Oggi il tempo e’ stato brutto, con cielo grigio e pioggia. Ma a casa sacchibelli, nel pomeriggio, per una merenda poi protrattasi in pizzata, e’ arrivata l’allegria portata da Giulia e Lorenzo grande, e dai loro genitori Carmen e Giuseppe. Come sempre accade quando ci si ritrova (vedi qui, qui e qui), l’intesa tra i bimbi e’ sorprendente, e il divertimento assicurato. Grazie anche per i bellissimi regali, davvero esagerati. A presto!!!
Today it was raining all day long. The sky was grey, but we had a lot of energy and brightness at home because we enjoyed the visit from Giulia and big Lorenzo, together with their mom Carmen and their father Giuseppe. THe babies, as usualy, played together in a relative harmony, and the snack soon became a pizza all together. Thanks for joining us, and thanks for your kindness.
You are currently browsing the archives for February, 2015.
Un piovoso sabato, ricco di allegria
February 21, 2015 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Carnevale a Finale
February 20, 2015 // Posted in family, Travels | 1 Comment
Gia’ l’anno scorso (vedi qui) avevamo trascorso i giorni di carnevale in quel di Finale Ligure. Quest’anno le previsioni meteo non erano granche’, e con Beatrice piccola avevamo qualche remora a muoverci, ma alla fine abbiamo rischiato, e Finale Ligure ci ha premiato con un lungo weekend dal meteo “passabile”. Certo non c’e’ stato un sole splendido, ma alla fine e’ piovuto solo sabato, e Lorenzo si e’ goduto un po’ la spiaggia la domenica. Inoltre Beatrice ha visto per la prima volta il mare. E poi ci siamo concessi qualche succulenta merenda in quel di Finalborgo, presso il Bar Centrale, nella bellissima piazza. Insomma, Finale Ligure ci piace, e’ vivace e dinamica e non escludiamo di tornarci ancora.
Last long weekend we went to Finale Ligure, as we did the year before, during Carnival holidays. Weather was not perfect, but was good enough, so Lorenzo enjoyed the beach, Beatrice had the opportunity to see the sea for the first time in her life, and we enjoyed our lovely children. We will come back to Finale, we like this place, it transmits energy (because of the riders and climbers) and we feel at home.
Last long weekend we went to Finale Ligure, as we did the year before, during Carnival holidays. Weather was not perfect, but was good enough, so Lorenzo enjoyed the beach, Beatrice had the opportunity to see the sea for the first time in her life, and we enjoyed our lovely children. We will come back to Finale, we like this place, it transmits energy (because of the riders and climbers) and we feel at home.
Un altro emigrante
February 13, 2015 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
E’ normale che al lavoro arrivino nuovi colleghi e se ne vadano altri che conosciamo da anni. E’ sempre stato cosi’ nel mondo dei semiconduttori. Poi pero’ si resta un po’ tristi quando qualcuno cui ci si e’ affezionati se ne va. Cosi’ mercoledi’ abbiamo salutato Marco, un caro amico oltre che un ottimo collega, che ha deciso di rimettersi in gioco emigrando in Germania. Ci mancherai Marco, ma sapere ora di avere un aggancio a Monaco di Baviera e’ comunque positivo.
When a colleague decide to join another company, maybe far away, in Germany, and when this colleague is also a friend, we feel a bit sad. We are happy for him, for his decision, but we are sure that we will miss him. So, dear Marco, please consider that the sacchibelli, in the near future, could visit Munich as tourists… Good luck
When a colleague decide to join another company, maybe far away, in Germany, and when this colleague is also a friend, we feel a bit sad. We are happy for him, for his decision, but we are sure that we will miss him. So, dear Marco, please consider that the sacchibelli, in the near future, could visit Munich as tourists… Good luck
February 8, 2015 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Quando si chiudono tra le stesse mura Anna e Lorenzo puo’ succedere di tutto, ma di sicuro l’allegria non manca. Cosi’, alternando momenti di delirio a fasi di gioia estrema, il pomeriggio e’ trascorso e la merenda si e’ protratta in una cena… e gia’ si parla di un prossimo pigiama party. Beatrice un po’ si e’ fatta sentire, un po’ ha ronficchiato, e i grandi, nei momenti di tranquillita’, hanno potuto trascorrere bei momenti. Grazie Luca, Chiara e Anna per esserci sempre vicini.
It was a funny afternoon, started as a snack, and extended to a dinner (and almost ready for a “pigiama-party”). When Lorenzo and Anna play together, it is always funny to watch at them. Sometimes they becomes a bit hysterical, but globally they are good boy and girl. And thanks to Luca and Chiara for being so special.
It was a funny afternoon, started as a snack, and extended to a dinner (and almost ready for a “pigiama-party”). When Lorenzo and Anna play together, it is always funny to watch at them. Sometimes they becomes a bit hysterical, but globally they are good boy and girl. And thanks to Luca and Chiara for being so special.
Barriere architettoniche
February 2, 2015 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Ogni mattina, quando con Lorenzo nel passeggino, andiamo verso l’asilo, ci accorgiamo che il percorso di 1km, potenzialmente carino attraverso una zona residenziale della citta’, diventa spesso una gara ad ostacoli. Da un lato il gas di scarico delle auto congestionate nel traffico, i passaggi pedonali spesso invalicabili, le auto sui marciapiedi o i marciapiedi minuscoli…. e poi, come se non bastasse il resto, le barriere architettoniche. Ma chi ci amministra non si vergogna? O ci si accampa alla scarsita’ di fondi anche per giustificare marciapiedi abbandonati (dopo presunti lavori) nelle condizioni mostrate nella foto? Il passeggino in qualche modo, spingendo, ce lo si fa passare, ma un disabile in carrozzella?
Every morning, when we go to the nursery with Lorenzo in the stroller, we fight against car pollution, car parked everywhere, sidewalk too narrow. It should be a nice walk through a nice neighborhood of the town, but… And when cars don’t have any responsability, it is sad to note how hard is to defeat those architectural barriers… WIth a stroller, at the end, I’m able to walk on, but how can an handicapped with a wheelchair? Our taxes shouldn’t be used to fix similar issues? Who is responsible for that?
Every morning, when we go to the nursery with Lorenzo in the stroller, we fight against car pollution, car parked everywhere, sidewalk too narrow. It should be a nice walk through a nice neighborhood of the town, but… And when cars don’t have any responsability, it is sad to note how hard is to defeat those architectural barriers… WIth a stroller, at the end, I’m able to walk on, but how can an handicapped with a wheelchair? Our taxes shouldn’t be used to fix similar issues? Who is responsible for that?