You are currently browsing the archives for May, 2014.
Che gang
May 26, 2014 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo, Pavia | No Comments
Today we went, in the afternoon, to the Cathedral square, to assist to a street teather show organized by bambinfestival. It was really funny and Lorenzo enjoyet a lot to stay within that square so crowded of nice babies. We also met our friends Giuseppe and Carmen, together with their lovely Giulia and Lorenzo. And you can see all the three babies here in this photos. They are so cute, but they looks a bit rascal too…
Evoluzioni ciclistiche
May 26, 2014 // Posted in bike, Lorenzo | No Comments
Lorenzo likes a lot to sit on his bike seat, but now his wait starts to be close to the maximum allowed for the frontal one. So today we installed the one on the back side. The “panorama” he can see is a bit limited by Enrico’s back, but the confort is impressed. And, as a first impression, Lorenzo loves a lot to sit there.
Sempre piu’ fragole
May 26, 2014 // Posted in DIY | 1 Comment
Few weeks ago (see here) we started from few little strawberry plants, and now, after the first strawberry (see here), there are more and more growing a lot. And we are almost ready to eat them,
Un’allegra tavolata
May 25, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
we didn’t meet Angelo and Anna, Andrea & Chicca, Jhonny and Isa since a while. So it was nice to accept Marco’s and Francy’s invitation to join them for a pizza all togehter, and with a lot of babies. Unfortunately Anna was missing because of Riccardo sickness, but the event was quite nice. Thanks a lot, and obviously we hope to see all of you soon again.
Blitz di mele
May 19, 2014 // Posted in food | No Comments
Era da un po’ che eravamo alla ricerca di una buona torta di mele un po’ speciale, e la nostra amica Gabri ci ha passato questa ricetta che ci ha intrigato abbastanza. Potete trovare la versione originale su questo blog (
Abbiamo provato a farla per il compleanno del nostro amico Luca. E sembra che sia piaciuta…
Per l’impasto:
- Burro: 60 g
- Zucchero: 150 g
- Limone: mezzo (sia succo che scorza gratuggiata)
- Lievito: mezza bustina
- Farina: 200 g
- Latte: 1 tazzina
- Rum: 1 cucchiaino
- Uova: 2
- Zucchero a velo
Per il ripieno:
- Mele: 900 g (prima di sbucciarle e tagliarle)
- Zucchero: 3 cucchiai
- Limone: succo di un limone
Lavate le mele, sbucciatele e tagliatele a quarti, togliete i semi e poi su ogni spicchio di mela fare dei tagli ravvicinati, lasciando pero’ intero il lato opposto del quarto. Mettetele in un piatto, spoverizzatele di zucchero e bagnatele con l succo di limone e lasciatele macerare per una mezz’oretta.
Intanto preparate la pasta montando burro e zucchero, poi aggiungete sempre sbattendo i tuorli d’uovo, il succo di mezzo limone e la scorza gratuggiata. Mescolate la farina con il lievito e aggiungete tutto all’impasto insieme con una tazzina di latte ed un cucchiaio di rhum. Montate i bianchi d’uovo ed aggiungeteli all’impasto, mescolando con delicatezza dall’alto verso il basso.
Ungete una forma rotonda e riempitela con l’impasto, affondatevi leggermente le mele con i tagli verso l’alto. Mettete tutto nel forno gia’ caldo (180 gradi) per 40/45 minuti, Togliete la torta dal forno, spolverizzatela con lo zucchero a velo e servitela.
La prima fragola
May 17, 2014 // Posted in DIY | No Comments
After a month, the first strawberry came out from our little “plantation”. It was funny to discover it, and according to Lorenzo, it was very good. Let’s wait few days more for new strawberries; we expect to pick up at least five of them.
Gli 80 anni di nonno Beppe
May 11, 2014 // Posted in family | 1 Comment
Today is a special day, because Lorenzo’s grandfather (nonno beppe) turns 80, and we invited him, together with nonna Carla, to our place, for a lunch. Lorenzo was very happy about that, and in particular he enjoyed the cake moment. Thanks for being so special, nonno Beppe. And, to be honest, it is hard to believe that you are now 80 y.o.
Una pizza con Anna (e famiglia)
May 7, 2014 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Grazie per la vostra amicizia, Anna, Luca e Chiara, e grazie anche per i bellissimi regali e per la torta di buon compleanno!!!
Tonight pizza with Anna, Luca and Chiara, and a nice evening spent playing together with Anna. A lot of fun. And a lot of gifts from them, because of Enrico’s birthday. Thanks a lot, and thanks for the cake, it is really good!!!
Bici batte auto
May 6, 2014 // Posted in bike, cars | No Comments
Here in Italy there is a very high concentration of cars compared to other european countries, and the idea to survive withot a car is probably not so conventional. We own a car, but last month, both Silvia and I rode a lot of km (364 and 342 respectively) while they drove for only 230 km. Is it realistic to live without a car? Not now, because to rent a car is quite expensive and public transportation is not flexible enough. But we, @ sacchibelli’s, are not so far from that decision…
Una bella pedalata in Oltrepo’
May 5, 2014 // Posted in bike, friends | No Comments
Lo scorso weekend sarebbe dovuto svolgersi l’atteso evento del “Pedale-Maiale” in Valtellina, ma le previsioni meteo incerte hanno sconsigliato la partenza. Cosi’ abbiamo ripiegato per una bella e piacevole pedalata nel nostro Oltrepo’, culminata con un buon pranzo all’agriturismo “I due camini“. Bici, sole, bella compagnia e ottimo cibo… peccato solo che Lorenzo e Silvia non abbiano potuto partecipare…
Last weekend, a “Pedale-Maiale” event was scheduled, in Valtellina. But wheater forecast were not good enough, so we decided to delay it. On Sunday, with some friends, the male component (the adult one) of Sacchibelli’s family, decided to ride arount the “Oltrepo’ Pavese”. It was a very nice ride, and we had a great lunch at agrurismo “I due camini“. And hopefully next time Lorenzo and Silvia too will join us, at least for lunch.