You are currently browsing the archives for July, 2013.
Oggi sposi
July 27, 2013 // Posted in celebrations, family | 2 Comments
Today, after a long engagement, Luisa and Paolo got married. Although it was a really hot day, we were very happy to partecipate to this event. And this event was made particularly nice by the presence of many children, that were able to transfer their cheerfulness to everyone; and Lorenzo, for sure, was one of them. Thanks Luisa and Paolo for this day so special for you (and also for us).
Un salto in collina
July 21, 2013 // Posted in family | No Comments
Today, in the afternoon, we went to Cigognola, at Luisa’s place, where we met some grandparents, We were not expected, but everyone was so happy to see Lorenzo. He was cute and cahotic, as usual. Thanks to Cesare for the great tiramisu!!! And thanks to everyone for the nice afternoon.
Pavia citta’ pulita?
July 14, 2013 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
qui, qui e qui). Pero’ incontrare un topo morto sul marciapiede di una via del centro e’ qualcosa che esemplifica bene lo stato in cui versa la pulizia della citta’…
We often talked about how we feel Pavia dirty and how bad the collection of items for recycling works (see here, here and here), buat until this morning we never met a dead rat on a sidewalk of the center of the city. The situation, if possible, is becoming worse…
Della raccolta differenziata (a singhiozzo) con le campane di carta/plastica/vetro spesso sature, dei cassonetti circondati da immondizia di ogni genere, e della sporcizia che si “respira” camminando per Pavia abbiamo spesso parlato su questo blog (vedi We often talked about how we feel Pavia dirty and how bad the collection of items for recycling works (see here, here and here), buat until this morning we never met a dead rat on a sidewalk of the center of the city. The situation, if possible, is becoming worse…
Una “non grigliata” in collina
July 7, 2013 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Last Saturday we have spend all the day at Mornico Losana, at Nicoletta’s place. She invitated us for a special lunch (mainly vegetarian), that was really amazing. The day was really nice, both because of the food, and of the nice kindness of all the persons that have been invitated. Lorenzo was really happy and he enjoyed the presence of Giulia, Bea, Sara and Elena. Although he was considerably younger, they all were very kind with him. Thanks a lot for such a beautiful day.
Una birra con l’IT
July 6, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
In this period our IT responsible are visiting us (they come from Spain and usually help us remotely), and this was the good occasion to spend with them a nice dinner. In fact both Sergio and Antonio are smart guys if we talk about their job, but, due to the strong interaction we are having, I feel them more as friends than colleagues. So last Thursday we decided to spend some nice moment together, after work. And “gracias” to both for their kindness.
July 1, 2013 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
qui), a giudicare da come procede quella in periferia (con le campane per carta, plastica e vetro), non c’e’ da essere molto ottimisti. Sono infatti giorni e giorni che il camion per la raccolta non si fa vedere, e le campane di carta e plastica sono ormai sepolte sotto tutto cio’ che e’ stato comunque depositato nei pressi. Forse e’ incivile abbandonare la carta e la plastica in prossimita’ della campana piena, ma certo e’ anche intollerabile che da giorni si lasci lo stato delle cose in queste condizioni penose.
Update: stamattina sono comparsi dei solerti operatori che, infischiandosene della differenziazione, hanno quanto meno eliminato la carta e la plastica in eccesso. Ma le campane sono sempre piene, e da domani ricomincera’ l’accumulo…
The separate collection of rubbish is something local admistration is quite proud about. However, although we don’t live in a zone where this collection is done “door to door”, we can testify that something is not properly working. We think that the photo is self explaining, and this situation persists since many days. We don’t think they should be too much proud of this…
Benche’ l’Amministrazione Locale si dica molto fiera di come funziona la raccolta differenziata a Pavia (recentemente e’ stata introdotta quella porta a porta nel centro storico, vedi Update: stamattina sono comparsi dei solerti operatori che, infischiandosene della differenziazione, hanno quanto meno eliminato la carta e la plastica in eccesso. Ma le campane sono sempre piene, e da domani ricomincera’ l’accumulo…
The separate collection of rubbish is something local admistration is quite proud about. However, although we don’t live in a zone where this collection is done “door to door”, we can testify that something is not properly working. We think that the photo is self explaining, and this situation persists since many days. We don’t think they should be too much proud of this…