Lorenzo e Anna non si vedevano da un po’, causa impegni e vacanze varie. Idem i genitori… cosi’ oggi abbiamo approfittato della bella giornata per raggiungere Luca, Chiara e Anna a Poggio, e passare con loro uno splendido pomeriggio. E, come sempre, Lorenzo e Anna sono stati davvero speciali e felici. Ma anche Beatrice e’ sembrata a suo agio, in attesa che arrivi la sua nuova amichetta.
Today we went to Poggio Ferrato to see, after a while, Luca, Chiara and Anna. Lorenzo and Anna picked up blackberries with the help of Chiara, and this experience was quite exciting. Thanks a lot for the nice snack and for sharing with us such a wonderful afternoon.
You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2015.
Un pomeriggio in collina
July 27, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Ladri di bicicletta
July 27, 2015 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Ieri la piccola Beatrice ha fatto il suo esordio in bici, nel seggiolino anteriore della bici di Silvia, mentre Lorenzo stava in quello posteriore della bici di Enrico. E il battesimo della bici ha entusiasmato la piccola Bea. Peccato che gia’ oggi, 24 ore dopo, la bella bici di Silvia, equipaggiata di due seggiolini, e’ stata vergognosamente rubata da ignoti, presso l’ospedale. Ma non preoccupatevi, i sacchibelli non abbandoneranno la bici per cosi’ poco… Ma certo spiace…
Yesterday little Bea, tried, for the first time, a ride bike together with mamma Silvia. She was happy and excited. Unfortunately today, Silvia’s bike, fully equipped with two child seats has been stolen, at the hospital. We are sad, but for sure, we will be soon able to ride again all togheter.
Yesterday little Bea, tried, for the first time, a ride bike together with mamma Silvia. She was happy and excited. Unfortunately today, Silvia’s bike, fully equipped with two child seats has been stolen, at the hospital. We are sad, but for sure, we will be soon able to ride again all togheter.
American breakfast
July 27, 2015 // Posted in family, food | No Comments
Durante la settimana si e’ sempre di corsa, ma nel weekend qualche momento di relax riusciamo a concedercelo. Cosi’ sabato mattina (presto, visto che Lorenzo e Beatrice sono mattinieri) Silvia ha preparato degli ottimi pancakes… E tra marmellata, mirtilli e sciroppo d’acero, stando sul nostro balcone, sembrava quasi di essere negli States…
During the weekdays, it is hard to find some relax time, busy with job and babies. But on Saturday or Sunday, we do something… And last Saturday Silvia prepared some delicious pancakes for an “almost” american breakfast.
During the weekdays, it is hard to find some relax time, busy with job and babies. But on Saturday or Sunday, we do something… And last Saturday Silvia prepared some delicious pancakes for an “almost” american breakfast.
Una birra con l’americano
July 18, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Il nostro amico Marco e’ ormai americano a tutti gli effetti. Dopo la pausa francese ormai con Anna e Matteo si sono reinsediati in California, in Silicon Valley. Ma da Pavia, una volta all’anno, passa, durante le vacanze estive. E noi cogliamo sempre l’occasione per radunare un po’ di vecchi amici intorno a un tavolo, con una buona birra, a raccontarci cosa e’ successo in questo ultimo anno. E cosi’ e’ stato anche mercoledi’ scorso. E, al solito, e’ stata una bella serata. Prima o poi verremo a bere una birra in quel di Campbell…
Our friend Marco is back to USA, and we miss him a lot. So, when he stops few days in Pavia during his summer vacation, we always try to meet him, together with some old friends. So, last Wednesday we drunk a beer together, and, as usual, it was a nice event. Thanks Marco, and maybe next time we will drink a beer in California all together. It would be nice….
Our friend Marco is back to USA, and we miss him a lot. So, when he stops few days in Pavia during his summer vacation, we always try to meet him, together with some old friends. So, last Wednesday we drunk a beer together, and, as usual, it was a nice event. Thanks Marco, and maybe next time we will drink a beer in California all together. It would be nice….
Riding Forward Faster
July 15, 2015 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Negli ultimi mesi la bici da corsa della componente maschile adulta di casa Sacchibelli e’ rimasta ahime’ inutilizzata. Troppo difficile riuscire ad allenarsi senza togliere troppo tempo a famiglia e lavoro. Viceversa alcuni colleghi sono mirabilmente appassionati (fanatici?) e riescono a pedalare con regolarita’ e con grande efficacia. Cosi’ oggi, quando sono stato invitato a pedalare in gruppo sfoggiando la nuova divisa “aziendale”. Sara’ stato il caldo, sara’ stata l’assenza di allenamento, ma che fatica…
Today I rode my road bike after many months, together with some super-trained colleague, to exhibit the new uniform provided by the company. Unfortunately weather was very hot, and colleagues very fast, but at the end I survived…
Today I rode my road bike after many months, together with some super-trained colleague, to exhibit the new uniform provided by the company. Unfortunately weather was very hot, and colleagues very fast, but at the end I survived…
In transito
July 13, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
I sacchibelli con Marco e Matteo, ma senza Anna[/caption]In questi giorni qui dai sacchibelli c’e’ un transito non indifferente di amici che arrivano dall’estero. Cesare sabato, Matteo e Valentina ieri, e stasera Marco, con Matteo. Che dire, avere tanti amici, di quelli veri e speciali, che si ricordano sempre di noi, e’ davvero bello. Grazie Marco, e anche se stavolta non siamo riusciti a vedere la famiglia Brambilla tutta contemporaneamente, almeno in due step ce l’abbiamo fatta. A presto, magari in California…
In this period many friends of us are travelling back to Italy, usually for vacations. And many of them stop here at sacchibelli’s. This evening Marco, with little Matteo, came to our place for a pizza together, followed by our famous hand made gelato. Thanks Marco, and although we didn’t see you and Anna together, at least we have seen you separately. And next time, maybe in California, we will meet all together.
In this period many friends of us are travelling back to Italy, usually for vacations. And many of them stop here at sacchibelli’s. This evening Marco, with little Matteo, came to our place for a pizza together, followed by our famous hand made gelato. Thanks Marco, and although we didn’t see you and Anna together, at least we have seen you separately. And next time, maybe in California, we will meet all together.
Teo & Vale
July 12, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Teo & Vale, di Contafamily, sono una presenza regolare di questo blog. Abitiamo a 10000km di distanza, ma l’amicizia, nata sui banchi dell’Universita’, e’ robusta, e resiste alla distanza. Inoltre, ad ogni occasione, quando noi capitiamo dalle loro parti, o loro, con piu’ regolarita’, dalle nostre, ci si vede. E il tempo non sembra essere passato. Grazie Teo e Vale. E anche se stavolta non abbiamo potuto ammirare i vostri meravigliosi Gio, Nik e Paolo, siamo davvero felici e orgogliosi di esservi amici. A presto, magari in California…
The older male component of sacchibelli family met Matteo and Vale 25 years ago at University. We studied together and then, after graduation, they went to Usa. Although we live so far away, we feel them as true friends, and they probaby do the same. So, when we go to south California or when they come back to Italy for summer vacations, we always find a way to see each other. So, this morning, they stopped at our place to know little Beatrice. And, as always, it is like 25 years ago, we love to stay together.
The older male component of sacchibelli family met Matteo and Vale 25 years ago at University. We studied together and then, after graduation, they went to Usa. Although we live so far away, we feel them as true friends, and they probaby do the same. So, when we go to south California or when they come back to Italy for summer vacations, we always find a way to see each other. So, this morning, they stopped at our place to know little Beatrice. And, as always, it is like 25 years ago, we love to stay together.
Una visita lampo
July 12, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Ieri e’ stato un giorno triste, con l’ultimo saluto a Claudio. Molti amici sono venuti a salutarlo, arrivando da ogni parte d’Italia, e non solo. Tra questi Cesare, amico e ex collega comune, che ora vive a Neuchatel con Maria e le sue splendide bimbe. Abbiamo cosi’ avuto l’occasione di pranzare insieme e, nonostante l’atmosfera cupa, abbiamo trascorso un bel pomeriggio. Prima o poi andremo a Neuchatel a trovarli, abbiamo promesso che lo faremo per la primavera 2016. E ora che l’abbiamo scritto, non possiamo non mantenere la promessa.
Yesterday it was a sad day, with Claudio’s funeral. Many friends of him came from everywhere. One of them was Cesare, a common friend and colleague, came from Neuchatel, and we spent the lunch together. We promised him that soon we will go to Neuchatel to meet all his wonderful family, and to know Chiara, who arrived few days after Beatrice, last December.
Yesterday it was a sad day, with Claudio’s funeral. Many friends of him came from everywhere. One of them was Cesare, a common friend and colleague, came from Neuchatel, and we spent the lunch together. We promised him that soon we will go to Neuchatel to meet all his wonderful family, and to know Chiara, who arrived few days after Beatrice, last December.
Ciao Claudio
July 5, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Te ne sei andato cosi’, all’improvviso. Un incidente ti ha portato via. Ci lasci sgomenti e tristi per non aver cercato più’ spesso, in questi ultimi anni, il tuo sorriso. Nei momenti più’ difficili tu e Giovanna ci siete stati vicino. E se anche ci si vedeva di rado, ultimamente, sapevamo che c’eravate. Ci mancano le parole, ma scorrono solo le lacrime. Vorremmo poter far qualcosa, ma non si può più. Un abbraccio Claudio, e ora che sei in cielo, guarda dall’alto Giovanna e la tua splendida famiglia. Non sappiamo davvero come potranno fare senza di te…
Today the terrible news. A car crash, and we lost you. We already miss you, we miss your smile and we can’t understand how Giovanna and the babies will be able to go on without you. Please help them from the sky. They need you.
Today the terrible news. A car crash, and we lost you. We already miss you, we miss your smile and we can’t understand how Giovanna and the babies will be able to go on without you. Please help them from the sky. They need you.
A casa di Viola
July 4, 2015 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Lorenzo e Viola[/caption]Con un po’ di ritardo ecco il post relativo a domenica scorsa. Giornata calda (non come oggi, ma pur sempre calda), ma trascorsa con la piacevole compagnia di Viola e Sokratis (compagni d’asilo di Lorenzo) e i rispettivi genitori. E con l’indiscutibile beneficio della bellissima piscinetta piazzata nel magico cortile di casa di Viola. Grazie!!!
With a bit of delay, here there is the post about last Sunday. We went at Viola’s place together with Sokratis living a kind of small kindergarden experience. Carlo and Cristina (Viola’s parents) were very kind, and we really enjoyed the small swimming poll placed in the magic courtyard of Viola’s place. Thanks a lot!!!
With a bit of delay, here there is the post about last Sunday. We went at Viola’s place together with Sokratis living a kind of small kindergarden experience. Carlo and Cristina (Viola’s parents) were very kind, and we really enjoyed the small swimming poll placed in the magic courtyard of Viola’s place. Thanks a lot!!!