You are currently browsing the archives for October, 2012.
Primi freddi
October 28, 2012 // Posted in Lorenzo, weather | No Comments
At the end, the warm Fall season seems to be finished, and now weather is starting to become colder and colder. So, to go out, also little Lorenzo needs to be wraped out. But he looks quite happy…
Prima uscita serale
October 22, 2012 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
Lorenzo is now six months old, and although he is still a little baby, day by day he is growing. Last Saturday we went out for a dinner at Luca’s and Chiara’s place, two dear friends, with a lovely little baby girl (Anna). It was our first dinner out with Lorenzo, and it was great, also thanks to the kindness of Luca and Chiara. Thanks!!!!!
October 14, 2012 // Posted in friends, Lorenzo | No Comments
qui pero’ c’e’ la loro foto piu’ recente che abbiamo), abbiamo deciso di dedicare il post alla bellissima Molly, che Lorenzo dimostra gia’ di apprezzare. Grazie!!!
Yesterday we had our friends Ivan and Gabry at our place for a tea. They came bringing tasty pastries and a lovely peluche sheep for Lorenzo, directly coming from Ireland, where they spent their summer holidays. Ivan didn’t allow us to take a new photo group(here you can find the most recent we have), so we decided to publish the picture of such a lovely sheep. Thanks a lot!
Ieri pomeriggio sono passati a trovarci Ivan e Gabry. Abbiamo cosi’ bevuto assieme a loro un te’, mangiando ottimi pasticcini da loro portati. Lorenzo e’ parso piuttosto contento, salvo poi addormentarsi. Ivan e Gabry sono stati cosi’ gentili da portare, direttamente dall’Irlanda, una bellissima pecora di peluches, ribattezzata Molly. Visto che Ivan questa volta non ha acconsentito a fare la classica foto di gruppo (Yesterday we had our friends Ivan and Gabry at our place for a tea. They came bringing tasty pastries and a lovely peluche sheep for Lorenzo, directly coming from Ireland, where they spent their summer holidays. Ivan didn’t allow us to take a new photo group(here you can find the most recent we have), so we decided to publish the picture of such a lovely sheep. Thanks a lot!
Bike pride d’autunno
October 7, 2012 // Posted in bike, Pavia | No Comments
qui il post su #Salvaiciclisti di Pavia.
We will do our best to be present. For more details please give a look here
Noi cercheremo di esserci. Per maggiori dettagli si guardi We will do our best to be present. For more details please give a look here
Coop o Esselunga?
October 6, 2012 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Coop, praticamente sotto casa, poco affollata e spaziosa, con l’unico drawback dei prezzi un po’ piu’ alti (ma con qualita’ superiore in alcuni ambiti, come quello della frutta, almeno a mio modesto avviso), mentre la componente femminile predilige l’Esselunga, decisamente affollata e congestionata, anche se con offerte spesso convenienti. La componente maschile (adulta) tende a non sottovalutare l’elemento “tempo necessario per fare la spesa”, e quindi opta per la coop, viceversa se si predilige l’economicita’, la scelta va a cadere sull’Esselunga. Ieri pero’ ho avuto l’ennesima conferma che l’Esselunga e’ decisamente troppo affollata per i miei gusti; guardate nella foto chi c’era ieri a fare la spesa?
Here at Sacchibelli’s we often discuss about the best place where to buy food. The male component prefer the Coop, a superstore close to us, not so crowded, with good quality food but a little bit expensive. The female component prefer go to Esselunga, a place where often there are great discount, but very crowded and time expensive. Yesterday I went to Esselunga and I had the confirmation that it is too crowded. Give a look at the “strange” person I found yesterday through its aisles.
Qui a casa Sacchibelli uno dei motivi di discussione e’ la scelta del supermercato dove fare la spesa. La componente maschile preferisce la Here at Sacchibelli’s we often discuss about the best place where to buy food. The male component prefer the Coop, a superstore close to us, not so crowded, with good quality food but a little bit expensive. The female component prefer go to Esselunga, a place where often there are great discount, but very crowded and time expensive. Yesterday I went to Esselunga and I had the confirmation that it is too crowded. Give a look at the “strange” person I found yesterday through its aisles.
Anna e Lorenzo
October 3, 2012 // Posted in friends | No Comments
In this period we are quite happy because we are meeting many friends. With little Lorenzo is not that easy to come out after dinner, but to order a take away pizza is always great and this allows us to share good moments with our friends. And also Lorenzo was very happy because there was “little” Anna, their lovely daughter. Thanks for coming, we really appreciated