You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2011.
Primo gelato stagionale
March 26, 2011 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
La primavera e’ finalmente arrivata, sia formalmente che di fatto. Cosi’ ieri sera abbiamo festeggiato la nuova stagione radunando intorno a un tavolo gli ottimi Paolo, Luisa, Fernando e Antonio per una frugale pizza da asporto e per gustare il primo gelato del 2011, ovviamente “hand made” by sacchibelli. Il gusto scelto e’ stato il classico fiordilatte, accompagnato dalle ottime amarene Fabbri. E gli ospiti hanno piuttosto apprezzato….
Spring time at the end arrived, and this made us very happy. To celebrate it, yesterday we invited, for an easy dinner pizza based, Luisa with Paolo and our friends Antonio and Fernando. And after the pizza we prepared our famous gelato. Yesterday choice was “fiordilatte” flavour with sour cherries. And it seems to us that our guests appreciated a lot…
Spring time at the end arrived, and this made us very happy. To celebrate it, yesterday we invited, for an easy dinner pizza based, Luisa with Paolo and our friends Antonio and Fernando. And after the pizza we prepared our famous gelato. Yesterday choice was “fiordilatte” flavour with sour cherries. And it seems to us that our guests appreciated a lot…
Carmine’s Boys
March 26, 2011 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Tanti anni fa, piu’ di 20, si frequentava tutti l’Oratorio del Carmine. Li’ si giocava, e progressivamente si e’ creato un gruppo. Abbiamo condiviso iniziative e rinsaldato amicizie. Con alcuni abbiamo contribuito al mito dell’Audaces, con altri, progressivamente, ci si e’ un po’ persi di vista. Ci si e’ un po’ sparpagliati, ma e’ bello di tanto in tanto ritrovarsi. Cosi’ mercoledi’ scorso abbiamo fatto una prima rimpatriata. E la serata e’ stata decisamente piacevole.
Many years ago we shared a common experience at “Oratorio del Carmine”. Here we grew up together, establishing a strong friendship. Many of us played together within Audaces, and although now it is not easy to find time to share experiences together, it is always nice to meet each other. So last Wednesday we drunk a beer together at Bierhaus and we are planning to repeat such an experiance at least every season.
Many years ago we shared a common experience at “Oratorio del Carmine”. Here we grew up together, establishing a strong friendship. Many of us played together within Audaces, and although now it is not easy to find time to share experiences together, it is always nice to meet each other. So last Wednesday we drunk a beer together at Bierhaus and we are planning to repeat such an experiance at least every season.
W l’Italia
March 23, 2011 // Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments
C’e’ ancora chi sostiene che l’Italia sia la quinta potenza industriale del mondo; senza voler contestare troppo classifiche piu’ o meno aride, la sensazione, da parte di chi ci vive dentro, e’ che spesso si sia piu’ vicini a paesi del terzo mondo, piuttosto che a quelli del primo mondo.
Di sicuro per quanto riguarda il servizio delle poste, di strada ce n’e’ parecchia da fare. L’ennesima riprova l’abbiamo avuta oggi quando, sul punto di ordinare su ebay un accessorio per il telefonino, abbiamo notato le clausole relativa alla spedizione, gratis, in ogni parte del mondo salvo…
Sometimes it happens to heard again that Italy is still the fifth industrial power of the world. Not clear to us what this means, but from the practical point of view, sometimes we feel, living inside, to be closer to the countries of the “third world”. As an example, today, trying to buy somethingrelated to the cellphone on ebay, we realized that the shipping of the item was free around the world, with few exceptions…
Di sicuro per quanto riguarda il servizio delle poste, di strada ce n’e’ parecchia da fare. L’ennesima riprova l’abbiamo avuta oggi quando, sul punto di ordinare su ebay un accessorio per il telefonino, abbiamo notato le clausole relativa alla spedizione, gratis, in ogni parte del mondo salvo…
Sometimes it happens to heard again that Italy is still the fifth industrial power of the world. Not clear to us what this means, but from the practical point of view, sometimes we feel, living inside, to be closer to the countries of the “third world”. As an example, today, trying to buy somethingrelated to the cellphone on ebay, we realized that the shipping of the item was free around the world, with few exceptions…
March 19, 2011 // Posted in Travels | 2 Comments
I Sacchibelli hanno trascorso 3 giorni in quel di Barcellona, approfittando del ponte per i 150 anni dell’unita’ d’Italia. La citta’ ci ha davvero lasciati a bocca aperta, con i suoi colori, la sua vivacita’ e le sue opere d’arte. Ci siamo dapprima persi nei capolavori di Antoni Gaudi’, dall’incredibile Casa Battlo, alla splendida Pedrera, per approdare poi all’inimmaginabile Sagrada Familia. Ma Barcellona e’ molto altro, cosi’, dopo aver attraversato le suggestive Ramblas, con il mercato della Boqueria (per i pavesi, inutile commentare lo stridente contrasto con l’orrore di viale Matteotti….), ci siamo tuffati nell’emozionante Parco Guell, con ancora il tocco magico di Gaudi’. Poi da Gaudi’ a Miro’, passando per Picasso (bellissimo il museo a lui dedicato), e per le splendide chiese gotico-catalane. Barcellona offre davvero di tutto, con la collina di Montjuic ricca di arte, natura (bellissimo il giardino botanico) e sport (suggestivo il villaggio olimpico), e la splendida Barcelloneta, con la spiaggia e il lungomare. Il tutto condito dall’allegria, dalla cortesia e dall’efficienza (veramente notevole la metropolitana) degli amici spagnoli. E, non ultimo, l’ottimo cibo, con le tapas a farla da padrone (notevole il pranzo da Can Ramonet a Barcelloneta).P.S. Di solito evitiamo di fare pubblicita’ su questo blog; tuttavia, se vi capitasse di visitare Barcellona ci permettiamo di segnalare, come buon alloggio, i Sants Apartment, proposti da Inside-bcn, davvero confortevoli, in posizione strategica e ottimamente organizzati e gestiti.
We spent three days in Barcellona last week, and it was a really nice travel. Barcelona is really a fantastic city, full of art, history and kindness. But it is also a very dynamic place, very efficient, full of modern architecture and lovely gardens. Not easy to summarize in few words our emotions, however let’s start with the marvelous houses designed by Antoni Gaudi’, like Casa Battlo and thePedrera and the incredible Sagrada Familia. But Gaudi’ was great designing also the magic Parc Guell. Moreover Barcelona doesn’t mean only Gaudi, but also Miro and Picasso, with the lovely museum. But again, Barcellona is not only art… it is also nature, with the lovely Barceloneta and its seafront, and the hill of Montjuic, with the Olimpic Village, very impressive, and the botanic garden. If you then add the very efficient metro, the liking of Spanish persons, and the lovely tapas (the lunch at Can Ramonet is something we cannot forget…) you can easily understand that Barcelona has captured our hearts, and we really hope to visit it again.
P.S. We usually don’t like to make advertising; however, if you plan to visit Barcelona, let’s suggest, as a solution, Sants Apartment, very nice and clean apartments from Inside-bcn. We rented for few days one studio, and it was a great, cheap enough and strategically based.
We spent three days in Barcellona last week, and it was a really nice travel. Barcelona is really a fantastic city, full of art, history and kindness. But it is also a very dynamic place, very efficient, full of modern architecture and lovely gardens. Not easy to summarize in few words our emotions, however let’s start with the marvelous houses designed by Antoni Gaudi’, like Casa Battlo and thePedrera and the incredible Sagrada Familia. But Gaudi’ was great designing also the magic Parc Guell. Moreover Barcelona doesn’t mean only Gaudi, but also Miro and Picasso, with the lovely museum. But again, Barcellona is not only art… it is also nature, with the lovely Barceloneta and its seafront, and the hill of Montjuic, with the Olimpic Village, very impressive, and the botanic garden. If you then add the very efficient metro, the liking of Spanish persons, and the lovely tapas (the lunch at Can Ramonet is something we cannot forget…) you can easily understand that Barcelona has captured our hearts, and we really hope to visit it again.
P.S. We usually don’t like to make advertising; however, if you plan to visit Barcelona, let’s suggest, as a solution, Sants Apartment, very nice and clean apartments from Inside-bcn. We rented for few days one studio, and it was a great, cheap enough and strategically based.
Orchidea persistente
March 14, 2011 // Posted in flowers | 3 Comments
Cinque mesi fa Silvia veniva operata e, per salutare il suo rientro a casa, avevo comprato una bella orchidea. Non e’ che fosse un pezzo pregiatissimo (era in offerta all’Esselunga di Broni), ma mi aveva colpito il colore. Ecco, questa orchidea ci ha accompagnato in tutti questi mesi, a volte non facili, ma progressivamente sempre piu’ sereni, con i suoi bellissimi fiori. E ancora oggi, dopo cinque mesi, i suoi fiori allietano la nostra casa e ci trasmettono davvero un messaggio positivo. Non credo sia normale che un’orchidea fiorisca per cosi’ tanto tempo, alle nostre latitudini. Ma ne siamo davvero felici, e anche un po’ orgogliosi.
Five months ago Silvia was at the hospital for a surgery. To celebrate her return to home I bought an orchid. Although it was very nice, in particular because its peculiar color, this orchid was quite cheap and nothing special (I bought it at “Esselunga” di Broni). Its flowers accompanied us during these five months, not easy, but progressively characterized by a better feeling, and it is surprising to see that, after five months, these flowers are still with us. We don’t think that, at our latitudes, this is a normal behavior for an orchid, however we are quite happy about that…
Five months ago Silvia was at the hospital for a surgery. To celebrate her return to home I bought an orchid. Although it was very nice, in particular because its peculiar color, this orchid was quite cheap and nothing special (I bought it at “Esselunga” di Broni). Its flowers accompanied us during these five months, not easy, but progressively characterized by a better feeling, and it is surprising to see that, after five months, these flowers are still with us. We don’t think that, at our latitudes, this is a normal behavior for an orchid, however we are quite happy about that…
Si era studenti…
March 8, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Matteo (di Contafamily) e Zap sono due cari amici conosciuti piu’ di 20 anni fa, sui banchi della Nave (la strana sede della Facolta’ di Ingegneria dell’Universita’ di Pavia). Certo, a pensare che sono passati 20 anni da quando si era matricole alle prese con l’esame di analisi vengono un po’ i brividi. Fatto sta che durante gli studi, spesso svolti in gruppo, si e’ creata una profonda amicizia. Poi ognuno ha percorso le proprie strade, chi in Italia chi all’estero, inevitabilmente ci si e’ frequentati di meno, ma quando capita l’occasione di ritrovarsi, e’ sempre un momento di festa. Cosi’ ieri sera, anche se alla fine ci siamo ritrovati solo con Matteo e Zap e molti altri cari amici non hanno potuto unirsi al gruppo riunito a casa di Zap, e’ stato comunque un momento davvero bello. Grazie di cuore, e alla prossima.
Twenty years ago the male component of sacchielli’s family was a young student at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia. Although it seems not realistic that this happened 20 years ago, it was a nice period where we built solid friendships. It is not easy to meet often those old friends, but yesterday, at Zap’s place, I met again Matteo (from Contafamily) and Zap, and it was a really nice dinner. Thanks, and let’s hope that next time we wil be more than three…
Twenty years ago the male component of sacchielli’s family was a young student at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia. Although it seems not realistic that this happened 20 years ago, it was a nice period where we built solid friendships. It is not easy to meet often those old friends, but yesterday, at Zap’s place, I met again Matteo (from Contafamily) and Zap, and it was a really nice dinner. Thanks, and let’s hope that next time we wil be more than three…
Crostata alla marmellata di limone
March 6, 2011 // Posted in food | No Comments
La torta che vedete qui fotografata e’ una crostata con marmellata di limoni. Per farla ci siamo ispirati alla classica ricetta della frolla delle sorelle Simili, che abbiamo trovato su Pane e roba dolce uno dei loro famosi libri. La ricetta e’ molto semplice
The cake you see in the picture is a jam tart prepared by the male component of sacchibelli family. The recipe is inspired by Pane e roba dolce, a book of the famous Simili sisters. We made the shortbread before and then we used a very good jam marmalade on the top of it. The recipe of the shortbread is quite easy
- 200 g farina 00
- 100 g burro
- 80 g zucchero a velo
- 2 tuorli
- un pizzico di sale
e l’utilizzo del robot da cucina la rende quasi banale. Avevamo poi un’ottima marmellata di limone che abbiamo deciso di usare per questa torta. E il risultato e’ riprodotto nella foto. Ah, dimenticavo, una peculiarita’ di questa torta rispetto a tutti i dolci e piatti qui raccontati in questo blog, e’ che e’ stata interamente preparata dalla componente maschile di casa sacchibelli…
The cake you see in the picture is a jam tart prepared by the male component of sacchibelli family. The recipe is inspired by Pane e roba dolce, a book of the famous Simili sisters. We made the shortbread before and then we used a very good jam marmalade on the top of it. The recipe of the shortbread is quite easy
- 200 g white flour
- 100 g butter
- 80 g icing sugar
- 2 yolks
- a little of salt
and we had the help from the Kenwood robot too. Probably this is the only reason why the male component of sacchibelli’s family was able to prepare this cake without any help from Silvia…
Il chinotto
March 5, 2011 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Il chinotto e’ una delle bevande analcoliche che preferiamo. E’ il modo alternativo alla coca-cola di bere scuro, e pur essendo un po’ piu’ di nicchia, capita spesso, d’estate, di berlo. Non sapevamo pero’ che nella vicina Savona esistesse proprio una tradizione per questo agrume e per la preparazione della bevanda. Cosi’ quando Luca e Chiara ci hanno regalato una confezione di “vero chinotto” del presidio del chinotto di Savona, siamo rimasti davvero piacevolmente sorpresi. E, bisogna ammetterlo, il sapore e’ davvero speciale.
We love chinotto, a special dark non-alcholic drink, that here in Italy is sometimes preferred to Coca-Cola. Obviously, while Coca-Cola is a very massive drink, chinotto is more a niche product. We knew that is popular mainly among italian persons, but we didn’t know that the “Vero Chinotto” is the one that comes from Savona. So when Luca and Chiara offered us a pack of “Vero chinotto” di Savona, we were surprised at the beginning, and then very happy when we tasted it. It is really good. Thanks a lot Luca and Chiara.
We love chinotto, a special dark non-alcholic drink, that here in Italy is sometimes preferred to Coca-Cola. Obviously, while Coca-Cola is a very massive drink, chinotto is more a niche product. We knew that is popular mainly among italian persons, but we didn’t know that the “Vero Chinotto” is the one that comes from Savona. So when Luca and Chiara offered us a pack of “Vero chinotto” di Savona, we were surprised at the beginning, and then very happy when we tasted it. It is really good. Thanks a lot Luca and Chiara.
March 2, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Come piu’ volte testimoniato, in questi mesi ci siamo sentiti davvero circondati da amici cari la cui vicinanza ci da’ davvero tanta forza. Cosi’ anche questa settimana e’ capitato di vivere una vita sociale intensa: lunedi’ siamo stati onorati della presenza di Alice e Filippo (da poco rientrati da Londra e pronti a partire per la Florida… dei veri giramondo), con cui abbiamo trascorso una serata davvero piacevole, mentre ieri sera siamo andati in trasferta a cena da Luca e Chiara, per una serata altrettanto gradevole e speciale. Che dire, grazie davvero di cuore, e’ bello sentirsi circondati dalla vostra amicizia.
As we already mentioned many times, in these months we really appreciated the fact that many friends were very close to us. This helped us to get through this bad period and we really thank all of them. This week too we experienced a very intensive social life, and we liked it. On Monday we invited Alice and Filippo for a dinner at our place. They just came back from London and are now ready to fly to Florida, and together with them we spent, as usual, a lovely evening. Yesterday on the other hand we went at Luca’s and Chiara’s place for a great dinner, and for share with them another lovely evening. Thanks to you for your friendship. We really like it.
As we already mentioned many times, in these months we really appreciated the fact that many friends were very close to us. This helped us to get through this bad period and we really thank all of them. This week too we experienced a very intensive social life, and we liked it. On Monday we invited Alice and Filippo for a dinner at our place. They just came back from London and are now ready to fly to Florida, and together with them we spent, as usual, a lovely evening. Yesterday on the other hand we went at Luca’s and Chiara’s place for a great dinner, and for share with them another lovely evening. Thanks to you for your friendship. We really like it.