche a mamma Silvia per la bellissima torta a scacchi verdi, con il disegno della mitica “urbana” il camion della nettezza urbana che tanto attrae i bambini in generale, e Lorenzo in particolare.
Today is Lorenzo’s birthday, and now he is two years old. We are so happy to see him happy. He really is a good boy, and it is amazing to verify that the little baby we met the first time on April 2012 (see here) grew up so fast. Thanks Lorenzo, and thanks to all the relative and friends that were so nice to come here to wish him happy birthday. And thanks for all the lovely gifts.
Oggi il nostro piccolo Lorenzo ha compiuto due anni. E vederlo felice, circondato da parenti e amici, con tanti regali e tutta la gioia di vivere che solo i bimbi piccoli riescono ad avere e trasmettere, e’ stato per noi un’emozione forte. Sara’ banale, ma questi due anni sono volati. Sembra ieri che si festeggiava il suo primo compleanno (vedi Today is Lorenzo’s birthday, and now he is two years old. We are so happy to see him happy. He really is a good boy, and it is amazing to verify that the little baby we met the first time on April 2012 (see here) grew up so fast. Thanks Lorenzo, and thanks to all the relative and friends that were so nice to come here to wish him happy birthday. And thanks for all the lovely gifts.
Allenandosi un po’
April 13, 2014 // Posted in bike | No Comments
La passione per la bici pervade molti dei post di questo blog. E anche se il periodo e’ molto intenso, e il tempo libero non e’ molto, oggi la componente maschile di casa sacchibelli ha ripreso a pedalare sulla sua gloriosa Bianchi (vedi qui). E diciamo che, pur essendo la forma non al top, la gamba continua a esserci…
As you know, here at sacchibelli’s we often talk about bycicles. And today, although the period is quite busy, the adult male component enjoyed to ride his lovely road bike for a while. The trip was very short, but the speed was not that bad…
Sul balcone
April 6, 2014 // Posted in food, home | No Comments
Also this year we started to have lunch sitting on our balcony. Now weather is great and we enjoy to live on the balcony. Yes it is nice to see what happens on the street (Lorenzo is particularly happy when the garbage truck stops), and although it is not so panoramic (no sea or mountains at the horizon), to have lunch on it give us the sensation to be in vacation.
April 6, 2014 // Posted in flowers, food | No Comments
The botanic experiment we are starting in these period is about strawberries. We love them a lot, so we decided to plant few shoots in a vase. Now they don’t look so promising, but let’s hope that soon we will be able to proudly eat our strawberries.
Da Teo e Vassy
April 4, 2014 // Posted in food, friends | 1 Comment
post. Con qualche piccola differenza: in primis, Vassy e’ ora in dolce attesa, e in secundis Lorenzo e’ rimasto sveglio (e bravo) tutta la sera, comparendo cosi’ nella foto di gruppo. Che dire, grazie a tutti per la bellissima serata, e per la squisita cena.
Last Tuesday our friends Matteo and Vassy invited us at their place for a dinner. Here we met Riccardo too, so at the end the team was exactly the same we described here, with few differences: Lorenzo was not sleeping when we took the photos (by the way, he behaved as a good boy, eating with us and being very kind and funny), and Vassy is pregnant now. We spent a very nice evening together, and the dinner was great. Thanks a lot to our guests!!!
Martedi’ scorso i nostri amici Teo e Vassy ci hanno invitato a cena a casa loro, e qui abbiamo anche incontrato Riccardo, riformando quindi la stessa squadra che gia’ abbiamo descritto in un precednte Last Tuesday our friends Matteo and Vassy invited us at their place for a dinner. Here we met Riccardo too, so at the end the team was exactly the same we described here, with few differences: Lorenzo was not sleeping when we took the photos (by the way, he behaved as a good boy, eating with us and being very kind and funny), and Vassy is pregnant now. We spent a very nice evening together, and the dinner was great. Thanks a lot to our guests!!!