Sul balcone

April 6, 2014 // Posted in food, home  

Eccoci in posa per il primo pranzo sul balcone

Come ogni anno, per i sacchibelli l’inizio della priamvera coincide con il primo pranzo sul balcone. E quest’anno quindi per noi la primavera’ e’ cominciata proprio il 6 aprile. Una bellissima giornata di sole, ed eccoci tutti e tre felici sul balcone che ci piace tanto. Certo non e’ a picco sul mare, d’estate ci sono le zanzare, e non e’ poi cosi’ grande, ma per noi e’ una piccola evasione… e poi il panorama non e’ poi cosi’ male.

Also this year we started to have lunch sitting on our balcony. Now weather is great and we enjoy to live on the balcony. Yes it is nice to see what happens on the street (Lorenzo is particularly happy when the garbage truck stops), and although it is not so panoramic (no sea or mountains at the horizon), to have lunch on it give us the sensation to be in vacation.

This entry was posted on April 6, 2014 at 11:00 pm and is filed under food, home. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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