You are currently browsing the archives for May, 2017.
Picnic alla Vernavola
May 28, 2017 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Today, although without Mom Silvia, we were invited to join Theo (and family) and Luca (and family) at Vernavola Park, for a picnic. Lorenzo and Bea were very excited about that. The day was very hot, but the babies had for sure a lot of fun. Thanks!!!!
Anna compie sei anni
May 22, 2017 // Posted in celebrations, friends | No Comments
qui). Quest’anno in quel di Castel San Giovanni, assieme ad Andrea, un suo compagno di asilo. Noi non potevamo mancare, e approfittando delle ottime condizioni meteo e della straordinaria location, siamo stati ben contenti di partecipare a questa bella festa. Tanti auguri Anna, amica davvero speciale!!!
Last year Anna celebrated her 5th birthday at Poggio Ferrato. This year, for her 6th birthday, she celebrated, together with Andrea, a school mate, in a wonderfull villa near Castel San Giovanni. We have been invited and we have been very happy to stay close to her in such a special day. Happy birthday dear Anna, you are a special friend!!!
L’anno scorso Anna aveva festeggiato il compleanno a Poggio (vedi Last year Anna celebrated her 5th birthday at Poggio Ferrato. This year, for her 6th birthday, she celebrated, together with Andrea, a school mate, in a wonderfull villa near Castel San Giovanni. We have been invited and we have been very happy to stay close to her in such a special day. Happy birthday dear Anna, you are a special friend!!!
Farewell @ Marvell
May 21, 2017 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
After almost 10 years it is time to leave Marvell, at least for the adult male component of sacchibelli’s family. The ending of this adventure, with the imminent layoffs and the long crisis is a bit melancholy, but I can’t forget the nice moments spent together with my colleagues and all the friends I leave. Thanks for all we did together.
Progressi ciclistici
May 21, 2017 // Posted in bike, Lorenzo | No Comments
Piano piano anche il buon Lorenzo si appresta a diventare ciclista. Dall’iniziale biciclettina senza pedali, di cui era entusiasta, siamo passati a quella a rotelle, che non ha mai amato. Ora è arrivata una bici più grande (troppo grande, 16 pollici) su cui ha imparato a andare senza rotelle… Ma si diverte di più su quella piccola (12 pollici), ora senza rotelle…
At the end Lorenzo is now able to ride his small bicycle without traning wheels. To be honest he is now able to ride also the new and bigger bicycle, but for the moment he has more fun with the small one. So let’s ride it…
Bambinfestival 2017
May 14, 2017 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Bambinfestival è cominciato, con un sacco di iniziative per i piccoli. Dal classico Pompieropoli, in cui ormai Lorenzo ha dimostrato di cavarsela più che bene, all’inedita storia del mostro peloso, che ha coinvolto sia Lorenzo che Bea, prima nella creazione di due bellissimi mostri, e poi nel racconto della storia. Grazie davvero per questa bella iniziativa che, almeno per due settimane, consegna la città in mano ai bambini.
Bambinfestival is back, and with it, a lot of activities for kids are organized through the city. Lorenzo came back to Pompieropoli, and he proved to be almost a great fire fighter, while with also Bea, we went to the “biblioteca dei ragazzi” to create our monster and to listen the adventures of the hairy monster. A great starting, and we still have two more weeks full of events.
Anche quest’anno il Bambinfestival is back, and with it, a lot of activities for kids are organized through the city. Lorenzo came back to Pompieropoli, and he proved to be almost a great fire fighter, while with also Bea, we went to the “biblioteca dei ragazzi” to create our monster and to listen the adventures of the hairy monster. A great starting, and we still have two more weeks full of events.
Al Ministero
May 10, 2017 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Yesterday, within the firing procedure that Marvell started few months ago, together with Unions representatives Enrico and Giuseppe, we were invited to discuss, at Minister of Economical Developments, about the situation and the job perspectives. This allowed us to spend one day, after the meeting in Rome. Both Enrico, Giuseppe and I, we are leaving from Marvell, joining three different new companies, and we decided to celebrate our friendship and our experience as Union Representative in Rome, an amazing city.
Sabato allegro
May 7, 2017 // Posted in friends | No Comments
It is a busy period, with something bad about today jobs, and something good about future jobs. We are obviously willing to start some new job adventures, but we are a bit sad for what we loose. For sure some of our colleagues will find new job far away from here, and we are sad for that, because many of them are true friends, and we would enjoy the possibility to cultivate the friendship with them. Giuseppe, and his wonderful family, is probably ready to leave Pavia, and this makes us very sad. So yesterdayce we were very happy to share with them the afternoon and the dinner at their place. I perceived a bit of melancholy among the adults, but it was a great meeting. And all the babies were funny and energetic. We had a lot of fun, and also a lot of great food. Thanks again for your kindness.
May 2, 2017 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
qui) erano 45, e due anni fa 44 (vedi qui), quest’anno sono 46. Ma festeggiare il compleanno circondato dall’allegria dei propri nanetti (Lorenzo e Beatrice) scatenati e felici con la cuginetta Francy e con le amatissime Anna e Marta è qualcosa di davvero bello. Grazie di cuore a tutti, a super mamma Silvia e a tutti gli amici che hanno reso questo giorno ancora più speciale.
It happens this year too. Last year (see here) the adult male component celebrated 45 years, while today he turns 46. However it was a special birthday, full of joy and happiness, mainly thanks to Lorenzo, Bea and all the babies they had around: Marta and Anna, and little cousin Francy. And thanks. obviously, to Silvia and all the parents and friends we felt close to us.
Succede anche ai migliori di invecchiare… E se l’anno scorso (vedi It happens this year too. Last year (see here) the adult male component celebrated 45 years, while today he turns 46. However it was a special birthday, full of joy and happiness, mainly thanks to Lorenzo, Bea and all the babies they had around: Marta and Anna, and little cousin Francy. And thanks. obviously, to Silvia and all the parents and friends we felt close to us.
Di ritorno ai “Due camini”
May 2, 2017 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Due camini” ci piace parecchio. Non è che usciamo molto spesso, ma quando capita, spesso siamo li’. Con Luca e Chiara ci eravamo già stati (vedi qui) circa due anni fa, ed eravamo in sette. Ci siamo ritornati ieri, ed eravamo in otto. In realta’ Marta c’era anche la volta precedente, ma era ancora nascosta nella pancia di mamma Chiara. Anche stavolta abbiamo mangiato molto bene e, soprattutto, ci siamo sentiti molto a nostro agio, con Anna e Lorenzo ormai provetti esploratori. Abbiamo così scoperto il recinto con le due capre (che abbiamo chiamato Osvald e Carolina) e abbiamo pure cercato di includerle nell’autoscatto. Missione quasi riuscita…
We don’t go out for lunch too much often, because with Lorenzo and Bea is always a bit tricky. But when it happens, we like to go to the “Due camini”, a nice agritourism in Ponte Nizza. We like the food their prepare, and we like people managing it. We already went there roughly two years ago with Luca and Chiara, but that time Marta was still hidden in Chiara’s belly. This time she was out with us, and we also enjoyed to take a picture together with the two goats we found around.
L’agriturismo “We don’t go out for lunch too much often, because with Lorenzo and Bea is always a bit tricky. But when it happens, we like to go to the “Due camini”, a nice agritourism in Ponte Nizza. We like the food their prepare, and we like people managing it. We already went there roughly two years ago with Luca and Chiara, but that time Marta was still hidden in Chiara’s belly. This time she was out with us, and we also enjoyed to take a picture together with the two goats we found around.