You are currently browsing the archives for October, 2013.
Una cioccolata in buona compagnia
October 27, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui), poi ci si era rivisti in collina (vedi qui) e non potevamo certo rinunciare all’invito per una buona cioccolata in compagnia. Cosi’ eccoci a invader la sua bellissima casa, e a divertirci vedendo Lorenzo giocare con le stupende Beatrice e Giulia, e con anche la cuginetta Elena. Che dire, grazie di cuore!!!
We know our friend Nico since a lot of years and it is always nice to meet her again. It happens often enough (see here and here) and also today we happily accepted her invitation for an hot chocolate at her place. It was really nice to see little Lorenzo to play with her beatiful Giulia and Beatrice. And also with their cousin Elena. Thanks a lot, we really enjoyed this afternoon spent all together.
L’amicizia che lega la componente maschile adulta di casa sacchibelli alla Nico risale ai tempi del liceo, ed e’ sempre bello rivedersi e reincontrarsi. Eravamo stati da lei gia’ a gennaio (vedi We know our friend Nico since a lot of years and it is always nice to meet her again. It happens often enough (see here and here) and also today we happily accepted her invitation for an hot chocolate at her place. It was really nice to see little Lorenzo to play with her beatiful Giulia and Beatrice. And also with their cousin Elena. Thanks a lot, we really enjoyed this afternoon spent all together.
Crepes in compagnia
October 26, 2013 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
qui); cosi’ ci e’ venuto naturale invitarli, giovedi’ scorso, per una buona pizza in compagnia e per la degustazione delle celebri crepes di casa sacchibelli. La farcitura, a base di nutella o composta di mirtilli, le ha rese particolarmente gustose, e l’impressione e’ che i nostri due ospiti abbiano gradito. Grazie davvero, e grazie anche per aver fatto giocare Lorenzo. La mattina dopo, le prime parole che ha detto al risveglio sono state: ntonio, nando…
Antonio and Fernando are dear friends and colleagues and we like to share some nice experience with them (see here). So, last Thursday we invited them for a pizza, and then we prepared some good sweet crepes, filled with blueberry jam or Nutella. It seems that they enjoyed the dinner a lot. Thanks for coming and thanks for playing with little Lorenzo. He was so happy that the first words he sad when he wake up were “ntonio, nando”.
Antonio e Fernando sono due colleghi e amici con cui capita di vederci spesso (ad esempio Antonio and Fernando are dear friends and colleagues and we like to share some nice experience with them (see here). So, last Thursday we invited them for a pizza, and then we prepared some good sweet crepes, filled with blueberry jam or Nutella. It seems that they enjoyed the dinner a lot. Thanks for coming and thanks for playing with little Lorenzo. He was so happy that the first words he sad when he wake up were “ntonio, nando”.
To root or not to root
October 21, 2013 // Posted in computer | No Comments
Jolla o Firefox OS. Questa lunga introduzione per dire che finalmente ci siamo decisi a “rootare” i nostri smartphone. Non ci piace il ricatto per cui se si “roota” il telefono si perde la garanzia, ma ormai la garanzia e’ andata e non si capisce perche’ non dovremmo avere pieno potere su un oggetto che abbiamo comperato. E come prima azione abbiamo finalmente rimosso tutte le pessime app forzatamente installate dal produttore. E ci sentiamo un po’ piu’ liberi.
Here at sacchibelli, as you know, we are happy linux users. So, if you wonder which kind of smartphone we prefer, the answer is pretty easy. We have two relatively old mid-range android phones: an LG P500 (Optimus One) for the male component, and a Samsung Galaxy GT-I8150 (Wonder) for the female component. Let’s say that, to be politically correct, we didn’t take in consideration Apple phones because of price target and Windows phone because they were not present when we bought our smartphones. While we are excited about linux, we are happy (but not enthusiast) about Android, and in the future, at least the male component, will evaluate some linux phone not so “Google oriented” (Jolla or Firefox OS are under investigation now). This long introduction to explain that after some thinking we decided to root our phones. We dislike the fact that the warranty becomes void after that operation, and however we prefer to have full power on something we bought. And as first step we happily remove all the junk apps that were by default installed on our phones. And we feel more free than before.
Qui dai sacchibelli, come sapete, siamo felici utenti linux. CosÃ, se vi domandate che tipo di smartphone preferiamo, la risposta e’ facile. Infatti abbiamo due relativametne vecchi smartphone Android di caratteristiche medie, un LG P500 (Optimus One) per la componente maschile adulta e un Samsung Galaxy GT-I8150 (Wonder) per la componente femminile. Diciamo che, per essere politicamente corretti, non abbiamo preso in considerazioni telefoni Apple per questioni di prezzo e telefoni Windows perche’ ai tempi dei nostri acquisti non esistevano. Ma se siamo entusiasti di linux, Android ci piace ma ci entusiasma meno. E almeno la componente maschile sta valutando, per il futuro, soluzioni linux meno legate a Google, come Here at sacchibelli, as you know, we are happy linux users. So, if you wonder which kind of smartphone we prefer, the answer is pretty easy. We have two relatively old mid-range android phones: an LG P500 (Optimus One) for the male component, and a Samsung Galaxy GT-I8150 (Wonder) for the female component. Let’s say that, to be politically correct, we didn’t take in consideration Apple phones because of price target and Windows phone because they were not present when we bought our smartphones. While we are excited about linux, we are happy (but not enthusiast) about Android, and in the future, at least the male component, will evaluate some linux phone not so “Google oriented” (Jolla or Firefox OS are under investigation now). This long introduction to explain that after some thinking we decided to root our phones. We dislike the fact that the warranty becomes void after that operation, and however we prefer to have full power on something we bought. And as first step we happily remove all the junk apps that were by default installed on our phones. And we feel more free than before.
Breakfast at Casaschi
October 20, 2013 // Posted in food, Lorenzo | No Comments
In the past, before Lorenzo arrived, we used to go, on Sunday morning, to “Pasticceria Casaschi” for a sweet breakfast. Today, after longtime, we decided to come back, together with Lorenzo. And it was really nice to have breakfast all together in a so special place…
Asilo Malcovati
October 20, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui), e’ stato sorprendente accorgersi di quanto siano cresciuti i bimbi. Grazie a tutti!!!!
Yesterday, in the afternoon, we went at Luca’s and Chiara’s place, for a snack together. We knew that there were other guests, but when we opened the door, we felt like in a nursery. We met (after 9 months) little Lorenzo and Claudia (with dad Dario and mom Marianna) and also little Martina. And, obviously, it was a really happy snack. Thanks!!!
Ieri pomeriggio siamo passati a trovare i nostri amici Luca e Chiara per una merenda. Sapevamo che c’erano altri ospiti, ma quando siamo entrati, ci e’ sembrato quasi di essere ad un asilo nido. Oltre alla splendida Anna, c’erano infatti i piccoli Lorenzo e Claudia (con i genitori Dario e Marianna) e la piccolissima Martina. Che dire, e’ stata una merenda decisamente allegra. E considerando che i presenti erano quasi tutti coloro che erano presenti anche a inizio gennaio (vedi Yesterday, in the afternoon, we went at Luca’s and Chiara’s place, for a snack together. We knew that there were other guests, but when we opened the door, we felt like in a nursery. We met (after 9 months) little Lorenzo and Claudia (with dad Dario and mom Marianna) and also little Martina. And, obviously, it was a really happy snack. Thanks!!!
Dolce personalizzazione
October 14, 2013 // Posted in food | No Comments
Piccoli pasticcieri crescono
October 12, 2013 // Posted in food, Lorenzo | No Comments
Little Lorenzo is sick this weekend: he has cough and fever. So this weekend we have to stay at home and we decided to involve him in the preparation of a cake. It was very funny, and Lorenzo appreciated the idea. And at the end, the cake was really good. Thanks a lot little confectioner…
October 8, 2013 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Policlinico San Matteo, il “famoso” ospedale di Pavia. Sulla struttura e su certe eccellenze mediche non abbiamo nulla da dire, anzi. Pero’ a guardare l’anarchia assoluta che vige nei parcheggi, beh, qualche cattivo pensiero viene.
Recently we often have to go to the famous hospital “Policlinico San Matteo” we have here in Pavia. It is quite prestigious, and for sure there are, at least in some department, great doctors. But for sure there is at least one aspect that should be improved: the parking rule. In fact, if you try to walk between the buildings, you will have to survive to the jungle of cars parked almost everywhere…
In questo ultimo periodo capita, purtroppo, di andare al Recently we often have to go to the famous hospital “Policlinico San Matteo” we have here in Pavia. It is quite prestigious, and for sure there are, at least in some department, great doctors. But for sure there is at least one aspect that should be improved: the parking rule. In fact, if you try to walk between the buildings, you will have to survive to the jungle of cars parked almost everywhere…
Da Luca, Laura e Edo
October 7, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
qui), ma colpevolmente non eravamo ancora andati a trovarli nella loro nuova casa. Cosi’ domenica abbiamo colmato la lacuna e abbiamo trascorso un bel pomeriggio in loro compagnia. E la loro casa e’ davvero bella. Grazie e a prestissimo.
We didn’t see Luca, Laura and Edo since a lot of time, and, above all, we never visited their new apartment. So last Sunday we went to their place and we spent together a really nice afternoon. And we also realized that their new apartment is really nice. Thanks!!!
Era da un po’ che non ci si incontrava con i nostri amici Luca e Laura, e col loro bellissimo Edoardo. Ci si era visti al mare tempo fa (vedi We didn’t see Luca, Laura and Edo since a lot of time, and, above all, we never visited their new apartment. So last Sunday we went to their place and we spent together a really nice afternoon. And we also realized that their new apartment is really nice. Thanks!!!
Quando qualcosa funziona…
October 7, 2013 // Posted in Pavia, Uncategorized | No Comments
E’ capitato spesso (e ricapitera’) che su questo blog si parli in modo piuttosto critico dell’amministrazione della nostra citta’, e in particolare dei problemi legati alla mobilita’ sostenibile. Pero’, quando invece le cose funzionano come dovrebbero (o quasi) e’ comunque doveroso testimoniarlo. Cosi’, dopo aver scoperto che, da mesi, alcuni lavori di manutenzione ordinaria (tapparelle rotte, porte a soffietto e cose simili) non venivano eseguiti dal Comune nonostante le richieste delle educatrici, la componente maschile di casa sacchibelli, che si fregia anche del titolo di Presidente della Commissione di Gestione dell’Asilo Rodari, provvede a
- Contattare via email il dirigente dell’Ufficio Tecnico
- Dopo qualche giorno, senza risposta, telefonare alla segreteria
- Gentilente mi viene spiegato che la mia richiesta era stata inoltrata a un altro ufficio (e qui comincio a temere il classico rimbalzo da ufficio pubblico)
- Contatto via email la persona cui era stata inoltrata la mia richiesta
- Da li’ a poco un geometra dell’Ufficio Tecnico mi contatta, mi ringrazia della segnalazione, e mi garantisce che in pochi giorni avrebbero effettuato l’intervento
- Dopo due giorni le educatrici del Nido mi segnalano che la riparazione e’ stata effettuata
Che dire? Sembra quasi incredibile…
It happens (often) that here we criticize a lot Pavia public administration, in particular about mobility issues. But when something works well as expected, it is correct to mention it. So, as probably someone already knows, the male component of sacchibelli family is involved in some special commission at Lorenzo’s kindergarten. So I was asked to contact the public administration to fix few things (rolling shutter, internal doors) that were out of order since many months.
- I sent an email to the “Ufficio Tecnico” of “Comune di Pavia”
- I then called them, because I didn’t have any feedback. They explained me that they forwarded my request to another office
- I then directly contacted that office
- After few days a technician of that office told me that in few days they would have fixed all the issues described
- And after few days, they did it