You are currently browsing the archives for February, 2018.
Con un po’ di nostalgia
February 20, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
We started our University courses roughly 28 years ago. We met each other and we had a great experience as students. Then, everyone started his professional career, someone in Italy, some other far away, but the friendship survived. It happens to meet some of the old mates, but this evening, thanks to Teo, coming from South California, we had the occasion to meet almost all together, drinking a beer, remembering the past and thinking to the future…. With the promise to meet soon, also with the families, when also Vale will join Teo, this summer.
Processo di degooglizzazione: update
February 18, 2018 // Posted in Geek | 1 Comment
- Motore di ricerca – DuckDuckGo: non male, equivalente a Google per le ricerche che dobbiamo fare
- Browser – Firefox: veloce come Chrome, ma piu’ leggero
- Email – Usiamo ora quelle associate al dominio sacchibelli, in particolare la componente maschile adulta puo’ essere raggiunta all’indirizzo enrico at; prima di abbandonare del tutto gmail ci vorra’ tempo, ma abbiamo pazienza
- Smartphone OS – Qui è più difficilie degooglizzarsi; per ora la componente maschile adulta si accontenta di usare una custom rom di Android 7.1.2 di Lineage OS, senza alcuna Gapps aggiuntiva, per il proprio Moto G3
- Mappe – Abbandonate le Google Maps, si usa ora OsmAnd, mappe basate su OpenStreetMap, che sembrano funzionare piuttosto bene
Nell’ottica, un po’ anacronistica, di convergere verso un cloud locale, abbiamo anche deciso di installare un piccolo server (basato su un Raspberry Pi3) che fornisca vari servizi, tutti sotto il nostro stretto controllo, senza delegare ad altri sistemi, sicuramente piu’ comodi ma che pagano il pegno di cedere informazioni a terzi. Sul nostro Raspberry abbiamo installato un Lamp Server, per ora sopratutto come esercizio di stile, ma in prospettiva per spostarci magari il blog stess, oltre che un caldav e un cardav server, forniti da Baikal. Ora quindi non usiamo piu’ i “comodi” servizi di Google per i contatti e per il calendario, ma ci affidiamo al nostro raspberry.
Per ora il web server e’ ancora vuoto, ma accessibile (a questo indirizzo:; nel frattempo stiamo configurando un mail server, basato su postfix e dovecot. Non disporre di un IP pubblico e’ un po’ un limite, ma siamo a buon punto con la configurazione, grazie soprattutto alle dettagliatissima spiegazione trovata su questo blog (
Per quanto riguarda infine lo streeming (audio e video), non poteva mancare, sempre sul raspberry, un Plex server, facilmente raggiungibile sia da PC che da smartphone.
Insomma tutto procede, con la differenza, rispetto al post precedente, che abbiamo deciso di centralizzare sul raspberry tutti i servizi che inizialmente avevamo cercato di realizzare sul NAS. Che, nella nuova visione, continuera’ a svolgere le funzioni di NAS, e nient’altro.
We are slowly, but continuously working to reduce as much as possible the presence of Google in our life. I know that probably it is like Don Quixote against the windmills, but let’s try. Here is an update:
- Search Engine – DuckDuckGo: quite good, equivalent to Google at least for what we need
- Browser – Firefox: fast asChrome, but lighter
- Email – We are moving away from gmail. In particular the adult male component may be reached at the email address we bought together with the blog domain, enrico at
- Smartphone OS – Here it is harder to move away from Google, but at least the adult male component is using a custom ROM provided by Lineage OS, without any additional Gapps, running on his Moto G3
- Maps – No more Google Maps, but OsmAnd, maps based on OpenStreetMap project; these maps seems to work quite well
Additionally we bought a Raspberry Pi3, where we are trying to configure some services that we would like to run locally, and not across the cloud. At the moment we installed a Lamp Server, a Baikal server, providing both caldav and cardav server, and an email server (based on postfix and dovecot). Moreover we also have a Plex server running on it. The street is still long, but we are doing some progress…
Di passaggio a Pavia
February 11, 2018 // Posted in friends | No Comments
We met last time Giuseppe, Carmen, Lorenzo and Giulia roughly 4 months ago, in Pisa. Today they were so kind with us to stop here in Pavia, to spend almost half a day all together. It was a very nice reunion, with also Martina (and Damiano, Rossella and Giulia) and Vila (with Carlo, Cristina and Giulia). Lorenzo was very excited to see again Giulia, and for sure we will do our best to see them, maybe in Pisa, as soon as possible. We miss a lot our super friends!!!!
Sfilata di Carnevale
February 10, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Last year (see here) Bea was sick, so only Lorenzo (with mamma Silvia) joined the Carnival parade, where he met her friend Anna. Today both Lorenzo and Bea were feeling good, so we joined all together the parade, and we had a lot of fun, meeting a lot of friends.
Spaghetti all’amatriciana
February 8, 2018 // Posted in food | No Comments
Spaghetti all’amatriciana is something special we like a lot. Silvia recently received, as a gift, the original ingredients to prepare an high quality “sugo all’amatriciana” and last Monday, we prepared it for an ex-temporary dinner with our friend Antonio. And the result was quite good.
Gita sulla neve
February 3, 2018 // Posted in family, free time, Travels | No Comments
This year, for the firsts time, we were able to organize a day in the snow. We decided to stop at the closest mountain with ski lift (or something similar) where to rent bob and ski, to have fun with Carlo, Cristina and their lovely Viola and Giulia. It was a tired day, full of emotions, and at the end both Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot this experiment. And with “maestro Bruno” Lorenzo was able to start his ski adventure…