qui, qui, qui e qui, ad esempio), e quando viene a trovarci, e’ sempre un giorno di festa. Ieri poi ha portato un sacco di stupendi regali a Lorenzo e Bea, che ha conosciuto per la prima volta). Grazie Dany, e torna presto. Noi promettiamo che, quando i nanetti saranno un po’ piu’ cresciuti, torneremo a Portland 😉
It happens, not so rarely, that our friend Daniela, living in Portland, visit us. So, yesterday, we were very happy to see her at our place. She was so kind and cute with Lorenzo (a bit nervous) and Beatrice, bringing a lot of lovely gifts. Among them a book for Lorenzo, “Where the Wild Things Are“, really appreciated (today he continuously asked us to read it). At the end, she joined us for a simple dinner, but enriched with a very tasty piece of “lardo di Arnad”. We already miss her, but we are quite sure that we will soon meet each other, probably here around, or maybe around Portland. Thanks Dany, and let’s hope that we will see you soon again.
Le visite di Daniela sono sempre gradite. Vive lontano (a Portland) ma, in un modo o nell’altro, riusciamo sempre a vederci, in occasione dei suoi passaggi per l’Italia (vedi You are currently browsing the archives for September, 2015.
Da Portland a Pavia
September 28, 2015 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Compleanno in collina
September 22, 2015 // Posted in Lorenzo | No Comments
Last Sunday we went to Montalto, a little village on the Oltrepo hills, were we were invited to celebrate Martina’s birthday. Martina was a Lorenzo’s kindergarden mate, and their parents, Alessandra and Simone organized a great party. There were a lot of happy children, great food and an amazing blue sky with the mountains on the horizon. Thank you so much for such a nice day.
Fragole tedesche
September 20, 2015 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
It is the second half of September and we were a bit surprised seeing, at the superstore, a strawberry box, at a relatively convenient price. Only at home we noticed that these strwaberry comes from Germany and this made us a bit surprised because we were not thinking at the Germany as a strawberry maker country. However, let’s say that the italian (or spanish) ones we bought this summer were significantly better
Una cena da Fabio
September 9, 2015 // Posted in friends, home | No Comments
Usually, when we are invited for a dinner, it is not easy to manage it with two little babies. But tonight we risked a bit, and we went at Fabio’s place for a great dinner. At the end, the babies were good enough, and we had the chance to spend a nice evening together with true friends, and eating great food. Thanks Fabio!!!!
Il tacchino dell’Unes
September 7, 2015 // Posted in food | No Comments
qui) abbiamo cercato delle fettine di tacchino sottili. Quelle esposte, gia’ confezionate, sembravano troppo piccole, cosi’ Silvia ha chiesto direttamente al macellaio se poteva prepararne una un po’ piu’ grossa…. Il macellaio l’ha presa (troppo) in parola. O all’Unes allevano tacchini soprannaturali, oppure sono pronti per sbancare al prossimo Thanksgiving…
Yesterday we went at Unes to buy something to eat during the week. Silvia had in mind the preparation of her famous “rotolo” (see here), but we didn’t find any turkey slice good (and great) enough. So we directly asked the boucher for it… and probably there was a little mis-understanding… We asked for a slice of turkey big enough, but we received something closer to a slice of elephant…
L’altro giorno siamo andati a fare la spesa all’Unes. E, avendo Silvia in programma la preparazione di un “rotolo” di tacchino (vedi Yesterday we went at Unes to buy something to eat during the week. Silvia had in mind the preparation of her famous “rotolo” (see here), but we didn’t find any turkey slice good (and great) enough. So we directly asked the boucher for it… and probably there was a little mis-understanding… We asked for a slice of turkey big enough, but we received something closer to a slice of elephant…
Bike evolution
September 2, 2015 // Posted in bike | No Comments
Pedale-Maiale“, risalente ormai al lontano 93, si e’ poi passato all’adorata bici da corsa, comprata al Missing Link di Berkeley. Ultimamente pero’ il mezzo preferito e’ un altro… Un po’ meno veloce della Bianchi, e meno aggressivo della mountain bike… ma sicuramente piu’ allegro e simpatico….
As you know here at sacchibelli’s we love to ride our bicycles… In particular, the adult male component started his passion a while ago (1993) with the mountain bike he received as a gift from his parents. With that amazing bike he rode almost everywhere, creating and following the idea of “Pedale-Maiale“. Then he went at Berkeley, and at Missing Link he bought the lovely Bianchi road bike… But in the last period it is not easy to find time to ride those bikes, and at the end, he is using a new model, a bit heavier and slower, but definitely irresistible…
Come noto, qui dai sacchibelli, la bici e’ il mezzo di trasporto principe. La componente maschile adulta, in particolare, adora pedalare, in citta’, per turismo, o con la bici da corsa. Ultimamente il tempo scarseggia un po’, ma appena possibile, la bicicletta viene usata. E’ interessare notare l’evoluzione della bicicletta, specie nel caso della componente maschile adulta. Dalla bellissima mountain bike, compagna di avventure di tutti i “As you know here at sacchibelli’s we love to ride our bicycles… In particular, the adult male component started his passion a while ago (1993) with the mountain bike he received as a gift from his parents. With that amazing bike he rode almost everywhere, creating and following the idea of “Pedale-Maiale“. Then he went at Berkeley, and at Missing Link he bought the lovely Bianchi road bike… But in the last period it is not easy to find time to ride those bikes, and at the end, he is using a new model, a bit heavier and slower, but definitely irresistible…