qui) era toccata quello che chiamiamo bagnetto, cioè il secondo bagno di casa nostra. Avremmo infatti dovuto ristrutturarli all’atto dell’acquisto, tutti e due, ma per questioni economiche abbiamo dovuto procedere per gradi. Cosi’ domani sara’ il turno di quello che chiamiamo bagnone. Non ci è mai piaciuto troppo, ma dopo 10 anni ci eravamo quasi abituati… Ci spaventa un po’ la fase della ristrutturazione, con polvere e disagi vari, ma siamo fiduciosi di riemergere con un bagno che ci piacera’ ancora di piu’.
When we bought our house, we didn’t have money enough to refurbish everything, so we had to wait a bit. Three years ago we partially did the job improving out little bathroom, while tomorrow refurbishment of the “big” bathroom will start. We are a bit worried, because during these works, to live in our apartment will not be easy, but we hope that after everything will be better….
Tre anni fa (vedi You are currently browsing the archives for June, 2017.
Nuovo bagno
June 26, 2017 // Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
June 19, 2017 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Il battesimo dell’acqua, per Lorenzo, risale ormai a quasi 5 anni fa (vedi qui), e fin dall’inizio ha dimostrato di trovarsi a suo agio. Ogni sabato siamo andati al corso di nuoto (partendo per l’appunto dal neonatale), ma direi che i progressi sono stati notevoli…
Lorenzo started to “swim” when he was few months old… And he always enjoyed the swimming pool. After 5 years, we can say that, at the end, he is able to swim. Good job…
Diamoci un taglio
June 18, 2017 // Posted in family | No Comments
Di tanto in tanto ci si rivede
June 12, 2017 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui). Che dire, il tempo passa, i bimbi crescono e i grandi un po’ invecchiano. Ma è stato bello riabbracciarsi tutti, e raccontarci tante cosse che in questi anni sono successe. Sicuri che, magari non subito, ci saranno comunque altre occasioni per rivedersi. Grazie!!!
Marco is a dear friend who left Pavia before we got married and, since then, it rarely happens that we are able to meet each other. Hopefully last Friday, thanks to Andrea and Chicca, we were able to meet him again together with a lot of old friends. And, as usual, it was a great moment. Thanks!!!
Da quando Marco si è trasferito negli States (e sono ormai piu di dodici anni) ci siamo rassegnati a rivederci di tanto in tanto, quando lui passa da queste parti o quando, piu’ raramente, noi passiamo dalle sue parti. Cosi’ venerdi’ sera, grazie ad Andrea e Chicca che hanno messo a disposizione la loro bellissima casa, abbiamo avuto modo di riabbracciarlo, riunendoci in tanti vecchi amici (come gia’ era successo 7 anni fa, vedi Marco is a dear friend who left Pavia before we got married and, since then, it rarely happens that we are able to meet each other. Hopefully last Friday, thanks to Andrea and Chicca, we were able to meet him again together with a lot of old friends. And, as usual, it was a great moment. Thanks!!!
Ciclista metropolitano
June 12, 2017 // Posted in bike | No Comments
The adult male component of sacchibelli family is now working close to Segrate, so he started to travel a bit. Obviously using both his bicycle and public transportation. Once he realized that to reach Milano 2 from Lambrate is fast and safe enough, he decided to bring his second bicycle at Milano Lambrate and to ride up to Milano 2. Let’s hope that no one will stole the bicycle…
June 11, 2017 // Posted in food | No Comments
qui) quest’anno sul balcone dei sacchibelli abbiamo piantato i pomodorini. E qualche giorno fa c’e’ stato il primo raccolto, ottimo e abbondante. Il buon Lorenzo ha infatti raccolto 15 pomodorini rossissimi, mentre un’altra decina maturera’ nei prossimi giorni. Decisamente un buon risultato…
Last year we were happy with our strawberries on our balcony, but this year we did something better. With the help of Lorenzo and Bea we were able to grow a lot of little red tomatoes. Few days ago Lorenzo cropped 15 red tomatoes, and other 10 are almost ready. A good result!!!!
Dopo le fragole dello scorso anno (vedi Last year we were happy with our strawberries on our balcony, but this year we did something better. With the help of Lorenzo and Bea we were able to grow a lot of little red tomatoes. Few days ago Lorenzo cropped 15 red tomatoes, and other 10 are almost ready. A good result!!!!
Ultima pizza pavese?
June 3, 2017 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Marvell Italy is closing now, but hopefully almost all our colleagues were able to find a new job. Many of them here around, but someone far away. Among them, unfortunately, there is also Giuseppe, ready now to go to Pisa. We will miss him, and his lovely family, a lot. Yesterday we went our with them for a good pizza. It was nice and funny, as usual, but with a bit of melancholy. We will come to Pisa, and we are sure you will come back sometimes to Pavia… but we will miss the privilege to see you so often like in these years. We will miss you, definitely…