Ebbene si’,dopo 10 mesi i capelli del piccolo Lorenzo cominciavano a essere un po’ troppo lunghi, e oggi abbiamo proceduto con il primo taglio. Ovviamente Lorenzo non e’ stato proprio calmo e tranquillo, ma alla fine Raffaella e’ riuscito a domarlo. Ed ora, se possibile, ci sembra ancora piu’ bello.
Today it was time for Lorenzo’s first haircut. It was a quite exciting experience from his point of view, but at the end Raffaella was able to do a great job. And now, if possible, he looks more cute!!!
You are currently browsing the archives for February, 2013.
Primo taglio
February 27, 2013 // Posted in family, Lorenzo | 1 Comment
Fernando’s style pizza
February 26, 2013 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Domenica scorsa, dopo tanto tempo, siamo stati ospiti del nostro amico Fernando. Abbiamo cosi’ visto di persona come sta abbellendo la sua casa (complimenti davvero), abbiamo conosciuto Brioche, il simpatico gatto, e abbiamo gustato un’ottima pizza da lui preparata. Che dire, un pranzo eccezionale!!! Grazie davvero.
Last Sunday we went at Fernando’s place. We didn’t visit him since a lot of time and we really appreciated the way he is transforming his apartment, now very elegant. We knew also his cat Brioche and we enjoyed his amazingly good pizza. Thanks a lot!!!
Last Sunday we went at Fernando’s place. We didn’t visit him since a lot of time and we really appreciated the way he is transforming his apartment, now very elegant. We knew also his cat Brioche and we enjoyed his amazingly good pizza. Thanks a lot!!!
Dopo tanto tempo…
February 24, 2013 // Posted in friends | 2 Comments
Era da parecchio che cercavamo di organizzare una merenda in compagnia di Carlo, Sara e dei loro bellissimi bimbi Anna e Giovanni. Per un motivo o per l’altro avevamo sempre dovuto rimandare, ma questa volta ce l’abbiamo fatta. E visto che Carlo e Sara sono conoscenze comuni anche ad altri due blog da noi linkati, Magnamotto e Daniela, siamo sicuri che Ale ed Emiko e Daniela saranno ben lieti di vederci tutti assieme.
A presto e grazie per la graditissima visita.
We were trying to meet with Carlo, Sara and their lovely Anna and Giovanni since a lot of time, but hopeully yesterday we had them at our place for a snack together. It was a really nice afternoon and considering that Carlo and Sara know very well both Magnamotto and Daniela, we are sure that our american friends and blogger are very happy to see us all togehter.
A presto e grazie per la graditissima visita.
We were trying to meet with Carlo, Sara and their lovely Anna and Giovanni since a lot of time, but hopeully yesterday we had them at our place for a snack together. It was a really nice afternoon and considering that Carlo and Sara know very well both Magnamotto and Daniela, we are sure that our american friends and blogger are very happy to see us all togehter.
Una gradita visita
February 23, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Carla con la (relativamente) piccola Irene sono venute a trovarci venerdi’ scorso, e la loro visita ci ha fatto davvero piacere. Al piccolo Lorenzo sono piaciute un sacco sia Carla che Irene, e presto ricambieremo la loro visita. Grazie ancora anche per la bellissima chitarra.
Carla and her little daughter Irene came at our place last Friday. We spent a nice afternoon together and Lorenzo enjoyed a lot their visit. Thanks for coming, and thanks for the guitar!!!
Carla and her little daughter Irene came at our place last Friday. We spent a nice afternoon together and Lorenzo enjoyed a lot their visit. Thanks for coming, and thanks for the guitar!!!
Anna e Marco
February 17, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Anna e Marco e’ il titolo di una bella canzone di Lucio Dalla. Ma Anna e Marco sono anche i nostri amici italo-americani che ora vivono a Grenoble. E ieri sera abbiamo avuto il piacere di averli a casa nostra per una pizza e una cioccolata. E, come prevedibile, e’ stata una bellissima serata. Grazie per essere passati.
Anna and Marco is the title of Lucio Dalla famous song. But Anna and Marco are also our italo-american friends now living in France. And yesterday we had them at our place for a pizza and an hot chocolate. As expected, it was a great evening. Thanks for staying with us!!!
Anna and Marco is the title of Lucio Dalla famous song. But Anna and Marco are also our italo-american friends now living in France. And yesterday we had them at our place for a pizza and an hot chocolate. As expected, it was a great evening. Thanks for staying with us!!!
Eravamo quattro amici al bar…
February 12, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Le visite del Teo di contafamily (in arte lo zio Teom) sono sempre precise e puntuali. Di inverno, da solo, per sciare sulle Alpi, d’estate, con tutta la tribu’, per le vacanze estive. Cosi’ ieri, sotto un’insolita nevicata, ci siamo trovati con lui, con Zap e con Luca, da vecchi ex compagni di studi, a trascorrere una serata che definire piacevole e’ sicuramente riduttivo. I chilometri che ci separano sono tanti, ma l’amicizia e’ inossidabile. E alla prossima…
Twice a year, during winter (alone) and during summer (with all the family) the “zio Teom” (contafamily) comes to meet us. Yesterday it was snowing but together also with Luca and Zap, we shared a really nice after dinner. We met each other during University years (roughly 20 years ago….), and although we live so far, our friendship is really strong. Thanks for coming Matteo, and enjoy your sky break.
Twice a year, during winter (alone) and during summer (with all the family) the “zio Teom” (contafamily) comes to meet us. Yesterday it was snowing but together also with Luca and Zap, we shared a really nice after dinner. We met each other during University years (roughly 20 years ago….), and although we live so far, our friendship is really strong. Thanks for coming Matteo, and enjoy your sky break.
Una torta, una bottiglia di vino e tanti amici
February 10, 2013 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Oggi, una fredda domenica (benche’ soleggiata) e’ stata riscaldata, nel pomeriggio, dalla convergenza, a casa nostra, di tanti amici. Il pretesto era mangiare una fetta di torta in compagnia, bevendo un bicchiere di buon vino, ma davvero l’atmosfera che abbiamo respirato e’ stata speciale. E poi c’era Annina, che con Lorenzo, ha contribuito a vivacizzare ulteriormente l’ambiente. Grazie a tutti di essere passati, e ovviamente vi aspettiamo presto per replicare.
This Sunday weather was quite cold, although sunny. But at our place, in the afternoon, everything was made warmer by the presence of many friends that joined us for a snack based on a good apple cake prepared by Silvia. In particular Annina and Lorenzo energized us a lot. Thanks to everyone and let’s repeat this experience quite soon.
This Sunday weather was quite cold, although sunny. But at our place, in the afternoon, everything was made warmer by the presence of many friends that joined us for a snack based on a good apple cake prepared by Silvia. In particular Annina and Lorenzo energized us a lot. Thanks to everyone and let’s repeat this experience quite soon.
Messaggio ai candidati
February 9, 2013 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
In Italia e’ tempo di elezioni. E la campagna elettorale cui stiamo assistendo e’ tutto fuorche’ emozionante e coinvolgente. Oseremmo dire che e’ preoccupante. Ma se c’e’ una cosa che assolutamente non va fatta se si vogliono nutrire speranze di voto da parte dei sacchibelli, e’ quella di parcheggiare il camioncino con “dipinta” la faccia del candidatosul marciapiede, in corrispondenza di un passaggio pedonale (con semaforo)!!! Bosone in Regione? No grazie.
In Italy it is election time. And the campaign is not so exciting. But there is for sure a thing that a candidate should not do to preserve the possibility to have our vote: to park the pickup truck (with candidate’s picture) on the sidewalk, in correspondence of a pedestrian xing. We are sorry for you Mr. Bosone…
In Italy it is election time. And the campaign is not so exciting. But there is for sure a thing that a candidate should not do to preserve the possibility to have our vote: to park the pickup truck (with candidate’s picture) on the sidewalk, in correspondence of a pedestrian xing. We are sorry for you Mr. Bosone…
E’ piccolo e non disturba…
February 4, 2013 // Posted in cars | No Comments
Che Pavia sia sepolta da automobili, parcheggiate anche dove non dovrebbero, e’ cosa nota. Che la cosa, a causa dell’insufficienza di organico (cosi’ dicono), non sia contrastata a dovere e’ pure noto e qui piu’ volte si sono riportati esempi emblematici. Che la tendenza a muoversi in SUV anche in citta’ (dove i parcheggi non ci sono e le strade sono strette) sia da noi del tutto incomprensibile e’ arcinoto. Ma che un’auto enorme, parcheggiata bellamente ad occupare tutto il marciapiede, sotto un cartello di divieto di sosta (che peraltro sarebbe ridondante), per una mattina intera senza che l’ombra di una multa o di un carro attrezzi si sia palesata, e’ comunque sorprendente. E credo incomprensibile per i lettori che ci leggono dall’estero…
As you probaly know, we don’t like that our city is so crowded of (big) cars, and that their parking everywhere is somehow tolerated. We posted many pictures about that, but the SUV illegally parked on the sidewalk, under the road sign, for all the morning, without receiving any fine is really surprising, and sad…
As you probaly know, we don’t like that our city is so crowded of (big) cars, and that their parking everywhere is somehow tolerated. We posted many pictures about that, but the SUV illegally parked on the sidewalk, under the road sign, for all the morning, without receiving any fine is really surprising, and sad…
Due anni dopo
February 4, 2013 // Posted in friends | 1 Comment
Erano quasi due anni (vedi qui) che non riuscivamo a incontrare i nostri “omonimi” Enrico e Silvia, e la loro piccola Marta. Di acqua ne e’ passata sotto i ponti, di cose ne sono successe, ma ecco che domenica scorsa e’ capitato di rivederci. E, ormai e’ tradizione, ci siamo concessi un caffe’ nello stesso bar di due anni prima, godendoci in piu’ rispetto ad allora anche la compagnia del piccolo Lorenzo. Grazie per esservi ricordati di noi, e alla prossima, sperabilmente prima di due anni….
It was two years ago when we met our namesakes Enrico and Silvia, together with their lovely baby Marta. And after two years, exactly in the same place, we had a coffee together. With also little Lorenzo (who didn’t have any coffee, don’t worry). Thanks for remembering about us, and let’s hope to see you soon again.
It was two years ago when we met our namesakes Enrico and Silvia, together with their lovely baby Marta. And after two years, exactly in the same place, we had a coffee together. With also little Lorenzo (who didn’t have any coffee, don’t worry). Thanks for remembering about us, and let’s hope to see you soon again.