You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2011.
Una settimana a Losanna
August 31, 2011 // Posted in Travels | 1 Comment
As already mentioned in the previous post, last week we went to Lausanne. Someone (Silvia) for business, some other (Enrico) for vacation. And together we spent a lovely weeekend in the town. We enjoyed staying in Lausanne. The lac and the Olympic parc are really impressive, but also the center, with a nice market and a wide “no car” zone is interesting. We also experimented the efficient Swiss trains going to Montreux and then walking up to the beautiful Chillon castle, something really impressive. Weather was great and the balance of this short vacation is really positive. And maybe in the future we will come back….
Pedalata svizzera
August 26, 2011 // Posted in bike, Travels | No Comments
In questi giorni i sacchibelli sono a Losanna. Silvia per lavoro, a un corso, e Enrico in modalita’ turistica. In attesa di goderci il week-end insieme, ieri mi sono concesso una straordinaria pedalata su per le montagne intorno a Losanna, partendo da Vevey, passando per Gruyere, Aigles e arrivando a Montreux, lungo il lago. Unico neo, la bici, affittata a Losanna, non era particolarmente performante. Ma alla fine ho superato il Col de Mosses a 1450m e ho pedalato per piu’ di 100km, non male. Ecco qui il file gpx dell’intero giro.
In this period we are in Lausanne. Silvia came here for a course, while I joined her last Wednesday as a tourist. And yesterday, while she was at the course I rented a bike and I rode through the mountains aroound the lake. It definifely was an amazing ride and from here you can download the gpx of the whole tour.
Una serata fra colleghi
August 23, 2011 // Posted in friends, Pavia | No Comments
This evening I went out for a pizza and a “gelato” together with Stefano (a Ph.D. student from Rome University guest at Marvell) and other colleauges (Antonio and Alessandro). Weather was quite bad (hot and wet) but it was quite nice to share with them some time out from the office. Stefano is planning to come back to Rome soon, but we hope to meet him again in the future. As you know, the world of the microelectronics is surprisingly small….
August 23, 2011 // Posted in flowers | No Comments
In these days weather is really bad here in Pavia (and in Italy in general). It is very hot and wet, something usually normal, but this year it was surprisingly a good summer till few days ago. Nevertheless now it seems to live in an oven… However our hibiscus seems to love such a weather, and here you can see a beatifull yellow flower, together with the red one in the background
Picnic di Ferragosto
August 15, 2011 // Posted in free time, friends | No Comments
Mid-August is a classical day, in Italy, for a lovely picnic or barbecue in some nice place. Today we decided to go, with Fernando, Luisa and Paolo, to Castello di Verde, close Valverde a place we didn’t know and that was suggested by Paolo. Castello di Verde is really a nice area for picnic and barbecue, with a lot of comfort and a really beautiful nature around. We ate a lot and we had a lot of fun together. Thanks for joining us and for sharing with us such a lovely day.
Il magico orto della Dany
August 15, 2011 // Posted in friends | 3 Comments
Daniela, peraltro, riesce sempre a stupirci. Anche ieri infatti ci ha portato qualche prodotto dell’orticello di famiglia. E il risultato e’ che ora abbiamo la casa invasa da qualunque tipo di ortaggio. E, tra tutti, spicca un pomodoro assolutamente gigantesco (che pesa 946g). Grazie ancora.
Our friend Daniela is almost ready to fly back to Portland, but yesterday she visited us again and we spent together a lovely day. She brought to us a huge quantity of marvelous vegetables. Some of them are really amazing, and the big tomatoes is absolutely impressive. Thanks again. We then decide to ride our bicycles to reach the Osteria del Maltrainsema, where we had a good lunch on the bank of Ticino river. It was quite good and relaxing.
August 13, 2011 // Posted in free time | No Comments
Although we didn’t talk about that till now, this year can be considered as the swimming year. In fact last January we started a swimming course at piscina Folperti and, after few months we improved a lot, thanks to the help of Andrea, our instructor. The starting point was quite bad (our nicknames were, respectively, “tsunami” and “lead fish”) but now we can easily swim 40 lengths in an Olympic swimming pool. For sure we have to improve a lot, but we like to swim a lot. And we will continue, for sure.
Critical mass
August 6, 2011 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Few days ago we went, late in the afternoon, back to Marvell office to bring home my notebook. We met few colleauges of mine still at work, and we took off together. It was nice to realize that all of us (4 Marvell guys + 1 intruder…) went at the office by bike. It is just another confirmation that Pavia should be a bike-friend city, and we hope that in the future something will be done to make bikers life easier…