You are currently browsing the archives for February, 2014.
Mobilita’ sostenibile
February 23, 2014 // Posted in environment, Lorenzo | No Comments
We often talk about sustainable transport, although we live in a town where this concept is not clear enough to our adnministrators. Also ittle Lorenzo is trying to do his contribution to sustainable transport, and today he started proudly driving his tricycle through the neighborhood.
Un pomeriggio speciale
February 16, 2014 // Posted in food, friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Today, in the afternoon (and then they stopped also for dinner), Luca Chiara and Anna joined us for a snack (with delicious smiling cookies and a great cocoa cake) and we really enjoyed to stay all together, happy and smiling, following Anna and Lorenzo playing together. It was a great day, and we always have to thank them because we feel Luca and Chiara as special friends.
Risotto con lo zafferano
February 16, 2014 // Posted in food | No Comments
Don’t worry, we are not transforming sacchibelli in a food-blog; but in the last period we didn’t have to much time to spend in food cooking, and the quality of our food slowly decreased. Now we are trying to gain back some quality and, although is it just a simple “risotto” with saffron, today it was a pleasure to eat it, after a lot of time.
Involtini di verze con patate e pancetta
February 9, 2014 // Posted in food | No Comments
ricetta trovata su Che dire, accompagnate da ottimi cavolfiori al forno hanno costituito un piatto originale (e per una volta salutare) che i sacchibelli (adulti) hanno gustato per ora in solitudine, ma che rilanceranno per una delle prossime cene con qualche amico.
Lorenzo was a bit sick this Sunday, so we didn’t have the possibility to join any social event. But Silvia decided to cook something new, starting from a recipe she found here. The results was impressive and very good. So we have now a new dish to share with some of the friends we will invite soon at our place. Great job Silvia!!!!
Questo weekend, parzialmente caratterizzato da pioggia e dal fatto che Lorenzo non e’ stato molto bene, ha fatto si che non ci siamo sbizzarriti in particolari avventure social. Ma la cucina di casa Sacchibelli, tramite Silvia (ovviamente) ha prodotto dei succulenti involtini di verze, con patate e pancetta, una variante di una Lorenzo was a bit sick this Sunday, so we didn’t have the possibility to join any social event. But Silvia decided to cook something new, starting from a recipe she found here. The results was impressive and very good. So we have now a new dish to share with some of the friends we will invite soon at our place. Great job Silvia!!!!
Pista camionabile
February 5, 2014 // Posted in bike, Pavia | No Comments
le auto dei vigili urbani). Un camion con rimorchio pero’ non era ancora stato avvistato. La lacuna e’ stata colmata qualche giorno fa, come dimostra la fotografia.
Here in Pavia we have few bike path, and they are quite dangerous because they are not interconnected. Moreover you can often meet cars. Sometimes also police cars, but to meet trucks on a bike lane is something new to me too… No comment.
Sulle (poche e pessime) piste ciclabili pavesi e’ capitato di vedere di tutto, dai motorini, alle auto, e anche Here in Pavia we have few bike path, and they are quite dangerous because they are not interconnected. Moreover you can often meet cars. Sometimes also police cars, but to meet trucks on a bike lane is something new to me too… No comment.
Mangiando (tanto) in compagnia
February 4, 2014 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
qui riportato). Lorenzo, che pure aveva gia’ mangiato prima, ci ha fatto compagnia e a parte la timidezza iniziale, si e’ trovato piuttosto bene con i nostri ospiti. In teoria la polenta doveva essere un piatto unico, ma Alessio e Fernando hanno pensanto anche al dolce; Alessio portando degli ottimi pasticcini, e Fernando portando uno squisito zabajone; e Silvia ha provveduto a preparare la cioccolata calda… Insomma, una cena piuttosto ricca. E molto bella. Grazie a tutti.
Last Sunday we decided to cook polenta (with sausage and mushrooms, and also with gorgonzola) and we invited both Fernando and Alessio. They joined us bringing some great dessert: pastries and zabaglione (served on top of a delicious hot chocolate prepared by Silvia). It was a great dinner, with good friends. And Lorenzo was very happy too. But probably we exagerated a bit with the calories….
Domenica sera abbiamo deciso di concederci un bel piatto di polenta condita in vari modi (salsiccia e funghi, oltre che l’immancabile e buonissimo gorgonzola). E mangiare in buona compagnia e’ qualcosa che ci piace un sacco, cosi’ abbiamo fatto convergere a casa nostra anche Alessio e Fernando (che gia’ erano venuti a trovarci tempo fa, come Last Sunday we decided to cook polenta (with sausage and mushrooms, and also with gorgonzola) and we invited both Fernando and Alessio. They joined us bringing some great dessert: pastries and zabaglione (served on top of a delicious hot chocolate prepared by Silvia). It was a great dinner, with good friends. And Lorenzo was very happy too. But probably we exagerated a bit with the calories….