Durante queste vacanze e’ capitato che, per distrazione o per il poco tempo a disposizione, mi lasciassi crescere un po’ la barba. Al momento di tagliarla, quasi per gioco, su suggerimento di Silvia, ho lasciato un po’ di pizzetto… E ormai e’ da qualche giorno che convivo con questa novita’…. cosi’, incerto se proseguire l’esperimento o tornare al vecchio look, ecco che pongo al blog l’ardua questione: meglio con o meglio senza pizzetto?
It started as a joke with Silvia, but during the last vacation I left my beard to grew a bit, and then I left a small goatee… Now I don’t know if to come back to my original look or to persist with the new one…
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You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2015.
With or without?
August 25, 2015 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
Con Luca Chiara e Anna ai “Due Camini”
August 23, 2015 // Posted in food, friends | 1 Comment
Andare con cari amici in un posto dove si mangia bene e’ un’ottimo modo di trascorrere una bella domenica. Cosi’ oggi a pranzo siamo tornati all’Agriturismo “Due Camini“, stavolta con Luca, Chiara e Annna. Come previsto il pranzo e’ stato ottimo e i due adorabili monelli (Lorenzo e Anna) si sono comportarti davvero bene. Beatrice si e’ fatta coccolare, e noi grandi abbiamo amabilmente chiacchierato. Che dire, domenica perfetta e il tempo non ottimo non l’ha certo rovinata.
Today we went back at Agriturismo “Due Camini“, a very nice place we discovered 5 years ago. Here we had a great lunch together with our friends Luca, Chiara and Anna, and everything was perfect. We were a bit worried about Lorenzo, but he played well with Anna, having a lot of fun. Weather was not wonderful, but this didn’t impact on our lovely Sunday.
Today we went back at Agriturismo “Due Camini“, a very nice place we discovered 5 years ago. Here we had a great lunch together with our friends Luca, Chiara and Anna, and everything was perfect. We were a bit worried about Lorenzo, but he played well with Anna, having a lot of fun. Weather was not wonderful, but this didn’t impact on our lovely Sunday.
Grazie Andreea
August 23, 2015 // Posted in family | 1 Comment
Anche se in questo blog non e’ quasi mai comparsa (unica eccezione, qui), la mitica Andreea, da due anni a questa parte, e’ praticamente parte della nostra famiglia. Andreea infatti e’ la baby sitter di Lorenzo, e ci ha anche aiutato con la piccola Beatrice. E’ una persona speciale, cui Lorenzo si e’ affezionato in modo particolare e a cui tutti noi vogliamo bene. Siamo percio’ felici che abbia ora trovato un impiego piu’ a tempo pieno, e le auguriamo la miglior fortuna. Certo e’ che ora siamo un po’ spiazzati e sara’ dura sostituirla. Ma di sicuro ci rivedremo presto e spesso. La nostra casa e’ anche la tua casa, e quando passerai a trovarci, saremo solo felici. Grazie ancora di tutto.
Although we never mentioned her within our blog, Andreea, Lorenzo’s baby sitter has been a very important person for us in the last two years. We consider her as a part of our family and for sure we will miss her a bit. In fact now she decided to follow a new job opportunity and we need to find someone else helping us with the babies. Thanks Andreea for beeing so special and kind with our babies and with us!!! Good luck.
Although we never mentioned her within our blog, Andreea, Lorenzo’s baby sitter has been a very important person for us in the last two years. We consider her as a part of our family and for sure we will miss her a bit. In fact now she decided to follow a new job opportunity and we need to find someone else helping us with the babies. Thanks Andreea for beeing so special and kind with our babies and with us!!! Good luck.
Senigallia 2015
August 16, 2015 // Posted in family, Travels | 1 Comment
E finalmente e’ arrivato il momento delle vacanze. Quest’anno ci siamo concessi due settimane in quel di Senigallia, posto dove nessuno di noi era mai stato ma su cui avevamo raccolto pareri positivi. La spiaggia “di velluto”, il mare tranquillo, e una certa vivacita’ culturale rendevano il posto interessante. Abbiamo anche trovato, alla cieca, un’ottima sistemazione, affittando un bell’appartamento con giardino non lontano dal mare, in zona Saline, ed ecco la famiglia sacchibelli in vacanza. Certo, con la piccola Beatrice e il capriccioso Lorenzo non e’ stato possibile apprezzare fino in fondo il mitico “Summer Jamboree“, ma l’atmosfera anni 50, i costumi e la musica li abbiamo “respirati” lo stesso. E poi la gioia dei bimbi in spiaggia, i primi bagni di Beatrice, i momenti allegri e quelli capricciosi di Lorenzo, i parchi giochi, le meravigliose Grotte di Frasassi, il ciauscolo, le superbe colazioni da “Ser Caramello“, le patatine di Scartozz e le pedalate per la citta’ a qualunque ora del giorno… Insomma, vacanze belle e allegre, non del tutto rilassanti per i due adulti di casa sacchibelli, ma decisamente positive. Che dire, mi sa che a Senigallia ci ritorneremo…
At the end, holiday times came. Last July was very busy and tired for everyone here at Sacchibelli’s. So, we went out for a two weeks vacation at Senigallia, at the beginning of August. It was the first time at Senigallia for all of us, and we found it a very nice place where to stay with two little babies (we rented a cool apartment close enough to the sea), but also full of culture and energy. The “Summer Jamboree” above all, but not only. And then, around Senigallia, we visited the amazing Grotte di Frasassi, we found great food (ciauscolo above all), we met nice persons, and we had some (partial) relax. Beatrice and Lorenzo enjoyed the location, and although Lorenzo was a bit jealous, we really had some nice moments. We won’t forget the amazing bike rides all together (Enrico & Beatrice vs Silvia & Lorenzo), the lovely “spiaggia di velluto”, and the sea, not perfect, but not so bad. Well, at the end we think that we will come back to Senigallia in the future…
At the end, holiday times came. Last July was very busy and tired for everyone here at Sacchibelli’s. So, we went out for a two weeks vacation at Senigallia, at the beginning of August. It was the first time at Senigallia for all of us, and we found it a very nice place where to stay with two little babies (we rented a cool apartment close enough to the sea), but also full of culture and energy. The “Summer Jamboree” above all, but not only. And then, around Senigallia, we visited the amazing Grotte di Frasassi, we found great food (ciauscolo above all), we met nice persons, and we had some (partial) relax. Beatrice and Lorenzo enjoyed the location, and although Lorenzo was a bit jealous, we really had some nice moments. We won’t forget the amazing bike rides all together (Enrico & Beatrice vs Silvia & Lorenzo), the lovely “spiaggia di velluto”, and the sea, not perfect, but not so bad. Well, at the end we think that we will come back to Senigallia in the future…