Fry’s con il buon Marco, decise di comprarsi un nuovo portatile. La scelta cadde su un Toshiba Satellite U305-s7467, computer piu’ che decoroso, ma certo non il top di gamma. Un buon 13 pollici, sufficientemente leggero che, una volta depurato dall’infelice sistema operativo pre-installato, si e’ dimostrato decisamente performante. In questi otto anni varie distribuzioni di Linux sono state provate (da Ubuntu a Mint, passanto per le piu’ aggressive Arch Linux e Crunchbang per infine stabilizzarsi sull’attuale Debian 8. Un pensiero a Gentoo e’ stato fatto, ma per ora resta tale. Che dire, il PC e’ tuttora agile e veloce, e certo il merito e’ soprattutto del sistema operativo. Ma l’hardware si e’ rivelato robusto, e, sperando che possa continuare a funzionare per altri anni, si puo’ormai dire che sia stato un ottimo acquisto.
Roughly eight years ago, during my period in Silicon Valley, I bought a new laptop, at Fry’s. It was a Toshiba Satellite U305-s7467 and, once the original OS has been wiped out, it demonstrated to be a great laptop. It ran Ubuntu at the beginning, then moved to Mint, Arch Linux and Crunchbang, and now we landed to the amazing Debian 8, with XFCE window manager. It is still fast (thanks to Linux) and robust (thanks to the hardware) and hopefully I will work with it still for many years.
Era circa 8 anni fa, ottobre del 2007, durante il periodo americano della componente maschile di casa sacchibelli, che, recatosi da You are currently browsing the archives for October, 2015.
Otto anni di laptop
October 22, 2015 // Posted in computer | No Comments
Today we had Carmen and Giuseppe with their Lorenzo (the big) and Giulia at our place, for a Sunday snack. As expected we spent together a great afternoon and we felt like a big family. Thanks for coming, and thanks for the lovely “rose d’autunno” you Carmen prepared for us.
La citta’ al contrario
October 12, 2015 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
“Citta’ Giardino” is a nice district of Pavia, were both Beatrice’s nursery, and Lorenzo’s kindergarten are based. So every day we pass through it, by walking or by bike. And every-day we fight against car parked everywhere. Citta’ Giardino is in fact famous because cars are allowed to park where pedestrians are supposed to walk… Why???
Dieci anni dopo…
October 9, 2015 // Posted in celebrations | 1 Comment
qui); ora ne sono passati altri cinque, e siamo qui a celebrare il decimo anniversario. La cosa bella e’ che, a festeggiare con noi, questa volta ci sono due nanerottoli, uno, Lorenzo, di tre annie mezzo, e un’altra, Beatrice, di dieci mesi. I loro sorrisi, irresistibili, ci danno tanta energia e tanta forza. Quell’energia e quella forza che, in questi dieci anni, ci ha tenuti uniti e stretti l’un l’altro, anche nei momenti bui e difficili. I festeggiamenti non sono stati molto formali (un hamburger al Jumbo, con i colleghi), ma l’emozione, ripensando a questi intensissimi dieci anni, e’ davvero tanta.
Five years ago we were celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary. Now we turn ten, and the nice think is that now there are also little Lorenzo and little Beatrice celebrating with us; with their amazing smiles they give us strength and energy, the same strength and energy that, together with love, allowed us to stay close each other also in the hard situations we had to face on.
Cinque anni fa festeggiavamo il quinto anniversario di matrimonio (vedi Five years ago we were celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary. Now we turn ten, and the nice think is that now there are also little Lorenzo and little Beatrice celebrating with us; with their amazing smiles they give us strength and energy, the same strength and energy that, together with love, allowed us to stay close each other also in the hard situations we had to face on.
Il Battesimo di Francesca
October 6, 2015 // Posted in family | 1 Comment
Last Sunday we partecipated to the baptism of our little nice Francesca, Paolo’s and Luisa;s daughter. It was a nice ceremony, full of brightness because of the presence of many children. Francesca was wonderful, and we had the opportunity to have a picture with her, Paolo and Luisa.