You are currently browsing the archives for November, 2012.
Le caldarroste
November 25, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Yesterday our italian (Marco) and american (Anna) friends from Grenoble visited us at our place, together with Matteo, their lovely son, who is already 4 y.o. It is always a nice moment when we can meet them, and yesterday, to celebrate them, we ate some great roast chestnuts prepared by Silvia.
Primi tuffi
November 22, 2012 // Posted in Lorenzo | 5 Comments
piscina Folperti, vicino a casa nostra. E la prima lezione, con l’istruttrice Giulia, e’ stata decisamente positiva ed entusiasmante…
We were planning this since some weeks, and at the end, last Saturday, little Lorenzo started his swimming activity. We went to piscina Folperti, and here, with Giulia as instructress, he started to have confidence with water. And the first impression was very positive. Let’s continue next Saturday…
Era in programma da qualche settimana, ma siamo stati costretti a rimandare. Ma sabato scorso, finalmente, il piccolo Lorenzo ha fatto la sua prima esperienza in piscina. Lo abbiamo infatti iscritto a un corso di acquaticita’ che si svolge presso la We were planning this since some weeks, and at the end, last Saturday, little Lorenzo started his swimming activity. We went to piscina Folperti, and here, with Giulia as instructress, he started to have confidence with water. And the first impression was very positive. Let’s continue next Saturday…
Vecchia auto, nuova auto…
November 22, 2012 // Posted in cars | 1 Comment
Peugeot 206 “Enfant Terrible” e’ stata sostituita. Un po’ l’eta’, un po’ la scomodita’ delle 3 portiere dovendo caricare il piccolo Lorenzo, fatto sta che, seppur a malincuore, ci siamo decisi, e dopo qualche tentennamento, abbiamo optato per una nuova “Ford B-Max“. Sperando che si dimostri “eccezionale” come la vecchia Peugeot, che gia’ ci manca tanto.
After 12 years, at the end we decided to substitute our old “Peugeot 206“. It was still working pretty well, but we needed some more room with little Lorenzo. After some investigation we decided to buy a brand new “Ford B-Max“. It looks great, but we miss a lot our “enfant terrible”.
Dopo 12 anni (di cui gli ultimi 8 trascorsi coi sacchibelli) di onorato servizio, la nostra After 12 years, at the end we decided to substitute our old “Peugeot 206“. It was still working pretty well, but we needed some more room with little Lorenzo. After some investigation we decided to buy a brand new “Ford B-Max“. It looks great, but we miss a lot our “enfant terrible”.
Sette, quasi otto
November 22, 2012 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Last weekend we went at Fulvio’s and Eva’s place, to meet them and their lovely baby girls (Ginevra and Rebecca). We didn’t see them since last August, when we shared some vacation days together. And next time we will meet them, for sure there will be also little Pierpaolo, still in Eva’s belly when we took the photo.
November 11, 2012 // Posted in food | No Comments
Today, at lunch, we ate a great “polenta” with sausage, mushrooms and parsley and we drunk a special wine coming from Spain, a great gift from Sergio and Antonio, two colleagues from Marvell Spain who came here few months ago. It was superb; thanks again Sergio and Antonio. Your kindness is really special.
L’onomastico della nonna
November 6, 2012 // Posted in family, Lorenzo | No Comments
Last Sunday it was the “nonna Carla” name day. So, after lunch we went to her place and here we found a meeting with all the grandparents, and also uncle Vice. There was a great apple cake, we ate also roasted chestnuts prepared by Silvia and we share some happy moment with the irresistible Lorenzo. And here is the picture.
Da Alice e Viola
November 4, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Saturday we went to Bereguardo at Ale’s and Luisa’s place. We spent the afternoon together, and it was interesting to see how Lorenzo, Viola and Alice interacted each other. Then we also tasted a delicious “chocolate salami” and a great apple cake. It was a great afternoon, thanks a lot for being so friends to us!!!
I coni della nico
November 4, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Friday our friend Nico came at our place, and we were very happy. It seems that Lorenzo appreciate a lot Nico; we never seen him smiling so much. And Nico brought us some delicious chocolate cone. You can see them in the picture. Thanks a lot Nico!!!