You are currently browsing the archives for January, 2014.
Nuovi pedali
January 26, 2014 // Posted in bike | 1 Comment
Among the objects, my two bikes (a mountain bike and a road bike) are for sure the ones I love more. They are quite old (the mountain bike is a gift I received 22 years ago while I bought the rode bike at Berkeley 14 years ago), but when I use them, it seems that I’m flying. I recently updated the road bike with new pedals (and shoes that connect to them), and today I tested them. I survived, and this is good enough.
Una merenda canadese
January 26, 2014 // Posted in food, friends | 1 Comment
qui) ci hanno infatti invitato da loro (assieme ai Pesi) per gustare una squisita merenda canadese a base di waffle, farciti con ogni ben di Dio, dall’ineguagliabile sciroppo d’acero, alla marmellata di fichi, per non parlare di panna e nutella. C’erano poi ottimi biscotti, madeleines e una crostata. E l’allegria dei bimbi ha contagiato anche i genitori. Grazie davvero per la bellissima giornata. E complimenti a tutti i bimbi, e in particolare all’ultima arrivata, Lucia, splendida e silenziosissima.
Today in the afternoon we went at Silvia’s and Michele’s place for a delicious “canadian” breakfast. They prepared a bunch of sweet things, starting with their famous waffle, but also with great chocolate chips cookies (hand made). Moreover both Silvia and Luisa prepared something sweet (madeleines and a tart) and we really enjoyed such a lovely day. All the babies were very happy too, and again we have to thank both Silvia and Michele for their kindness.
Oggi abbiamo trascorso un pomeriggio davvero speciale a casa di Silvia e Michele. Come circa tre anni fa (vedi Today in the afternoon we went at Silvia’s and Michele’s place for a delicious “canadian” breakfast. They prepared a bunch of sweet things, starting with their famous waffle, but also with great chocolate chips cookies (hand made). Moreover both Silvia and Luisa prepared something sweet (madeleines and a tart) and we really enjoyed such a lovely day. All the babies were very happy too, and again we have to thank both Silvia and Michele for their kindness.
Gelato alla banana
January 26, 2014 // Posted in food, Lorenzo | No Comments
- Zucchero: 150g
- Limone: 1 e mezzo
- Banane: 3
- Vanillina: 1 bustina
Lorenzo is really a nice and cute little boy, but sometimes it is just a bit stubborn. So today, after a lovely day spent with him, while we were watching some old photos, he focused on one of them where we were all eating a good “gelato” during our summer holidays. And he decided that he need to eat “gelato” now, January the 25th. We decided to follow his “suggestion” but we didn’t have any cream at home. So we decided to try with “gelato alla banana”, something new to us. And the results were quite good, although we can confirm that winter is probably not the best season to eat gelato.
Verso le elezioni
January 26, 2014 // Posted in cars, Pavia | No Comments
qui), non dovrebbe esserci storia. Certo l’esito di questo sondaggio non torna troppo coi risultati sulla qualita’ della vita a Pavia (vedi qui) e questo vuol probabilmente dire che questi dati non sono troppo affidabili. Oppure che il nostro Sindaco sa vendersi molto bene. Questo blog e’ apolitico, ma fatica a tollerare e digerire la completa assenza di risposta di questa amministrazione al problema della mobilita’ sostenibile. E cosi’ ci ritroviamo la citta sempre piu’ sepolta dalle auto, piazzate sui marciapiedi di quel centro storico dove le auto non dovrebbero neanche transitare. E con in piu’ la beffa che i proventi delle multe sono in calo (vedi qui). E dato che gli automobilisti pavesi sono sempre incivili alla stessa maniera, se non peggio, questo dato avvalora ancora di piu’ la sensazione, palpabile camminando o pedalando per il centro, che ci sia la piu’ completa impunita’ per chi parcheggia in divieto di sosta. Evidentemente il partito degli automobilisti ha un peso ben maggiore di quello dei ciclisti e dei pedoni…
Here our major is very popular, according to some recent poll, but Pavia is still suffering a great crisis, and quality of life is always decreasing? How this is possible? Maybe the major is able to sell his image, or maybe these polls are not serious enough. For sure, still avoiding to talk about politics, we note that, for pedestrian and riders, life is always hard, and we always find cars parked everywhere, with impunity. Why this happens? Is maybe because elections are close, and car riders have more impact than bike riders and pedestrian?
Qui a Pavia si avvicinano le elezioni comunali. E visto che qui pare che il nostro Sindaco sia il piu’ amato d’Italia (vedi Here our major is very popular, according to some recent poll, but Pavia is still suffering a great crisis, and quality of life is always decreasing? How this is possible? Maybe the major is able to sell his image, or maybe these polls are not serious enough. For sure, still avoiding to talk about politics, we note that, for pedestrian and riders, life is always hard, and we always find cars parked everywhere, with impunity. Why this happens? Is maybe because elections are close, and car riders have more impact than bike riders and pedestrian?
Compagni di asilo
January 19, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
After Sokratis (see here), we had today at our place Martina, another Lorenzo’s nursery mate. We thus had the opportunity to share a great afternoon with her father (Damiano) and mother (Rossella), and although Lorenzo was quite tired, it was very funny to see Lorenzo and Martina play toghether. Thanks for coming, and we are sure we will se soon again.
!# Crunchbang
January 19, 2014 // Posted in computer | No Comments
Gnu/Linux e’ il fatto di avere a disposizione tantissime distribuzioni che, basate sullo stesso kernel, offrono all’utente differenti sensazioni: da quelle molto easy, con distribuzione a pacchetti (rpm, deb o altro), con diverse interfaccie utente (dall’ambiente kde a gnome) e via dicendo. Qui a casa sacchibelli ne abbiamo sperimentate parecchie ma in questa fase un po’ “minimalista” non potevamo non provare Crunchbang Linux, una versione basata sulla gloriosa Debian ma caratterizzata da una eccezionale agilita’, incentrata su Openbox come gestore finestre. Risultato, il pur performante (ma comunque anzianetto) Toshiba U305 di casa sacchibelli sembra davvero un missile. Inutile dire che l’installazione non ha dato problemi e tutto (ma proprio tutto) l’hardware e’ stato riconosciuto al primo colpo.
After Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and Mint, it is not the time to test, here at sacchibelli, a new Linux distribution: we are talking about Crunchbang Linux, a Debian based distribution offering Openbox as window manager. It is amazingly fast, light and efficient, and our Toshiba U305 runs it without any problem.
Uno degli indiscutibili aspetti che rendono affascinante After Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and Mint, it is not the time to test, here at sacchibelli, a new Linux distribution: we are talking about Crunchbang Linux, a Debian based distribution offering Openbox as window manager. It is amazingly fast, light and efficient, and our Toshiba U305 runs it without any problem.
Un te’ speciale
January 13, 2014 // Posted in food | No Comments
Among the Christmas gifts we received, there was also a beautiful jasmine flower tea, something magic with a blooming flower coming out from the tea (see here). Our photos are not good enough to appreciate it, but it is really surprising. Thanks Fede for the lovely gift.
La casa di pan di zenzero
January 13, 2014 // Posted in family, food | No Comments
Last Saturday we stopped at Michele’s and Ilaria’s place (Lorenzo’s cousins) to meet them together with uncle Marco and aunt Francesca. It was funny to eat together the lovely gingerbread home Francesca prepared for Christmas. Thanks for the great dessert!!!
La visita delle befane
January 7, 2014 // Posted in friends | 2 Comments
Yesterday it was the Epifania day, also known as the day of the Befana. So we invited many of them at our place, for a nice snack, with some tea and a good cake. And we didn’t receive any charcoal but only nice gifts; thanks a lot!!!
Una gradita visita
January 3, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Holidays are usually busy, and in particular this year, we were not able to meet all the friends around us. We are very sorry for that and we hope that in the future we will be less busy and more open to social events; however yesterday we were lucky enough to have at our place, in the afternoon, Giuseppe and Carmen, with Lorenzo (bigger than our Lorenzo) and Giulia. It was funny to see how the kids interacted each other, but at the end, it was a really nice afternoon. Thanks for joining us, and obviously we are sure we will see all of you quite soon.