You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2013.
Pasqua si avvicina…
March 29, 2013 // Posted in family, friends | No Comments
Easter time is coming soon, the first Easter with little Lorenzo. And today our neighbors Salvo and Alessio came at our place with a beautiful Easter egg for little Lorenzo. Considering that he can’t eat it yet, his father and his mother will have to sacrifice their self. Thanks a lot for your kindness Salvo and Alessio!!!
Una merenda piovosa
March 24, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
The first Spring weekend has been characterized by horrible weather conditions. But Sunday in the afternoon we had at our place some dear friends, and this warmed up us although the sun was far away…Thanks to Luca, Chiara, Teo, Tere and Anna for joining us. And thanks to Silvia for the delicious yogurt cake she prepared.
Raspberry Pi
March 20, 2013 // Posted in celebrations, computer, family | No Comments
Raspberry Pi“, il quarto computer linux di casa sacchibelli. Grazie!!!
Yesterday it was father’s day, and considering that now the adult male component of sacchibelli’s house effectively is a (happy) father, Silvia and little Lorenzo gave him as a gift the mythic “Raspberry Pi“, our fourth linux based PC. Thanks!!!
Ieri, 19 marzo, era la festa del papa’. Ed essendo che era la prima volta che la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli viveva questa giornata come papa’, Silvia e Lorenzo hanno deciso di fargli un regalo decisamente gradito: il mitico “Yesterday it was father’s day, and considering that now the adult male component of sacchibelli’s house effectively is a (happy) father, Silvia and little Lorenzo gave him as a gift the mythic “Raspberry Pi“, our fourth linux based PC. Thanks!!!
Taralli e capra…
March 17, 2013 // Posted in food | No Comments
It is not a great period for our country, both from the economic and political side. Crisis is still present and it is not easy to think to a nice future. However one of the reason why Italy is so special is food, and in particular its diversity across the regions. So yesterday we enjoyed the food regional market in the main square of the city and, after tasting many things, we bought some delicious “tarallo” from “Puglia” and a lovely goat cheese from “Langhe”.
Pranzo con annuncio
March 11, 2013 // Posted in celebrations, family | No Comments
Yesterday we had a nice lunch with all the grandparents, with aunt Luisa and with Paolo. Lorenzo was very happy, because everyone played with him. But the nicer aspect of the day was the announcement that next July 27th Paolo will officially become uncle Paolo!!!
Profumo d’America
March 10, 2013 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
California, che l’Oregon l’anno scorso ci ha lasciato senza fiato, e che il poco che abbiamo visto sulla costa est (New York e Boston) e’ stato davvero sensazinale. Gli Stati Uniti ci affascinano per mille motivi, pur riconoscendone le contraddizioni e i problemi. E abbiamo imparato a non far troppi confronti con la nostra povera Italia. Sul piano gastronomico invece, pur apprezzando l’infinita varieta’ di cibi che si possono trovare negli States, l’Italia non e’ certo male. Ma ci sono alcuni dettagli, come i bagels o i donuts, che non ci spiacerebbe gustare da queste parti. Cosi’ ieri abbiamo provato com piacere i donuts da “Peach Pit“, un locale americaneggiante aperto qui a Pavia. Gustosi ma certo un po’ carucci, e comunque diversi da quelli originali americani; ad ogni modo ci e’ sembrato di respirare un po’ di aria degli States, quando invece eravamo a passeggio per le vie del centro.
Donuts (and bagels too), together with the lovely Starbucks “coffee to go” are something we miss a lot, although food is one of the few aspects of Italy that does not disfigure in a comparison with USA. So yesterday we were very happy to try Peach Pit, an american style place where you can find nice donuts. They were good enough, although a bit expensive. But we definitely prefer the original ones.
I nostri viaggi negli States ci hanno regalato grandi emozioni: e’ noto che siamo innamorati della Donuts (and bagels too), together with the lovely Starbucks “coffee to go” are something we miss a lot, although food is one of the few aspects of Italy that does not disfigure in a comparison with USA. So yesterday we were very happy to try Peach Pit, an american style place where you can find nice donuts. They were good enough, although a bit expensive. But we definitely prefer the original ones.
Prove tecniche di bici
March 4, 2013 // Posted in bike, Lorenzo | 1 Comment
Both Enrico and Silvia love to ride their bicycle here at sacchibelli. And we hope that little Lorenzo will start soon too, at list as a passenger. Yesterday we tested our setup (the little bike seat), the helmet and so on. And we are almost ready to go by bike at least to the kindergarten.