Fire fighters always have a great appeal and babies love them a lot. So today, after Michele’s confirmation ceremony we had to join “Pompieropoli”, as we did in the past (see here and here. Lorenzo performed well, with the complete path, while Bea did her debut and she was quite excited, also because she met her friend Ginevra.
You are currently browsing the archives for May, 2018.
Pompieropoli 2018
May 27, 2018 // Posted in free time | No Comments
Fire fighters always have a great appeal and babies love them a lot. So today, after Michele’s confirmation ceremony we had to join “Pompieropoli”, as we did in the past (see here and here. Lorenzo performed well, with the complete path, while Bea did her debut and she was quite excited, also because she met her friend Ginevra.
Cresima di Michele
May 27, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Cugino Michele, neanche troppo lentamente, sta diventando sempre piu’ grande, non solo in senso fisico. E oggi, invitati alla celebrazione della sua Cresima, ci siamo resi conto che il tempo passa davvero in fretta. Dopo la cerimonia, un allegro pranzo in oratorio, per la gioia dei bimbi… Ed ecco il festeggiato con papa’ Marco, mamma Francesca e sorella Ilaria.
Today there was Michele’s confirmation, and after the long ceremony, we had a lunch, with parents and friends, at the oratorio. When we started this blog, in 2006, Michele was only seven months old… And now….
Today there was Michele’s confirmation, and after the long ceremony, we had a lunch, with parents and friends, at the oratorio. When we started this blog, in 2006, Michele was only seven months old… And now….
Gioco o autolavaggio?
May 27, 2018 // Posted in cars | 2 Comments
La nostra auto non e’ certo un esempio di pulizia e ordine. Tuttavia, a volte, capita di lavarla ed essere accompagnati da Lorenzo e Beatrice rende l’operazione forse un po’ piu’ lunga e meno efficiente, ma certo piu’ divertente.
Our car is never clean as it should… However, sometimes, we go to the car wash… When Lorenzo and Bea come with me, the operation is probably a bit longer and less efficient, but for sure we have a lot of fun…
Our car is never clean as it should… However, sometimes, we go to the car wash… When Lorenzo and Bea come with me, the operation is probably a bit longer and less efficient, but for sure we have a lot of fun…
Pedale Maiale 2018
May 21, 2018 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Col passare degli anni e’ sempre piu’ difficile trovare il tempo per una pedalata di gruppo nello spirito del Pedale-Maiale. L’ultima uscita risale al 2016 (vedi qui). Impegni famigliari, di lavoro, acciacchi vari… sta di fatto che, fino a domenica scorsa, non siamo piu’ riusciti ad organizzare una bella uscita. Invece domenica il gruppo, o parte di esso, e’ riuscito a ritrovarsi, e seppur percorrendo due differenti itinerari (uno, piu’ impegnativo, per chi predilige la parte maiale, uno, piu’ agevole, per chi predilige la parte maiale), ci siamo goduti una bella mattinata in bicicletta sui colli piacentini, con pranzo piu’ che onorevole presso l’agriturismo “Casa Galli“. Gli anni passano, ma il divertimento e’ sempre molto. Un grazie sincero a tutti i partecipanti, con l’augurio che non ci sia da aspettare altri due anni per la prossima uscita.
Last Sunday, after 2 years, we were able to ride with the “Pedale-Maiale” group, across the lovely “colli piacentini”. Weather was good, and although someone was missing, at the end the group was big enough. After the nice ride we stopped at agriturismo “Casa Galli“, where we had a good lunch and we relaxed a bit. Let’s hope that we don’t have to wait too much time to organize the next ride…
Last Sunday, after 2 years, we were able to ride with the “Pedale-Maiale” group, across the lovely “colli piacentini”. Weather was good, and although someone was missing, at the end the group was big enough. After the nice ride we stopped at agriturismo “Casa Galli“, where we had a good lunch and we relaxed a bit. Let’s hope that we don’t have to wait too much time to organize the next ride…
May 21, 2018 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Se solo sei mesi fa ci eravamo emozionati a vedere Lorenzo, aiutato da un galleggiante e scortato dall’istruttore, “nuotare” per l’intera vasca in occasione della festa invernale della piscina Folperti, sei mesi dopo l’emozione e’ stata ancora maggiore quando Lorenzo, ormai promosso tra i pinguini, ha nuotato a dorso, solo gambe, da solo, per l’intera vasca. E soprattutto e’ stato bello ammirare la sua felicita’ e il suo sentirsi a suo agio, in acqua, e circondato dai suoi amici nuotatori.
Six months ago Lorenzo swam, helped by his instructor, and with a float, a whole swimming length, and he was great. But on Saturday he did better; being now a “penguin” he swam, alone, backstrocke. Great job!!!!
Con la bici grande
May 14, 2018 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Lorenzo, fin da piccolo, si e’ dimostrato piuttosto attratto dalle biciclette. Vuoi perche’ abbiamo comiciato presto a trasportarlo sul seggiolino, vuoi perche’ questa passione nel DNA di papa’ e mamma c’e’, sta di fatto che poco piu’ che due-enne si esibiva in cavalcate non indifferenti a bordo del suo biciclino senza pedali (vedi qui). Il tempo passa, e le gambe si allungano. E mentre ora il biciclino e’ usato con entusiasmo da Bea, oggi Lorenzo, per la prima volta, ha usato la sua fiammante 16 pollici rossa per arrivare fino in centro citta’. Mica male…
Lorenzo always loved to ride his red bycicle, also when he still was a very little baby (see here). Now he is growing fast, and today he was able to ride, for the first time, his new, 16 inches, red bike, up to the center of the city. Not bad. Good job Lorenzo!!!
Lorenzo always loved to ride his red bycicle, also when he still was a very little baby (see here). Now he is growing fast, and today he was able to ride, for the first time, his new, 16 inches, red bike, up to the center of the city. Not bad. Good job Lorenzo!!!
Colazione salutista
May 14, 2018 // Posted in food | No Comments
A volte, a dir la verita’ raramente, succede che anche qui dai sacchibelli ci si conceda una colazione piuttosto salutista. Stamattina yougurt bianco con corn flakes e frutta fresca… Che dire, mica male…
Sometimes it happens here to that we have a “light” breakfast. This morning, waiting for the babies still sleeping, we went through a yougurt with corn flakes and fresh strawberries… Light, but delicious…
Sometimes it happens here to that we have a “light” breakfast. This morning, waiting for the babies still sleeping, we went through a yougurt with corn flakes and fresh strawberries… Light, but delicious…
Focaccia artigianale
May 7, 2018 // Posted in food | 1 Comment
E’ gia’ passato qualche anno (vedi qui) da quando la componente femminile adulta di casa sacchibelli si era esibita nella preparazione della focaccia, partendo dalla ricetta trovata su “viva la focaccia“, ma oggi i risultati sono stati ancora migliori, grazie anche all’aiuto della piccola Bea fornaia. Focaccia liscia, con le olive e con le cipolle. Per un pranzo davvero speciale!!! Ottimo lavoro mamma Silvia!!!
Seven years ago (!?!?) Silvia already tried (see here) to prepare a focaccia following viva la focaccia recipe. Today, with the help of little Bea, she repeated the experiment, and the results were excellent. Great focaccia, both with olives and with onions. Great job Silvia!!!
Seven years ago (!?!?) Silvia already tried (see here) to prepare a focaccia following viva la focaccia recipe. Today, with the help of little Bea, she repeated the experiment, and the results were excellent. Great focaccia, both with olives and with onions. Great job Silvia!!!
May 7, 2018 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Sabato, presso il Museo di Tecnica Elettrica, si e’ svolta un’anteprima della festa della luce, con laboratori a cura di Ondivaghiamo, e con la presenza di Carla, nostra ex professoressa a elettronica, e cara amica. Il laboratorio e’ stato molto ben curato, riuscendo ad attirare l’attenzione di tanti bimbi per tutto il pomeriggio. Merito di Carla e dei ragazzi che con entusiasmo hanno animato l’evento. E anche la location e’ piaciuta molto, soprattutto il bel prato esterno, dove prima sono state fatte tante bolle di sapone, e poi i bimbi hanno corso a perdifiato, inseguendosi. Brava Carla, e bravi tutti gli “ondivaghi”, bellissima iniziativa.
Saturday we went at “Museo della Tecnica Elettrica” to partecipate to a laboratory about “light” organized by Ondivaghiamo, with our friend and (previously) our teacher of electronics, Carla. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot both the laboratory and the location, in particular the beautful meadow where they ran a lot, almost invisible. Great job Carla!!!!
Saturday we went at “Museo della Tecnica Elettrica” to partecipate to a laboratory about “light” organized by Ondivaghiamo, with our friend and (previously) our teacher of electronics, Carla. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot both the laboratory and the location, in particular the beautful meadow where they ran a lot, almost invisible. Great job Carla!!!!
May 1, 2018 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Con un giorno di anticipo, approfittando del primo maggio, sono cominciati i festeggiamenti per il compleanno della componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli. Il numero comincia a essere un po’ troppo grande, ma essere circondati dalla dolcezza di Bea e Lorenzo, con l’aggiunta della cugina Francy, e gustare una torta straordinariamente bella e buona fatta da Silvia, ha reso la giornata davvero speciale. Che dire, grazie per la festa, grazie per i regali, arrivati inaspettati, dagli zii di ogni ordine e grado.
Enrico’s birthday is supposed to be on May the 2nd, but being May the 1st a national holiday, today Silvia prepared a wonderful and delicious californian cake, and we celebrated the birthday with a day in advance. And, together with the lovely Lorenzo, Bea and Francy, it was a great celebration. Thanks a lot!!!
Enrico’s birthday is supposed to be on May the 2nd, but being May the 1st a national holiday, today Silvia prepared a wonderful and delicious californian cake, and we celebrated the birthday with a day in advance. And, together with the lovely Lorenzo, Bea and Francy, it was a great celebration. Thanks a lot!!!