qui), cosi’ quest’anno, in occasione della notte delle lanterne, siamo tornati in quel di Torre d’Isola. Abbiamo qui incontrato Luca e Chiara, con Anna e Marta, il Teo, il Pesu, Luisa, Alice e Viola, insomma, un sacco di amici. E, una volta calato il sole, la suggestione delle lanterne che volano a creare un magico cielo stellato ci ha stregato anche quest’anno.
After the last year wonderful experience, this year too we came back to Torre d’Isola to participate to the flying wish light show. This year Luca, Chiara, Anna and Marta joined us, and we also met a lot of friends. And, as last year, the show was very emotional.
L’anno scorso erano stata una bellissima novita’ (vedi You are currently browsing the archives for November, 2017.
Le lanterne
November 26, 2017 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Visita al mulino
November 26, 2017 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Mulino Ferrari; saputo che oggi si sarebbe potuto visitare il mulino, ne abbiamo approfittato per una pedalata coi bimbi, fiduciosi di far loro vedere qualcosa di bello. Beh, il mulino, recentemente restaurato, era ben piu’ bello di quanto ci si potesse immaginare, e il personale che si e’ prodigato nelle spiegazioni, e’ stato gentilissimo. Insomma, un posto bello e fino a pochi giorni fa sconosciuto, a due passi da casa. E con uno spaccio davvero interessante… E Silvia ha finalmente trovato la mitica farina “fumetto”, ingrediente base per le pangialdine…
We discovered, few days ago, that not far from our place there was the last mill on the Vernavola canal. During the weekend it has been possible to visit it, after a recent renovation. We thus went there with Lorenzo and Bea (and with zia Lulu’, zio Paolo and little Francy) full of curiosity. And we discovered a wonderful place, with very nice people (the owners) kindly ready to explain the history of the mill and how it works. And we also enjoyed the little shop, full of nice products.
Non sapevamo, fino a qualche giorno fa, di abitare non troppo lontano dall’ultimo mulino della Vernavola, il We discovered, few days ago, that not far from our place there was the last mill on the Vernavola canal. During the weekend it has been possible to visit it, after a recent renovation. We thus went there with Lorenzo and Bea (and with zia Lulu’, zio Paolo and little Francy) full of curiosity. And we discovered a wonderful place, with very nice people (the owners) kindly ready to explain the history of the mill and how it works. And we also enjoyed the little shop, full of nice products.
Un tour nella Ticino Valley
November 25, 2017 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Esilicon (che ha acquisito il gruppo di Marvell che sviluppa High Speed Serial Interfaces), Catena (società olandese controllata da NXP, che ha riassunto il gruppo che sviluppava chipset RF in Marvell) e Silicon Mitus, azienda coreana che ha assunto il gruppo che sviluppava PMIC in Marvell. Inoltre, altre realtà della microelettronica pavese hanno colto l’attimo per provare ad espandersi, e così pure Infineon, AMS e Photeon sono in cerca di progettisti microelettronici. Se poi ci allarghiamo fino alla periferia sud di Milano, ad Assago Maxim e TDK stanno crescendo. E ovviamente c’è pure STMicroelectronics.
Così mercoledì, approfittando della donazione del sangue, la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli si è concessa un tour per le realtà post-Marvell, per rivedere vecchi amici, salutare ex colleghi e ritrovare il sorriso nei tanti che, durante le ultime fasi di Marvell, avevano invece sofferto. Prima tappa dal piccolo gruppo di Catena, dove ho ritrovato Ugo, Alberto, Marika, Wissam e Gino), da li’ un salto a Photeon, per riabbracciare il Bongio e Santina. Poi pranzo con gli amici di eSilicon, con anche Silvia, e infine sosta in Silicon Mitus, per ritrovare il Pesu e i tanti amici con cui ho condiviso tanti anni di Marvell. Insomma, una giornata un po’ nostalgica ma certo positiva. Ci rivediamo tra tre mesi…
Last Wednesday the male component of sacchibelli’s family spent the whole day in Pavia because of his blood donation. He did a lot of stuffs but he also did his best to meet all the former colleagues that, after the implosion of Marvell Italy, found their way in new semiconductor companies, like eSilicon, Catena and Silicon Mitus. The presence of so many semiconductor companies here around, like in a small silicon valley, is a bit surprising, but for sure it is a good moment… Let’s hope that such a situation will keep for many years.
Il Bongio (Photeon) con Alberto, Enrico, Marika, Wissam e Gino[/caption]Con l’evoluzione degli ultimi mesi, dall’implosione di Marvell Italia all’arrivo di nuove realtà del mondo dei semiconduttori che ne hanno, in vari modi, acquisiti i talenti, qui a Pavia sembra quasi di essere, fatte le debite e dovute proporzioni, in Silicon Valley. Se dalla fine di Marvell Italia sono nateCosì mercoledì, approfittando della donazione del sangue, la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli si è concessa un tour per le realtà post-Marvell, per rivedere vecchi amici, salutare ex colleghi e ritrovare il sorriso nei tanti che, durante le ultime fasi di Marvell, avevano invece sofferto. Prima tappa dal piccolo gruppo di Catena, dove ho ritrovato Ugo, Alberto, Marika, Wissam e Gino), da li’ un salto a Photeon, per riabbracciare il Bongio e Santina. Poi pranzo con gli amici di eSilicon, con anche Silvia, e infine sosta in Silicon Mitus, per ritrovare il Pesu e i tanti amici con cui ho condiviso tanti anni di Marvell. Insomma, una giornata un po’ nostalgica ma certo positiva. Ci rivediamo tra tre mesi…
Last Wednesday the male component of sacchibelli’s family spent the whole day in Pavia because of his blood donation. He did a lot of stuffs but he also did his best to meet all the former colleagues that, after the implosion of Marvell Italy, found their way in new semiconductor companies, like eSilicon, Catena and Silicon Mitus. The presence of so many semiconductor companies here around, like in a small silicon valley, is a bit surprising, but for sure it is a good moment… Let’s hope that such a situation will keep for many years.
November 18, 2017 // Posted in food | No Comments
concerto di Springsteen, ad esempio) ma questo non ci dispiace, anzi. Eppure ieri sera, approfittando del fatto che Lorenzo e Bea hanno mangiato dai nonni e che i due componenti adulti di casa sacchibelli sono rientrati un po’ prima del solito dall’ufficio, ci siamo concessi una pizza (nella pizzeria sotto casa, mica troppo lontano), mentre altre volte, il venerdi’, alla peggio si ricorreva alla pizza da asporto per poter proseguire con le pulizie di casa prima che rientrassero i nanetti. Beh, e’ stata una pizza piu’ che piacevole.
It happens quite rarely that Silvia and Enrico stay alone, in the last 5 years and a half. The night at San Siro for the River Tour was an exception, for example. But yesterday Lorenzo and Bea stopped at grandparents place for the dinner, and we were too tired to start some cleaning at our place. And so, we decided to eat a pizza piccioncini-like. And it was a great experiment.
Da quando sono arrivati prima Lorenzo e poi Beatrice, la nostra vita e’ riempita dalla loro gioia. Raramente ci e’ capitato di stare soli (al It happens quite rarely that Silvia and Enrico stay alone, in the last 5 years and a half. The night at San Siro for the River Tour was an exception, for example. But yesterday Lorenzo and Bea stopped at grandparents place for the dinner, and we were too tired to start some cleaning at our place. And so, we decided to eat a pizza piccioncini-like. And it was a great experiment.
Un tranquillo pomeriggio
November 12, 2017 // Posted in friends | No Comments
This afternoon we had Damiano and Rossella (with Martina and Giulia) and Carlo and Cristina (with Viola and Giulia), at our place, for a tea and to talk a bit. The apartment survived to the energy of the six children, and this is a good (and a bit unexpected result). So everything was perfect. Thanks a lot!!!!
Polenta e brasato
November 12, 2017 // Posted in food | No Comments
Today it was a gray fall day, stating to be cold, and a bit foggy. At lunch Silvia prepared a great “polenta con brasato” and let’s say that such a dish was perfect, given the day. Lorenzo and Bea didn’t appreciate too much, but papa’ Enrico was very happy….
Il compleanno di Marta
November 12, 2017 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
Yesterday we went at Luca’s and Chiara’s place to celebrate Marta’s second birthday. It was a funny afternoon, with a lot of children around (Marta and Anna, Lorenzo and Bea, Claudia and Lorenzo, Martina and Pietro). Happy birthday lovely Marta!!!!
Fuga a Finale
November 6, 2017 // Posted in Travels | No Comments
Lorenzo’s and Bea school was closed on Thursday and Friday. So, although we are a bit busy at the offices, we decided to spendat least part of the long weekend in Finale Ligure, a place where we like to move once it is possible. Weather, as expected was great. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed the beach and had fun with the other children around. We enjoyed few relaxed days, in a lovely place, staying all together. We will come back soon. Finale is the place where we like to escape…
Un Halloween speciale
November 2, 2017 // Posted in celebrations | No Comments
We have been (by Carlo, father or Viola and Giulia) at “Croce Rossa Italiana” Halloween party. Lorenzo and Bea enjoyed a lot this event, and we really appreciallted the kindness of all the people working there. It was a special event, with the possibility, for the children, to visit a real ambulance. Moreover, also the firefighters arrived, and they allowed the children to climb on their lovely truck. Thanks a lot for the party and, above all, for all the things you do at Croce Rossa Italiana.