Come l’anno scorso (vedi qui), anche quest’anno gli ottimi Dana, Nico e Leo ci hanno invitato a casa loro per una grigliata a dir poco stratosferica. La combricola coinvolta era quella dell’anno scorso, piu’ una new entry. E il piccolo Lorenzo, pur non potento partecipare attivamente, ha presenziato cosi’ al suo primo barbecue. Che dire, passare una giornata insieme a cari amici in allegria e’ davvero qualcosa di speciale. Grazie davvero sia per gli ottimi piatti che per la speciale amicizia che ci lega a tutti voi.
One year after the great barbecue we had at Dana and Nico’s place (see here), we were invited again at their place for another amazing barbecue. The friends involved were the same (Fernando and Tinella’s family) but this year we had the new entry of little Lorenzo. Thanks a lot for your kindness. To spend a day together with true friends is the best gift we can receive. And if you add that the food was amazing, you can conclude that it will not be so easy to forget such a lovely day.
You are currently browsing the archives for June, 2012.
La prima grigliata
June 24, 2012 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | 1 Comment
Bike revolution
June 21, 2012 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Qualche giorno fa, dopo una lunga attesa, sono state installate le nuove rastrelliere per le bici al lavoro. Ed e’ bello constatare che, gia’ il giorno successivo, erano piene di bici. Non so se sia l’aumento del costo della benzina, o una maggiore attenzione alla mobilita’ sostenibile da parte dei miei colleghi, ma e’ bello constatare che il numero di bici e’ in progressivo aumento.
Few days ago new bike racks were installed in the court of the company where I work. And it is nice to note that they are already crowded. Maybe it is because of the increased cost of the gas, but it is nice to think that my colleagues are more sensitive to the sustainable mobility. More bikes and less cars; dreams or reality?
Few days ago new bike racks were installed in the court of the company where I work. And it is nice to note that they are already crowded. Maybe it is because of the increased cost of the gas, but it is nice to think that my colleagues are more sensitive to the sustainable mobility. More bikes and less cars; dreams or reality?
L’unione fa la forza
June 21, 2012 // Posted in animals | 1 Comment
Ieri, uscendo sul balcone, abbiamo notato uno strano assembramento di formiche. A una piu’ attenta ispezione ci siamo accorti che in realta’ stavano banchettando alle spese di un gigantesco coleottero. Non sappiamo come siano andate le cose (e’ bello immaginare un combattimento tra il coleottero e le formiche), ma di sicuro era impressionante notare come le formiche, super organizzate, riuscissero a spostare il cadavere del coleottero, infinite volte piu’ grande di loro.
Yesterday morning we noted on our balcony a big number of ants. Better focusing on the subject, we realized that they were having breakfast eating a huge beetle. It was amazing to note how they were working together, being able to move the body of the beetle, although its size was order of magnitude bigger
Yesterday morning we noted on our balcony a big number of ants. Better focusing on the subject, we realized that they were having breakfast eating a huge beetle. It was amazing to note how they were working together, being able to move the body of the beetle, although its size was order of magnitude bigger
Di festa in festa
June 16, 2012 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
L’arrivo di Lorenzo ha portato in casa sacchibelli tanta gioia e felicita’. E tra gli innumerevoli side benefits c’e’ anche il fatto che ci sono spesso occasioni per festeggiarlo. Cosi’ martedi’ scorso siamo stati a salutare i colleghi del papa’, e a ringraziarli per i bei regali ricevuti; ed e’ stata l’occasione per sgranocchiare qualcosa in compagnia. Grazie ancora di tutto!
The birth of our litftle Lorenzo made us so happy… An additional side benefit is that there is often the opportunity to celebrate his arrival. So last Tuesday we went at Marvell to meet the colleagues of the sacchibelli male component. They were very kind and so close to us, so we met them for a little party. Thanks a lot!!!!
The birth of our litftle Lorenzo made us so happy… An additional side benefit is that there is often the opportunity to celebrate his arrival. So last Tuesday we went at Marvell to meet the colleagues of the sacchibelli male component. They were very kind and so close to us, so we met them for a little party. Thanks a lot!!!!
Il primo aperitivo
June 10, 2012 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | 1 Comment
L’altra sera Ivan e Gabry ci hanno chiamato per un aperitivo in centro. Cosi’, visto che Lorenzo non li aveva ancora conosciuti, ci siamo spinti fino in piazza per incontrarli. Cosi’ il piccolo Lorenzo ha provato l’ebrezza del primo aperitivo, e noi il piacere di rivedere due amici davvero speciali.
Last Friday our friends Ivan and Gabry called us proposing an appetizer in the center of the city; So, considering that Lorenzo still had to know them, we decided to accept thei proposal. So
lorenzo had his first appetizer, while we shared a nice evening with special friends like Ivan and Gabry
Last Friday our friends Ivan and Gabry called us proposing an appetizer in the center of the city; So, considering that Lorenzo still had to know them, we decided to accept thei proposal. So
lorenzo had his first appetizer, while we shared a nice evening with special friends like Ivan and Gabry
Scuola di nuoto
June 10, 2012 // Posted in animals | 1 Comment
La foto forse non rende giustizia, ma la tenerezza che ispira mappa papera seguita da tutti i piccoli anatroccoli e’ unica. Anche se si e’ nel Naviglio, tra inquinamento, nutrie, pantegane e quant’altro…
Although the quality of the picture is not that good, we find really cute the “swimming school” with the duck and its little dunckling. The Naviglio is usually dirty and polluted, but to see this kind of images is really relaxing and give us the sensation that the beauty of the nature will win
Although the quality of the picture is not that good, we find really cute the “swimming school” with the duck and its little dunckling. The Naviglio is usually dirty and polluted, but to see this kind of images is really relaxing and give us the sensation that the beauty of the nature will win
June 8, 2012 // Posted in cars, Pavia, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
Forse qui in Italia, e a Pavia in particolare, siamo rassegnati ai soprusi di molti automobilisti su pedoni e ciclisti, all’assurda tolleranza delle forze dell’ordine nei confronti di tali soprusi e all’insensibilita’ alle tematiche di mobilita’ sostenibile dei nostri amministratori locali; ma vedere una donna che spinge la carrozzina lungo la strada per via del marciapiede occupato e’ davvero frustrante e deprimente? Riusciremo a cambiare questa situazione?
Here in Italy, and @ Pavia in particular, we (pedestrians and bicycle riders) have to survive and fight against too many cars. The room is not enough for all, and it is sad to note that the arrogance of many car drivers is too much tolerated. So it is common to see some situation similar to the one I taken in the picture: the sidewalk is crowded of car illegally parked, and a pedestrian with a stroller is forced to walk on the street… What a sadness….
Here in Italy, and @ Pavia in particular, we (pedestrians and bicycle riders) have to survive and fight against too many cars. The room is not enough for all, and it is sad to note that the arrogance of many car drivers is too much tolerated. So it is common to see some situation similar to the one I taken in the picture: the sidewalk is crowded of car illegally parked, and a pedestrian with a stroller is forced to walk on the street… What a sadness….
50 anni e non sentirli
June 2, 2012 // Posted in family | No Comments
Oggi ci siamo ritrovati per festeggiare, con leggero ritardo, i 50 anni di matrimonio dei genitori della componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli, altresi’ noti come “nonna Carla e nonno Beppe”. Il cinquantesimo ufficiale cadeva il 26 aprile scorso, ma per permettere anche a noi di partecipare (all’epoca Lorenzo era appena nato) si e’ deciso di posticipare il pranzo con parenti e amici al 2 giugno. Il tutto si e’ svolto in allegria e simpatia al Ristorante Pizzeria Dell’Angelo, al Tornello, e bisogna dire che questi 50 anni di matrimonio nonna Carla e nonno Beppe li portano davvero bene. Grazie davvero di tutto!!!
Today we went at Ristorante Pizzeria Dell’Angelo for a lunch with friends and family to celebrate, with a little delay due to Lorenzo’s birth, the golden wedding of nonna Carla and nonno Beppe. It was a really nice day, and we have to say that they are in great shape, and we are always happy to see their gladness. They are a great example for all of us. Thanks a lot!!!
Today we went at Ristorante Pizzeria Dell’Angelo for a lunch with friends and family to celebrate, with a little delay due to Lorenzo’s birth, the golden wedding of nonna Carla and nonno Beppe. It was a really nice day, and we have to say that they are in great shape, and we are always happy to see their gladness. They are a great example for all of us. Thanks a lot!!!