In questi ultimi anni abbiamo tante volte goduto della sincera amicizia e straordinaria simpatia della famiglia Tinella, alias Carlo, Susana e le due irresistibili Marina e Sofia. Averli come amici e vicini e’ stato per noi un privilegio, di cui davvero non sappiamo chi ringraziare. Posto che l’amicizia restera’, purtroppo (dal nostro punto di vista), Carlo, Susana e bimbe tra pochi giorni partiranno per Grenoble, alla ricerca di nuove esperienze di vita e lavorative. Lasceranno un vuoto grande, ma siamo felici per loro per avere preso una decisione tanto importante. E, ne siamo sicuri, anche a Grenoble (dove peraltro hanno gia’ vissuto) saranno circondati dall’amicizia e dalla simpatia che naturalmente ispirano.
Vi saremo vicini col pensiero, con i mezzi informatici e capitera’ comunque di incrociarci. Magari non cosi’ spesso come quando si stava tutti qui, ma comunque abbastanza per mantere viva un’amicizia speciale. Grazie davvero, anche per essere riusciti a passare da noi ieri sera per l’ultimo gelato, in compagnia di Dana, Nico e Fernando, i compagni di tante avventure (vedi qui, qui, qui, qui e qui).
Yesterday we had at our place, after dinner, for a “gelato”, our friends Dana, Nico, Fernando, together with the “Tinellas”, alias Carlo, Susana, Marina e Sofia. In the last years we often enjoyed to spend some nice experience with them (see here, here, here, here and here). While the evening was really nice, as usual, it was also relatively sad, because Carlo, Susana, Marina and Sofia will move soon to Grenoble, looking for new life and job experiences. Their friendship is so special to us, and for sure we will miss a lot. But this is another reason to visit soon Grenoble, where other friends (Marco, Anna and Matteo) already live. Thanks for being so special and close to us in this years. And good luck for everything.
You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2012.
Gli emigranti
August 29, 2012 // Posted in friends | 2 Comments
Primi reincontri
August 26, 2012 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Circa quattro mesi fa, in ospedale a Stradella quando e’ nato Lorenzo, abbiamo fatto amicizia con Cin cin, la mamma di una bella bimba (Federica) nata due giorni prima di Lorenzo. Il piccolo Lorenzo e la piccola Federica (nome italiano, ma lineamenti chiaramente cinesi) sono stati vicini di culla per qualche giorno. Cin cin era assistata da una cara amica, Luisella, e oggi ci siamo reincontrati tutti proprio a casa di Luisella e della sua ospitalissima famiglia. Federica e’ un po’ piu’ piccina, ma vederli vicini che si scrutavano e’ stato davvero un bellissimo spettacolo. Grazie a tutti per la bella giornata, e sicuramente ci saranno occasioni per rivederci anche in futuro.
At the hospital, when Lorenzo was born, we knew Cin cin, a young chinese mother, and her little Federica. Lorenzo and Federica where close each other in the hospital crib, and today, after 4 months, we met each other at Luisella’s (a dear friend of Cin cin) place. And it was amazing to see the two infants looking each other. Thanks to Luisella and her fantastic family for guesting us at their place. We are sure we will meet again!!!
At the hospital, when Lorenzo was born, we knew Cin cin, a young chinese mother, and her little Federica. Lorenzo and Federica where close each other in the hospital crib, and today, after 4 months, we met each other at Luisella’s (a dear friend of Cin cin) place. And it was amazing to see the two infants looking each other. Thanks to Luisella and her fantastic family for guesting us at their place. We are sure we will meet again!!!
Il piacere della colazione
August 19, 2012 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
In questo agosto decisamente caldo, in una domenica che non consentiva vie di fuga per noi e il piccolo Lorenzo, l’unica alternativa allo stare tappati in casa tutto il giorno consisteva nell’uscire la mattina presto. In una Pavia piu’ deserta che semideserta ci siamo addentrati nelle vie del centro speranzosi di trovare un posto per fare colazione. E, nonostante lo scetticismo iniziale, in Piazza, alle 7.30, un bar ha aperto. Ed ecco una buona colazione per prepararci ad affrontare la domenica piu’ calda dell’anno….
During this August very hot, the only solution to go out is to do it early in the morning. So today, with little Lorenzo, we went out very early (it was already warm, not yet hot) and we were lucky enough finding a bar open in a desert city. So we ordered two cappucini and two croissant….
During this August very hot, the only solution to go out is to do it early in the morning. So today, with little Lorenzo, we went out very early (it was already warm, not yet hot) and we were lucky enough finding a bar open in a desert city. So we ordered two cappucini and two croissant….
Trionfo di orchidee
August 16, 2012 // Posted in flowers | No Comments
Abbiamo spesso mostrato, su questo blog, le fioriture delle nostre orchidee(qui, qui e qui). Ora che tre delle nostre cinque orchidee sono fiorite contemporaneamente (complice forse il caldo tropicale di questa estate che fa assomigliare tanto il clima pavese a quello di Singapore, dove le orchidee sono cosi’ diffuse), non poteva mancare una foto celebrativa.
We often proudly published some pictures about our orchids (here, here and here). We are not so expert, probably we are just lucky, but orchids here seems to happily live. So today we cannot avoid to show you that three of our five orchids bloomed at the same time. Aren’t they so nice?
We often proudly published some pictures about our orchids (here, here and here). We are not so expert, probably we are just lucky, but orchids here seems to happily live. So today we cannot avoid to show you that three of our five orchids bloomed at the same time. Aren’t they so nice?
Vacanze in Oltrepo’
August 12, 2012 // Posted in Lorenzo, Travels | No Comments
L’anno scorso abbiamo vissuto una vacanza straordinaria, lungo la costa ovest degli Stati Uniti, incontrando amici e vedendo paesaggi meravigliosi (vedi qui); la trasvolata oceanica e poi 2500 km “on the road”. Quest’anno invece abbiamo percorso si e no 150 km, tra andata e ritorno, senza neanche uscire dalla provincia di Pavia, ma le nostre vacanze sono state davvero uniche e speciali, perche’ trascorse, per la prima volta, in tre, assieme al nostro piccolo Lorenzo. Cosi’ le due settimane trascorse in quel di Poggio Ferrato, in Val di Nizza, si sono rivelate davvero belle. E se il paesino offriva pochi stimoli, ci siamo comunque goduti il piccolo Lorenzo e gli amici che ci siamo ritrovati comunque intorno. Ginevra, Rebecca, Veronica e Filippo, letteralmente entusiasti di Lorenzo, e i rispettivi genitori, che tanto carini sono stati con noi. E poi abbiamo avuto modo anche di incontrare Beppe, Ariella, tutta la tribu’ e don Giulio, spingendoci fino a Sant’Albano, e abbiamo ricevuto la graditissima visita di Antonio (in bici) e dei nonni (non in bici). E la gita a San Ponzo, e le bellissime passeggiate al tramonto in Costa, e le ascese a Poggio Alta, alla ricerca di bei panorami (e di un po’ di campo per il telefonino); per non dimenticare lo straordinario pane e gli ottimi dolcetti del panificio “Gattone”. Insomma, sono state vacanze diverse rispetto alle solite, ma decisamente intense e riempite dalla gioia del bellissimo (e bravissimo) Lorenzo.
Last year we had special holidays in the USA, driving all the Oregon and California coast from Seattle down to SF. Two intercontinental flyghts and 2500 km. This year we drove for less than 200 km, remaining in the Provincia di Pavia, and spending two weeks in Poggio Ferrato, a small center in Val di Nizza. However those holidays were more than special because it was the first vacation together with our little Lorenzo. He was the youngest baby in Poggio Ferrato and everyone (other babies, in particular Ginevra, Rebecca, Veronica and Filippo, and all the persons around) were so kind with us and with him. We shared good moments with dear friends (Fulvio, Eva, Vic and Antonella), we visited some friends around (Beppe, Ariella, all their children, don Giulio, at Sant’Albano) and we went to San Ponzo, an old and very nice center not far from Poggio Ferrato. It was a very relaxing vacation, in a lovely place (without internet and with no signal for our cellphones) where we enjoyed staying with Lorenzo. We walked a lot, we enjoyed the lovely views around the hills, and we received also the visit of Antonio (by bike!!!) and of all the grandparents (not by bike). And then, how to forget the amazing bread and the great cakes at the panificio “Gattone” (the only store of the center).
Last year we had special holidays in the USA, driving all the Oregon and California coast from Seattle down to SF. Two intercontinental flyghts and 2500 km. This year we drove for less than 200 km, remaining in the Provincia di Pavia, and spending two weeks in Poggio Ferrato, a small center in Val di Nizza. However those holidays were more than special because it was the first vacation together with our little Lorenzo. He was the youngest baby in Poggio Ferrato and everyone (other babies, in particular Ginevra, Rebecca, Veronica and Filippo, and all the persons around) were so kind with us and with him. We shared good moments with dear friends (Fulvio, Eva, Vic and Antonella), we visited some friends around (Beppe, Ariella, all their children, don Giulio, at Sant’Albano) and we went to San Ponzo, an old and very nice center not far from Poggio Ferrato. It was a very relaxing vacation, in a lovely place (without internet and with no signal for our cellphones) where we enjoyed staying with Lorenzo. We walked a lot, we enjoyed the lovely views around the hills, and we received also the visit of Antonio (by bike!!!) and of all the grandparents (not by bike). And then, how to forget the amazing bread and the great cakes at the panificio “Gattone” (the only store of the center).