Un gelato con Matteo, Valentina ed Enea

August 20, 2009 // Posted in friends  

Matteo e Valentina, i nostri amici di Contafamily che vivono nella splendida Orange County sono in transito da queste parti, a gustarsi il caldo e le zanzare padane (ma anche i gelati e l’ottima cucina locale), come da tradizione.
Ieri sera ne abbiamo quindi approfittato per rivederci e trascorrere una serata insieme come ai tempi di quando si era studenti universitari. Anche l’ottimo Enea, senza Ilaria e Greg felicemente in montagna, si e’ unito alla compagnia. Tra ricordi, progetti e piacevoli racconti la serata e’ trascorsa felicemente, allietata dall’ottimo gelato e dalle granite di Pampanin

Matteo and Valentina, our Contafamily friends living in the lovely Orange County are back to Italy for a short vacation; probably they miss mosquitos and humid weather, or, maybe, although mosquitos and humid weather, they love to relax, once a year, back to Italy, seeing old friends, parents and eating amazing food (and ice cream in particular).
So yesterday, with Enea too, we spent the evening together, eating “gelato” and “granite” and talking about our past common experiences (we studied all together at the University) and thinking to the future. As always happen with them, it has been a wonderful moment. Thank you Matteo, Vale (and Enea), it is so nice to have you as true friends.

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