You are currently browsing the archives for October, 2014.
October 26, 2014 // Posted in cars | 3 Comments
A while ago we went to the self car wash, with Lorenzo and Silvia inside the car, and Enrico whasing it. Lorenzo protested a lot, because he wanted to help me, and today we tried to wash the car with Lorenzo as active element. It was really funny, and at the end, the car was clean enough, and the baby very happy.
Una pizza con Zube e Nico
October 25, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui, ad esempio) ci piace ritrovarci, magari di fronte a una buona pizza, per raccontarci un po’ come procedono le nostre vite. E cosi’ e’ successo lo scorso martedi’, quando, una semplice pizza in compagnia si e’ trasformata in una serata davvero intensa e speciale. Grazie di cuore!!!
Roberto (aka Zube) and Nico are two old friends (the adult male component met them at high school, roughly 30 years ago), but it still happens that we meet all together, to share what’s happening to our lives, to remember, to discuss. So, last Tuesday they were at sacchibelli’s place, and although we just ate a good pizza together, the event was very nice and special. Thanks for coming!!!
Roberto (aka Zube) e Nico sono due cari compagni dei tempi del liceo. L’amicizia e’ sopravvissuta al trascorrere degli anni e, di tanto in tanto (vedi Roberto (aka Zube) and Nico are two old friends (the adult male component met them at high school, roughly 30 years ago), but it still happens that we meet all together, to share what’s happening to our lives, to remember, to discuss. So, last Tuesday they were at sacchibelli’s place, and although we just ate a good pizza together, the event was very nice and special. Thanks for coming!!!
Una birra di tanto in tanto
October 19, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Sometimes we met together with some old friend. Roughly 25 years ago we met each other at the Oratory, and we are still friends. Someone is around the world, but when we sit around a table drinking a beer, it seems that the time didn’t fly. So, thanks for the very nice Friday night.
A proposito di Tasi
October 13, 2014 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
- Il Comune mette a disposizione un sito ( abbastanza comodo per il calcolo. Ma chi non dovesse avere accesso a internet come deve procedere? Gia’ e’ dura pagare le tasse in un paese in cui i soldi delle tasse sembrano sperperati, poi c’e’ la complicazione dello sforzo necessario a ricordarsi di pagare tutti i balzelli e a calcolarne il valore giusto
- Il Comune di Pavia, bonta’ sua, ha deciso di concedere una detrazione (di 200 euro) per tutte le situazioni in cui la rendita catastale e’ al di sotto di una certa soglia; gesto encomiabile e comprensibile, a tutela delle classi piu’ deboli (nell’ipotesi che rendita catastale bassa corrisponda a immobile di piu’ bassa qualita’). Pero’ mi pare incomprensibile che, in modo brusco, chi supera questa soglia, non abbia diritto a nessuna detrazione; cosi’, se la rendita catastale dell’immobile e’ di 450 euro, la tasi dovuta e’ di 50 euro, se la rendita e’ di 451 euro, la tasi dovuta e’ di 250 euro. Possibile che non si potesse modulare meglio la detrazione?
There is no way to translate in english the previous post. It refers to the crazy taxation system we have here in Italy. So don’t worry, it is just a surge and don’t worry, at the end I will pay all the taxes…
I palloncini al Carmine
October 13, 2014 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
This morning we attended Mass at Carmine. Here we met Anna (with Chiara and Luca) and honestly both Lorenzo and Anna preferred to play together. However, after the Mass their attention was captured by a nice initiative: a lot of colored and flying balloons were shared among all the babies and, at a given time, they were released all together flying in the sky.
Una torta in compagnia
October 12, 2014 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Today, in the afternoon, Anna with Luca and Chiara came to our place. And although today Lorenzo was a bit nervous (he didn’t sleep after lunch) to see them playing together is always nice and funny. Thanks for coming and for sharing with us this nice afternoon.
October 6, 2014 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Today we went to Bereguardo to see the “Festa di San Zeno“. It was a really crowded event, and we met our friend Alessandro, Luisa with Alice and Viola. Lorenzo was very happy and when he noted that Luisa was “painting” children’s face, he asked her to paint a dinosaur, one of his recent passion. And here you can see the great result. Good job Luisa, thanks a lot!!!
Corripavia 2014
October 6, 2014 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Corripavia. L’allenamento era quel che era (cioe’ nullo) ma la giornata bella e il clima di festa hanno contribuito ad aumentare la voglia. E quest’anno la componente maschile giovane, spinta nel passeggino dalla componente femminile, si e’ cimentata nella 2.5km per bimbi. Diciamo che e’ stata una domenica di allegria, e nonostante la stanchezza, all’arrivo eravamo tutti felici. Un grazie anche a Teo (e al suo gruppetto di amici e amiche) per avermi convinto a correre. Il tempo e’ stato non entusiasmante (57.30) ma meno peggio del temuto.
This year, after 5 years, I decided to run the “Corripavia” a 10km run around Pavia. It was hard to finish because I didn’t train as expected, but it was also funny. Lorenzo was excited too, and with Silvia, they went through the 2.5km path for children. Thanks to Teo and his friends for motivating me. It was a really nice experience.
Dopo cinque anni ( la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli si e’ ripresentata al via della This year, after 5 years, I decided to run the “Corripavia” a 10km run around Pavia. It was hard to finish because I didn’t train as expected, but it was also funny. Lorenzo was excited too, and with Silvia, they went through the 2.5km path for children. Thanks to Teo and his friends for motivating me. It was a really nice experience.
Piccoli ciclisti crescono
October 6, 2014 // Posted in bike, Lorenzo | 1 Comment
Ormai Lorenzo padroneggia la sua “biciclina” rossa in modo davvero notevole, e sabato mattina ci siamo spinti fin verso il centro della citta’… mica male come prestazione.
Lorenzo loves to go with his “red bicycle”. Now he is very stable, and on Saturday we reached the center of the city.