You are currently browsing the archives for June, 2018.
Lorenzo and Bea pushed us, in the last months, to bring them to Leolandia, an entertainment park, for babies, near Bergamo. Yesterday we had a complete day available, and we decided to go there. Both Lorenzo and Bea were very enthusiastic, and they appreciated the park a lot. To be honest, it was a good experience for us too. In fact we had a lot of fun with Lory and Bea, and we enjoyed the beauty of the park. Very big, with a lot of green, not too much chaotic. A great experience…
Ancora Pompieropoli
June 24, 2018 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Today firefighters organized a new “pompieropoli” session just in front of their barrack. Being so close to us, why not to visit them?
Il pane di Lorenzo
June 24, 2018 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Today, all the Lorenzo’s school mate went to to Molino Ferrari, to celebrate Paola’s birthday and to learn how to prepare a good bread. The school teachers were present too, and the afternoon was really appreciated by all the kids. The location was great, and the emotions due to last event related to kindergarten activities made the experience very special. Thanks for the great organization!!!
A proposito di migranti
June 20, 2018 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
Qui in Italia le forze politiche ora al governo cavalcano il populismo, identificando nei migranti le cause di tutti i problemi del nostro paese. I migranti sono tali perche’, a causa degli squilibri del mondo (di cui tutti noi occidentali dobbiamo ritenerci responsabili), cercano di spostarsi nelle zone “ricche”, alla ricerca di nuove possibilita’.
I migranti hanno tutta la nostra solidarieta’, anche perche’, se questa e’ l’Italia incattivita in cui dovranno crescere i nostri figli, pure noi diventeremo migranti, alla ricerca di una terra “migliore”. Non ci riconosciamo piu’ tra coloro che, respingendoli, dicono che bisogna aiutarli a casa loro. Tanto piu’ che, a casa loro, stanno cosi’ male anche perche’, anziche’ aiutarli, tendiamo a sfruttare tutte le ricchezze delle loro terre, ad alimentare guerre, per poter continuare a vivere in un mondo sempre piu’ fintamente “dorato”. Lasciando la povertà e la morte a casa loro…
Un gelato tra amici
June 17, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Today it was the first hot sunday… Summer time is coming. We invited Anna and Marta, with Luca and Chiara, to taste a good gelato together. And then to have a lot of fun, at home, and at the oratorio. Thanks for coming and for being so special!!!
Torneo degli oratori
June 17, 2018 // Posted in family | No Comments
This year cousin Michele, with team Carmine A, reached quarter final at “Torneo degli Oratori”. We went to watch his match, and we had a lot of fun, altough its team lost the game.
Una pizza e un saluto
June 17, 2018 // Posted in friends | 2 Comments
Marco, Anna and Matteo are already back to California, but last Friday we had a chance to eat a pizza all together, like in the past. Good luck, and we hope to see you soon… We already miss you a lot….
June 11, 2018 // Posted in family | No Comments
Corsi e ricorsi
June 10, 2018 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
There was a time, before this blog started, when, daily, I used to see my dear friend Marco. Sometimes at home, sometimes at the oratorio, sometimes at school, and sometimes in town… Then Marco moved to USA (with a short period in France), however, at least once a year, it happens that, together with Anna and Matteo, he comes back. And this is the occasion to meet all the old friends. So, yesterday we had a nice event, easting pizza at the oratorio, all together. Thanks for coming!!!!
Lorenzo in fiera
June 3, 2018 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
This year Lorenzo discovered, at school, that at the end of May, a luna park is present at Pavia, with a lot of special games. He like a lot such kind of games, and today, the last luna park day, we decided to bring him. We would avoid any detail, but for sure it was very hard to convince him to come back home…