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Colazione al top
April 29, 2017 // Posted in friends | No Comments
“Top Breakfast” is the name of a Whatsapp group between Silvia, Enrico and two colleagues and friends, Antonio and Maurizio. When someone decides that there is need for a good breakfast, to discuss about something, he sends the invitation to the group, and the next morning, before to reach the office, we meet together in some good pastry shop. Now, with the Marvell crisis, two of the partecipants, Enrico and Maurizio, found new jobs far from here, in other companies, while Silvia and Antonio are waiting to understand how will be the post-Marvell era. As a result, no more “top breakfast” will be possible among us, but we are sure that our friendship will survive to the new job positions.
Pomeriggio con Giulia
April 25, 2017 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Today, in the afternoon, we were expecting both Martina and Giulia at our place. Unfortunately Martina didn’t join the group, because she didn’t behave well at home and she was forbidden to come by Damiano and Rossella. However we enjoyed the presence of Damiano, Giuseppe and Carmen, and while the kids had a lot of fun playing together (Lorenzo and Giulia were very kind and tolerated the noisy Beatrice to play with them). We still don’t know if the chaothic situation at the office will push Giuseppe (and the rest of the family) far away from there. Probably yes, but it will not be easy for us to loose their close friendship… Thanks for coming, and thanks for the nice afternoon spent together.
April 25, 2017 // Posted in Travels | No Comments
Seridò, un evento a misura di bambino che si svolge, ogni anno, alla Fiera di Montichiari. In effetti, all’interno degli ampi spazi delal fiera, sono stati allestiti tantissimi stand a misura di bambino. Dagli spazi per i giochi (costruzioni, lego e simili), ai gonfiabili, alle gare in monopattino, i teatri e quant’altro. Beatrice forse era ancora un po’ piccolina per apprezzare la maggior parte dei giochi, ma di sicuro Lorenzo ne ha fatto una scorpacciata. E alla fine ci siamo divertiti tutti assieme, nonostante il caos.
Today we went to Seridò, a big event for babies and kids, in Montichiari. Here we found a lot of fun for both Lorenzo and Beatrice, and although it was very crouded, it was nice to spend all the day in a such lovely place. Next year probably we will come back.
Oggi, approfittando del ponte per il 25 aprile, abbiamo deciso di trascorrere una giornata diversa dal solito e, seguendo i suggerimenti di alcuni colleghi, siamo andati al Today we went to Seridò, a big event for babies and kids, in Montichiari. Here we found a lot of fun for both Lorenzo and Beatrice, and although it was very crouded, it was nice to spend all the day in a such lovely place. Next year probably we will come back.
Pasqua a Finale
April 19, 2017 // Posted in family, Travels | 1 Comment
It is a busy and hard period, mainly because of the job issue with the decision of Marvell to close the italian design center. So, looking for some relax, we decided to go, with Lorenzo and Bea, to the sea, during the Easter vacations. And we were lucky enough, because we came back to our loved Finale Ligure, where weather was great, and the babies enjoyed the beach. The water was a bit cold, but we had some temptation to dive. We also enjoyed the bike ride to Varigotti, and the snack in Finalborgo. It was the first time we decided to go to the sea during Easter vacations, but next year we probably will repeat this good experiment.
Festa dei 5 anni
April 9, 2017 // Posted in celebrations, family, Lorenzo | No Comments
Lorenzo’s birthday is next Sunday, on April the 16th. This year it is coincident with Easter, so we decided to anticipate a bit its celebration. Today we invited almost all the dear friends of Lorenzo to the Oratorio, where all the babies played together and had a lot of fun. Then there was the classic cake, and the gifts ceremony. At the end, Lorenzo was very happy. Thanks to everyone for making this special day a great day.
April 8, 2017 // Posted in food, free time | No Comments
Locanda della Contea e oggi, anche se Bea (malata) e Silvia sono state costrette a rinunciare, siamo finalmente riusciti a organizzare l’evento, assieme a Martina, Viola, Giulia, e le rispettive famiglie. Il posto e’ molto accogliente, specie per i bimbi, sia all’interno, che nel bel cortile, e anche il brunch ha meritato. E dopo. tutti i bimbi pronti a scatenarsi al parco giochi di fronte.
We were planning a brunch at “La Locanda della Contea” since longtime, and at the end, today, we did it. Unfortunately Bea was sick, and Silvia decided to stay at home with her, but Lorenzo had a lot of friends around, starting with Martina, Viola and Giulia, The food was great, and the babies enjoyed the place, both inside, and outside. Thanks for the great day spent together!!!
Era da un po’ che si cercava di organizzare un brunch alla We were planning a brunch at “La Locanda della Contea” since longtime, and at the end, today, we did it. Unfortunately Bea was sick, and Silvia decided to stay at home with her, but Lorenzo had a lot of friends around, starting with Martina, Viola and Giulia, The food was great, and the babies enjoyed the place, both inside, and outside. Thanks for the great day spent together!!!
Il glorioso Toshiba Satellite U305-S7467
April 4, 2017 // Posted in Geek | No Comments
qui, qui, qui e qui), comprato da Fry’s quasi dieci anni fa, durante l’ultima permanenza in Silicon Valley della componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli. Ne abbiamo parlato per questioni software (ci abbiamo installato svariate versioni di linux) e per questioni hardware (nonostante piccoli interventi, come la sostituzione della tastiera e del lettore DVD, il notebook ha retto bene). L’ultimo (fastidioso) problema hardware e’ stato quello relativo alla rumorosita’ della ventola di raffredamento della CPU, diventata estremamente rumorosa. Cosi’, pur essendo la sostituzione della ventola un’operazione complicata (bisogna smontare tutto il PC, compresa la scheda madre), ci abbiamo provato, e con l’aiuto del buon Maurizio, la nuova ventola (costo 12 dollari) e’ stata installata, e il PC e’ ripartito senza particolari problemi.
We often mentioned the old PC Toshiba Satellite U305 that the adult male component bought roughly 10 years ago at Fry’s, in Silicon Valley. It is hard as a rock, and although we had to change few things (keyboard, DVD) it works very well, and fast. Recently it started to be very noisy, because of the broken CPU fan, and although to replace it with a new one is a very complex operation, at the end, with the help of Maurizio, we did it. And now everything works very well….
Spesso abbiamo parlato su questo blog del glorioso Toshiba Satellite U305-S7467 (vedi We often mentioned the old PC Toshiba Satellite U305 that the adult male component bought roughly 10 years ago at Fry’s, in Silicon Valley. It is hard as a rock, and although we had to change few things (keyboard, DVD) it works very well, and fast. Recently it started to be very noisy, because of the broken CPU fan, and although to replace it with a new one is a very complex operation, at the end, with the help of Maurizio, we did it. And now everything works very well….
Il compleanno di Paola
April 1, 2017 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Lorenzo’s social life is getting progressively intensive… This afternoon we went at “Parco del Castello” to celebrate Paola’s birthday. Paola is Lorenzo’s mate at kindergarten, while her brother Francesco, is Bea’s mate at the nursery. The birthday celebration was great, and the presence of almost all the friends of Lorenzo and Bea made the afternoon very special. Thanks for the invitation and for the organization.