You are currently browsing the archives for September, 2016.
September 26, 2016 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Yesterday Silvia and Luisa spent their Sunday trying to sell some old stuffs at a yard sale organized by the “Comune di Pavia”. It was a fun experience and at the end they were able to sell more things than expected. Is this an experiment that will be repeated in the future?
La locomotiva
September 26, 2016 // Posted in Travels | No Comments
Today a special train trip from Milano to Mortara has been organized. And such a train trip has to pass through Pavia. So, after uncle Marco told us about this, we went to the station to assist to this beautifull performance. Bea was very surprised, while Lorenzo and Michele really enjoyed it.
Giocando a nascondino
September 25, 2016 // Posted in Beatrice, friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Last Saturday we met our friend and colleague Alessandro (aka “Il Pesu”) together with his lovely family and we had an aperitif together. Than, the four babies happily played together running in the main square of the city (Piazza della Vittoria). It is a pedestrian square and luckily it was really “car free” (while sometimes cars are present), and it was very nice and funny to play together with Lorenzo, Bea, Alice and Viola, feeling safe in that square. It is really hard to understand why someone still would prefer to be allowed to go by car in the center of our town…
Pranzo speciale
September 25, 2016 // Posted in animals, friends | 1 Comment
Il passaggio dall’Italia della mitica Dany e’ sempre occasione per rivedersi e riabbracciarsi (vedi qui, qui e qui). Quest’anno a Pavia ha fatto proprio toccata e fuga, per cui ci si e’ radunati da Carlo e Sara, per pranzare tutti assieme. Una sorta di rimpatriata tra compagni di liceo/universita’ (c’era anche Antonio) con l’eccezione, tra gli adulti, della componente maschile di casa sacchibelli. L’ospitalita’ di Carlo e Sara e’ stata eccezionale, sia per l’ottimo pranzo che per la disponibilita’ dimostrata. Dany ci e’ parsa in gran forma, e i 4 bimbetti (Anna e Giovanni da un lato, e Silvia e Lorenzo dall’altro) hanno di certo rallegrato ulteriormente la gia’ allegra compagnia. Carlo ci ha poi fatto visitare la sua azienda agricola, con l’impressionante numero di mucche e tutti gli altri animali. Un vero spettacolo per i grandi e per i piccoli. Inutile dire che Lorenzo e Bea sono rimasti letteralmente estasiati. Grazie a tutti per il bellissimo sabato. Sperando di rivederci tutti presto.
Usually our friend Dany, now living in Portland, comes back to Italy during the summer. This year she had only one day available to stop in Pavia, so she proposed to meet each other with all the other friends she usually visit: Carlo and Sara, and Antonio. Carlo and Sara were very kind, and they invited us at their place for a lovely lunch. Dany was feeling very well, and we spent together a great day. The sacchibelli babies played a lot with Anna and Giovanni, and we had a lot of fun visiting all the amazing animals in the Berettas farm. Thanks a lot to everyone for such a lovely experience. And we hope to meet you again soon…
Con teo e zube
September 17, 2016 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Last Thursday I went out for a pizza with Roberto and Teo. I know Roberto since 30 years, and Teo since when I was a baby, but it is always nice to meet together and to update each other about what’s happening. Thanks, dear friends, see you soon.
September 11, 2016 // Posted in free time | No Comments
This year weather was not so terrible, but september is still showing some high temperature and sunny days. So, at the end, we decide to spend a weekend, both on Saturday and on Sunday at “Campus Aquae” swimming pool. Lorenzo and Bea were very excited, and also Silvia and Enrico enjoyed a lot the place and relaxed a bit. To be repeated more often…
September 10, 2016 // Posted in Beatrice, Lorenzo, Uncategorized | No Comments
As usual, this year at the beginning of september, the European Market Food stopped in Pavia. We enjoyed some good food, but it was a bit expensive. However Lorenzo and Beatrice were very happy when we bought them two balloons. And we still live with those ballons around our apartment, although they are not flying anymore due to helium loose…
Nico e Teo cuochi
September 4, 2016 // Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments
We met today our friend Nico and Teo and we then decided to invite them at our place for an appetizer. Lorenzo and Bea were very tired and demanding, so the idea to have Teo and Nico for dinner too, was a bit complex to be realized. But they decided to cook for us, and it was a great idea. First of all because they prepared a great risotto, and then Silvia and had the possibility to stay with the babies. Then we ate the great risotto they prepared, and we passed a lovely evening together. Thanks for coming Nico and Teo, you are really special friends to us.