qui l’ultimo nostro incontro), e ci mancano parecchio. Ma oggi abbiamo pensato a loro, e in particolare a Kuniko, perche’ e’ venuto il momento di far indossare a Lorenzo il bellissimo maglione che Kuniko ha preparato per Lorenzo e che ci ha fatto recapitare quando Lorenzo era ancora piccolissimo. Il maglione e’ davvero stupendo, e poi i colori sono quelli di Berkeley. E oggi Lorenzo non voleva piu’ toglierselo tanto gli e’ piaciuto. Grazie davvero, e la speranza e’ di rivedersi presto.
We have many friends around the world, and most of them are located in California, a place we miss a lot. Colin’s family in particular comes from Berkeley and today we tought to them because Lorenzo worn for the first time the lovely jumper Kuniko (Colin’s mother) hand made for him, when he was born. It is really fantastic, and Lorenzo enjoyed a lot to wear it. And for a moment we had the sensation to have a little Berkely boy around. Thanks, we miss you a lot.
I sacchibelli hanno tanti amici sparsi per il mondo, molti concentrati in California. Tra questi un posto particolare lo occupa Colin, e la sua splendida famiglia. Non li vediamo ormai da tre anni (You are currently browsing the archives for March, 2014.
Thank you Kuniko!!!
March 30, 2014 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
I 40 anni dello zio Paolo
March 30, 2014 // Posted in celebrations, family | No Comments
Today it was uncle Paolo birhtday and we had him, together with aunt Luisa (aka Lulu’), at our place for a lunch. And Lorenzo was very happy about that. Thanks for joining us, and again, let us shout good wishes to you also through our blog!
Le buone birre francesi
March 29, 2014 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Few days ago our friend and colleauge Stefano brought to us some amazing beer, made in France (in Auvergne, in particular). It was a great surprise, and it was appreciated a lot. Usually, at work, jocking, I love to say that, when someone ask me to fix an IT or CAD issue, I would try, but I would need a beer to do that. And Stefano followed my request in a very serious way. Thanks a lot Stefano. And thanks Barbara!!!
Piccoli piloti crescono
March 29, 2014 // Posted in cars, Lorenzo | No Comments
As almost all the babies, also Lorenzo love to “drive” the car. Sometimes we allow him to sit at the wheel (the engine is switched off, don’t worry), and he feels really happy…
Un’allegra domenica
March 23, 2014 // Posted in celebrations, friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
erano venuti a trovarci), e poi cena (e 1000 giochi) a casa di Anna, Luca e Chiara. E certo Anna e Lorenzo hanno contribuito in modo esemplare a rendere la serata caotica ma meravigliosamente allegra.
Weather was not so good during this weekend, but our Sunday was exciting and full of nice experiences. First of all, we went to the Lorenzo’s “grande” party (he celebrates his 5th birthday) and then we were invited for a dinner at Anna’s (and Luca’s and Chiara’s) place. Here Lorenzo and Anna were very special, played a lot together, generating a chaotic glee and a lot of fun. Thanks a lot to everyone!!!
Dopo due weekend primaverili/estivi, ecco che la pioggia e’ ritornata in quel di Pavia. Ma non ci ha certo impedito di trascorrere una bella e intensa domenica ricca di piacevoli impegni. Prima il compleanno di Lorenzo “grande” (il bimbo grande di Giuseppe e Carmen, che gia’ Weather was not so good during this weekend, but our Sunday was exciting and full of nice experiences. First of all, we went to the Lorenzo’s “grande” party (he celebrates his 5th birthday) and then we were invited for a dinner at Anna’s (and Luca’s and Chiara’s) place. Here Lorenzo and Anna were very special, played a lot together, generating a chaotic glee and a lot of fun. Thanks a lot to everyone!!!
Schiumino e brioche
March 16, 2014 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Gran Caffe’“. E poi stamattina siamo stati molto fortunati perche’ abbiamo trovato una brioche con crema verde (al pistacchio); il colore preferito di Lorenzo…
Lorenzo is not yet 2 years old, however he starts to like, on Sunday morning, to have breakfast outside. And it is funny to see him ordering and enjoying a “schiumino” with a “green” brioche…
Certo, non e’ come ordinare un rum nei peggiori bar di Caracas, ma il tempo passa e il piccolo Lorenzo cresce sorprendentemente in fretta. Cosi’, prima ancora di compiere i due anni, capita che la domenica mattina, col papa’ e la mamma, il piccolo Lorenzo si prenda uno schiumino e una brioche in qualche bar (solitamente al “Lorenzo is not yet 2 years old, however he starts to like, on Sunday morning, to have breakfast outside. And it is funny to see him ordering and enjoying a “schiumino” with a “green” brioche…
La torta a scacchi
March 9, 2014 // Posted in food | No Comments
questa tortiera, e nel weekend e’ stato fatto un primo esperimento. La ricetta e’ stata presa da questo blog, e anche se la lievitazione non e’ venuta come ci sarebbe aspettati, la torta si e’ lasciata mangiare senza problemi. E dal punto di vista coreografico l’impatto e’ stato notevole.
Here at sacchibelli’s sometimes some nice cake is prepared by Silvia: usually very good, and often quite cute. So, after buying this cake pan, she made her first excercise following this recipe. The result was not good as expected, but the cake is for sure very photogenic. And Enrico too…
Qui a casa sacchibelli di tanto in tanto si produce qualche dolce interessante? Solitamente buoni, e spesso “curiosi”. L’ultimo acquisto di Silvia e’ Here at sacchibelli’s sometimes some nice cake is prepared by Silvia: usually very good, and often quite cute. So, after buying this cake pan, she made her first excercise following this recipe. The result was not good as expected, but the cake is for sure very photogenic. And Enrico too…
Un piovoso inverno
March 9, 2014 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Winter time is almost gone. Weather is getting warmer and warmer and hopefully we are ready for a nice springtime. Winter has not been so terrible: no snow, no ice, a bit of fog only. But a lot of rain. And you can now see a green grass growing on the roof of our “old” bridge…
March 4, 2014 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
Today it was Carnival, and, back from the sea, we decided to go to the oratory for the carnival party. It was very crowded and noisy, but Lorenzo enjoyed it a lot…
Un lungo weekend al mare
March 4, 2014 // Posted in family, Travels | 1 Comment
On Monday and Tuesday Lorenzo’s nursery was closed because of the Carnival. So we decided to spend few days all together going to the sea. We stopped at Finale Ligure (where we have been also last summer) and we enjoyed these nice days. Weather was not perfect (but we also had some sun), but to be relaxed all together was for sure something that we really appreciated a lot. And hopefully soon we will plan some new vacation.