You are currently browsing the archives for January, 2018.
Ultimo tuffo
January 27, 2018 // Posted in family | No Comments
E’ da piu’ di cinque anni, da quando Lorenzo ha iniziato a sguazzare in piscina (vedi qui) che il sabato mattina era dedicato al nuoto, con un genitore, prevalentemente papa’ Enrico, ad accompagnare prima Lorenzo e poi Bea nei corsi di nuoto neonatale e genitori-bimbi. Con oggi pero’ anche la piccola Bea è stata promossa “granchietto” (mentre Lorenzo è ormai un “pinguino”) e sabato prossimo papà Enrico e mamma Silvia svolgeranno solo attività da accompagnatori. Con un po’ di nostalgia…
We started, more than 5 year ago, our swimming activity with Lorenzo at the pool. After 3 years Lorenzo was ready to start swimming training without parents help (and today he is a “penguin”) but we started back with Bea. But today lesson was last one for Bea too, now ready to swim alone with the other babies and the trainer. So, next Saturday we will only watch them from the pool sides.
We started, more than 5 year ago, our swimming activity with Lorenzo at the pool. After 3 years Lorenzo was ready to start swimming training without parents help (and today he is a “penguin”) but we started back with Bea. But today lesson was last one for Bea too, now ready to swim alone with the other babies and the trainer. So, next Saturday we will only watch them from the pool sides.
I 40 anni di Silvia
January 20, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
La componente maschile adulta aveva raggiunto i 40 anni quasi sette anni fa (vedi qui), ed oggi è toccato anche alla componente femminile adulta raggiungere la fatidica soglia. Il periodo è un po’ troppo complicato per riuscire ad organizzare i festeggiamenti che Silvia si sarebbe meritata, ma almeno siamo riusciti a ritagliarci un attimo per una super torta e un brindisi con zio Paolo, zia Lulu’ e Franceschina. Tanti auguri mamma Silvia!!!
Today Silvia turns 40, and although we were not able to organize a great celebration, at least we invited zia Lulu’, zio Paolo and Franceschina to share a great chocolate cake and to dring a glass of good wine. Happy birthday mamma Silvia, from all of us. We love you so much!!!
La finestrella
January 20, 2018 // Posted in Lorenzo | 1 Comment
Da qualche giorno nel bel sorriso di Lorenzo è comparsa una finestrella… Il dente che da tanti giorni dondolava finalmente si è deciso, ed è caduto. Il caso vuole che sia anche il primo dentino che era uscito. Ed ora attendiamo fiduciosi che la finestrella si richiuda…
It was the first tooth, it appeared a while ago, when Lorenzo was a baby. Now, it left, to leave space to the new tooth that will grew up. And in Lorenzo’s lovely smile, a little window appeared.
It was the first tooth, it appeared a while ago, when Lorenzo was a baby. Now, it left, to leave space to the new tooth that will grew up. And in Lorenzo’s lovely smile, a little window appeared.
Bici da corsa
January 15, 2018 // Posted in bike | No Comments
La bici è sempre stata a casa sacchibelli, e tuttora cerchiamo di usarla il più possibile. In gioventu’ la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli si prodigava anche con Mountain Bike (e i mitici viaggi del Pedale-Maiale) e bici da corsa (la gloriosa Bianchi comprata a Berkeley). Ultimamente si e’ trasformato piu’ in ciclista urbano (pavese e milanese), ma i circa 3000 km ogni anno vengono comunque pedalati. La Bianchi comprata al “Missing Link” di Berkeley è stata usata molto sporadicamente negli ultimi anni, ma oggi è tornata in pista. Gonfiate le gomme (completamente a terra) e tolta la polvere accumulata in garage, è stata fatta la prima uscita dell’anno. Speriamo che sia di buon auspicio.
We all enjoy to ride our bicycle here at sacchibelli, but usually we are just urban riders, using the bicycle to reach Lorenzo’s and Bea’s school, and Silvia’s and Enrico’s office. In the past Enrico was riding a lot more, using also his glorious Mountain Bike (mainly during the Pedale-Maiale ride) and his mythic Bianchi road bike, bought at Berkeley “Missing Link” roughly 18 years ago. In the last years, both road and mountain bike have been a bit abandoned due to the busy period with babies. But today a little ride with the Bianchi road bike has been done. Let’s hope that this is a new beginning.
We all enjoy to ride our bicycle here at sacchibelli, but usually we are just urban riders, using the bicycle to reach Lorenzo’s and Bea’s school, and Silvia’s and Enrico’s office. In the past Enrico was riding a lot more, using also his glorious Mountain Bike (mainly during the Pedale-Maiale ride) and his mythic Bianchi road bike, bought at Berkeley “Missing Link” roughly 18 years ago. In the last years, both road and mountain bike have been a bit abandoned due to the busy period with babies. But today a little ride with the Bianchi road bike has been done. Let’s hope that this is a new beginning.
Hot pot
January 10, 2018 // Posted in food | No Comments
In occasione della visita di alcuni colleghi cinesi, ieri sera la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli si e’ concesso una serata milanese speciale, con cena al Ristorante Shu, zona stazione Centrale, specializzato in hot pot. Era la prima esperienza con l’hot pot, e il giudizio è più che positivo. Il cibo, carne e vegetali vari, cotti nel brodo speziato e piccante che ribolliva a centro tavola, e mangiato coi chopstick, si e’ rivelato ottimo. Inoltre, questo attingere alla hot pot da parte di tutti ha creato un bello spirito di aggregazione. Insomma, esperienza da ripetere.
Yesterday the sacchibelli’s adult male component had a social dinner with some colleagues from China at Ristorante Shu, famous in Milan for its hot pot. The food was delicious, and the hot pot concept, at the center of the table, invited to the socialization. We spent a very nice evening all together and we have to repeat this experiment as soon as possible.
Yesterday the sacchibelli’s adult male component had a social dinner with some colleagues from China at Ristorante Shu, famous in Milan for its hot pot. The food was delicious, and the hot pot concept, at the center of the table, invited to the socialization. We spent a very nice evening all together and we have to repeat this experiment as soon as possible.
Raccolta incivile
January 7, 2018 // Posted in Pavia, Uncategorized | No Comments
Quando un contenitore (nel caso specifico per i farmaci scaduti) è pieno, una persona civile evita di utilizzarlo, e ne cerca uno più sgombro, o aspetta che venga svuotato. A Pavia evidentemente non tutti sono civili…
When a waste container (specifically for expired medicine) is full, a civil person don’t use it and look for a more empty container around, or wait for its emptying. In Pavia, evidently, there is some uncivilized people…
When a waste container (specifically for expired medicine) is full, a civil person don’t use it and look for a more empty container around, or wait for its emptying. In Pavia, evidently, there is some uncivilized people…
A casa di Fede
January 7, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
E’ una delle tradizioni piu’ solide (vedi qui, qui e qui): ritrovarsi, intorno all’Epifania, con Federica, di rientro, per le vacanze di Natale, dalle sue trasferte estere. Francese ormai da tempo, Federica non si dimentica di Silvia e delle amiche pavesi storiche, e rivederla e’ sempre un piacere per noi. Ogni anno il caos aumenta a causa dei bimbi, ma anche l’allegria. Questa volta siamo andati noi a casa sua, ed e’ stato davvero un bel pomeriggio. Grazie e a presto zia Fede….
Federica is one of the most important Silvia’s friend, and although she is living far away since a lot of time, around Christmas time she comes regularly back to Pavia; as it happened in the past (see here, here and here) this year too we were lucky enough to meet her again, at her place. There were also Achille, Alice with Matilde and zia Lulu’, with Paolo and Francy. And we spent all together a great afternoon. Thanks a lot Fede!!!!
Federica is one of the most important Silvia’s friend, and although she is living far away since a lot of time, around Christmas time she comes regularly back to Pavia; as it happened in the past (see here, here and here) this year too we were lucky enough to meet her again, at her place. There were also Achille, Alice with Matilde and zia Lulu’, with Paolo and Francy. And we spent all together a great afternoon. Thanks a lot Fede!!!!
Per cominciare bene l’anno…
January 4, 2018 // Posted in family, free time, Travels | No Comments
Ci siamo concessi una tre giorni al mare, nella nostra amata Finale Ligure. Siamo forse un po’ metodici (abbiamo alloggiato, al solito, presso l’ottimo residence “I Glicini“, a Finalpia, dove ormai ci sentiamo quasi a casa), ma ci siamo goduti tre giorni di sole, i giochi sulla spiaggia e con le onde, le colazioni in piazza, e le merende aperitivo a Finalborgo. Insomma, una piacevole pausa dalla vita pavese, a volte grigia come lo smog che vi si respira, per rigenerarci e prepararci ad affrontare questo nuovo anno. E, ne siamo sicuri, torneremo a Finale alla prima occasione, speriamo presto.
In this holidays period we decided to spend few days in Finale Ligure, to enjoy the sea and the sun. As usual we rented a small apartment at Residence “I Glicini“, where we feel at home, and we spent three full days all together, enjoying the waves and the sand, breathing a bit of springtime although we are still at the beginning of the winter, having fun with the babies. So, at the end, a great choice to start the year in a good way.
In this holidays period we decided to spend few days in Finale Ligure, to enjoy the sea and the sun. As usual we rented a small apartment at Residence “I Glicini“, where we feel at home, and we spent three full days all together, enjoying the waves and the sand, breathing a bit of springtime although we are still at the beginning of the winter, having fun with the babies. So, at the end, a great choice to start the year in a good way.
Pranzo di Capodanno
January 4, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
Ormai è quasi una tradizione, e cosi’ anche questo nuovo anno è cominciato con un pranzo a casa di zio Paolo, zia Lulu’ e Franceschina, esattamente come il 2016 e il 2017. Anche quest’anno gli zii si sono superati, con un’enorme quantita’ di antipasti, delle lasagne al pesto e salmone, con il classico cotechino con lenticchie, e un ottimo panettone ai frutti tropicali. I bimbi si sono divertiti assai, la casa ha retto, e l’anno nuovo e’ cominciato con un momento di felicita’ e gioia. Speriamo sia di buon auspicio. Grazie ancora!!!!!
As it happened last year (see here) and the year before (see here) we started the new year with a great lunch at zia Luisa, zio Paolo and Franceschina’s place. The food was great, as usual, but above all we spent a nice afternoon all together, enjoying for the happiness of Lorenzo, Bea and Francesca; they played very well, together, and it was very funny to see them. Thanks again.
As it happened last year (see here) and the year before (see here) we started the new year with a great lunch at zia Luisa, zio Paolo and Franceschina’s place. The food was great, as usual, but above all we spent a nice afternoon all together, enjoying for the happiness of Lorenzo, Bea and Francesca; they played very well, together, and it was very funny to see them. Thanks again.