… anche quest’anno, durante le vacanze, Fede, Dede, Achille e Stefano, assieme a zia Luisa, zio Paolo e Francesca, sono passati a trovarci (vedi qui per una precedente visita). Oggi mancavano Alice e Filippo (e Matilde) e la foto l’abbiamo scattata prima che arrivassero Stefano e Dede, ma al solito e’ stata una rimpatriata davvero bella, per di piu’ ravvivata da Lorenzo, Beatrice e Francesca.
As it happens during Christmas Holidays, today Fede, Dede, Stefano, Achille, with Paolo, Luisa and Francesca came at our place. Although today Alice, Filippo and Matilde were missing, we spent together a lovely afternoon.
You are currently browsing the archives for December, 2015.
Come da tradizione…
December 30, 2015 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Babbo Natale esiste
December 25, 2015 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
Buon Natale
December 24, 2015 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Non e’ stato un anno facile, benche’ allietato dal fatto di essere ormai in quattro. I bimbi ci hanno dato gioia, e ora ci stringiamo intorno a loro per festeggiare un Natale che speriamo speciale per noi e per tutti voi. Sinceri auguri di buon Natale a tutti i nostri affezionati lettori.
It has been an year quite busy, full of joy thanks to the babies, but not always easy. Now it is Christmas time, and we wish to all our readers a Merry Christmas.
It has been an year quite busy, full of joy thanks to the babies, but not always easy. Now it is Christmas time, and we wish to all our readers a Merry Christmas.
Centrale del latte
December 23, 2015 // Posted in family | No Comments
Ora che anche Beatrice ha raggiunto l’anno d’eta’, siamo passati al latte vaccino anche per lei. Sia lei che Lorenzo sono dei gran bevitori, e tra tutti e due, se ne bevono circa un litro al giorno. La paura di restare, magari per distrazione, senza latte e’ tanta, cosi’ capita di fare scorte anche considerevoli. A volte ci chiediamo se non abbia senso avere una mucca come animale domestico….
Now also Beatrice is 1 year old, and she started to drink cow milk. Beatrice and Lorenzo drinks at least 1 liter a day, and it often happens that we have a huge amount of milk in the refrigerator. Maybe we should think to buy a cow…
Now also Beatrice is 1 year old, and she started to drink cow milk. Beatrice and Lorenzo drinks at least 1 liter a day, and it often happens that we have a huge amount of milk in the refrigerator. Maybe we should think to buy a cow…
Al polo sud?
December 14, 2015 // Posted in animals, Pavia | No Comments
Ebbene si, e’ possibile fare una foto accanto a un orso polare anche a Pavia. Lorenzo e Anna, scatenati, si sono limitati a visitare il Museo di Storia Naturale, uno dei tanti esempi di eccellenza che, purtroppo, cosi’ male sono sfruttati dalla città ’. Non siamo esperti in materia, ma riteniamo che la collezione di animali accatastati nel “deposito” di via Guffanti non sia seconda a nessun’altra, almeno sul territorio nazionale. E anche i pochi animali trasportati a palazzo Botta per essere esibiti nel contesto di una festa per i bambini, sono davvero impressionanti… Ma anziché’ creare un sistema museo che attiri i visitatori (e lo finanzi), ci si barcamena tra assenza di fondi, litigi politici, invidie universitarie e quant’altro. Ma dimenticando tutto, vedere la giraffa o l’orso polare, specie per i bambini, e’ davvero qualcosa di speciale.
Today we went at Museo di Storia Naturale, to participate to an event for children. The place is amazing, and although it could potentially be one of the best museum of natural history (but for sad reasons it is not possible to find the right place where to emphasize the beauty of the animals collection) it transmits at least a very impressive atmosphere. Here we found a beautiful giraffe, and the polar bear you can see close to Lorenzo and Anna. And many other interesting animals…. But this is just a little portion of the amazingly huge complete collection.
Today we went at Museo di Storia Naturale, to participate to an event for children. The place is amazing, and although it could potentially be one of the best museum of natural history (but for sad reasons it is not possible to find the right place where to emphasize the beauty of the animals collection) it transmits at least a very impressive atmosphere. Here we found a beautiful giraffe, and the polar bear you can see close to Lorenzo and Anna. And many other interesting animals…. But this is just a little portion of the amazingly huge complete collection.
Un anno di Bea
December 10, 2015 // Posted in Beatrice, celebrations | No Comments
E’ difficile descrivere con delle parole la gioia che ci ha portato la piccola Beatrice. E cosi’, questo suo primo compleanno, e’ davvero un evento cosi’ speciale che difficilmente ce lo scorderemo. Anche perche’ Bea ha mangiato la sua torta in modo non del tutto convenzionale…
Bea arrived one year ago, and she brought to us a lot of joy. We celebrated her first birthday, and we had a lot of fun looking at how Bea tasted the cake…
P.S. Qui il primo compleanno di Lorenzo
Bea arrived one year ago, and she brought to us a lot of joy. We celebrated her first birthday, and we had a lot of fun looking at how Bea tasted the cake…
P.S. Here you can see Lorenzo first birthday
Un’esosa colazione
December 9, 2015 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Capita che, durante i weekend, in questi mesi invernali, si faccia una sosta a fare una colazione fuori, la mattina. Uno dei posti piu’ comodi (e’ in centro, e’ spazioso ed e’ collegato con una bella libreria) e’ il Loft 10. Il buon Lorenzo si sente ormai di casa e tende ad allargarsi un po’ troppo. Cosi’ oggi ha ordinato un succo di frutta e un muffin artigianale… Per non uscire troppo di budget (il posto non e’ tra i piu’ economici) gli adulti si sono limitati a un semplice caffe’. E per fortuna Beatrice e’ ancora un po’ troppo piccola per ordinare qualcosa…
Sometimes, during the winter weekend, we like to stop in some place, during our morning walking, to have a breakfast or something similar. One of our preferred places is Loft 10, an american bar quite elegant, but with a lot of room, and close to a beautiful bookshop, in the center of the town. This morning Lorenzo ordered a pear juice and an artisan muffin. To save money (the place is quite expensive) we had to order only a coffee. Hopefully Beatrice is still too little to order anything…
Sometimes, during the winter weekend, we like to stop in some place, during our morning walking, to have a breakfast or something similar. One of our preferred places is Loft 10, an american bar quite elegant, but with a lot of room, and close to a beautiful bookshop, in the center of the town. This morning Lorenzo ordered a pear juice and an artisan muffin. To save money (the place is quite expensive) we had to order only a coffee. Hopefully Beatrice is still too little to order anything…
Chi controlla il controllore?
December 7, 2015 // Posted in environment | No Comments
Come forse molti di voi sanno, abitiamo in una zona tranquilla della citta’, in una periferia non cosi’ lontana dal centro. La zona e’ prettamente residenziale, e l’unico “ufficio”, peraltro confinante col nostro condominio, e’ l’Arpa, un ente regionale che si occupa della prevenzione e della protezione dell’ambiente. Tra gli svariati compiti svolti da questo ente, non ultimo viene il controllo dell’inquinamento acustico (vedi qui). La cosa buffa (si fa per dire) e’ che da qualche giorno, proprio l’Arpa, si e’ dotata di un enorme e appariscente macchinario che, presumibilmente, ha compiti di regolazione termica. Non e’ chiaro se sostituisca la caldaia o se invece si occupi do condizionare certi ambienti. Ma la cosa chiara e’ che, fa un runmore assurdo, continuativo di notte e decisamente sgradevole. Certo, ora con le finestre chiuse il fastidio e’ minimo, ma quest’estate… Ora ci tocchera’ scendere agli uffici dell’Arpa e chiedere che misurino l’inquinamento acustico da essi stessi provocato….
As probably some of you already knows, we live in relatively quiet zone of a relatively quite town. We can reach the center by walking in 20 minutes, or by bije in 5 minutes, and we enjoy such a position, far enough from caohtic traffic and noisy zone. All around us you can find small condos, with some decent green area. The only not residential building is the one close to us, where “Arpa” (a regional institution that should control and check environment pollution) is based. Among the pollution it shiuld control, there is the acoustic one too. Sadly, since few days, a new heating system has been installed, just close to our windows. Sadly, this heating system is very noisy, and it works also all night long (while people works inside that building only since 8am through 5pm. What can we do? Should we go to the “Arpa” asking them to “measure” the noiae pollution they are producing?
As probably some of you already knows, we live in relatively quiet zone of a relatively quite town. We can reach the center by walking in 20 minutes, or by bije in 5 minutes, and we enjoy such a position, far enough from caohtic traffic and noisy zone. All around us you can find small condos, with some decent green area. The only not residential building is the one close to us, where “Arpa” (a regional institution that should control and check environment pollution) is based. Among the pollution it shiuld control, there is the acoustic one too. Sadly, since few days, a new heating system has been installed, just close to our windows. Sadly, this heating system is very noisy, and it works also all night long (while people works inside that building only since 8am through 5pm. What can we do? Should we go to the “Arpa” asking them to “measure” the noiae pollution they are producing?