I nostri amici Carlo e Susana ci hanno invitato per una serata in loro compagnia a base della mitica focaccia da loro preparata (il mix tra cucina pugliese e spagnola legato alla loro provenienza e’ delizioso ed esplosivo). In realta’, oltre alla focaccia, c’era davvero di tutto (si veda nelle foto), grazie anche ai contributi (ottimi) degli altri convitati. Il risultato e’ stata una serata davvero speciale, sia per l’allegra e simpatica compagnia, che per le prelibatezze gustate. Che dire, grazie davvero. E non poteva mancare la classica foto di gruppo.
Yesterday Carlo and Susana invited us to their place for a “focaccia pugliese in salsa iberica”. They are special friends to us, and we love to share time with them. Moreover also Fernando, Dana, Nico, Giuseppe and Antonella were invited and we spent a really nice evening. Little Marina, Sofia and Leo made the atmosphere lovely, although a little bit chaotic, and food was great. It was more than the proposed “focaccia”. We really ate a lot of great things. Thanks to eveyone for the special evening you offered us.
You are currently browsing the archives for September, 2011.
Focaccia pugliese in salsa iberica
September 26, 2011 // Posted in friends | No Comments
Segnaletica imbarazzante
September 21, 2011 // Posted in Pavia | No Comments
Le nuove strategie per la circolazione stradale all’interno della citta’ (rotonde, obbligo di sottopassaggi per i pedoni etc etc) sono dal mio punto di vista pessime. Ovviamente il punto di vista e’ opinabile ma fatico a condividere decisioni che privilegiano le auto a discapito di ciclisti e pedoni. Ma al di la’ delle disquisizioni filosofiche, quello che piu’ indispone e’ la superficialita’ con cui, a livello pratico, certi lavori vengono implementati. Come ad esempio la segnaletica orizzontale di accesso alla nuova rotonda in fondo a viale Matteotti.
New strategies to speed up traffic in the center of Pavia are not so exciting from the pedestrian and cyclist point of view. Probably I’m a little bit biased when I deprecate such kind of choices (roundabouts, underpass for pedestrians…), for sure the implementation is often really bad. As an example, look at the road markings close to the new roundabout in “Viale Matteotti”. Right or left?
New strategies to speed up traffic in the center of Pavia are not so exciting from the pedestrian and cyclist point of view. Probably I’m a little bit biased when I deprecate such kind of choices (roundabouts, underpass for pedestrians…), for sure the implementation is often really bad. As an example, look at the road markings close to the new roundabout in “Viale Matteotti”. Right or left?
Una rimpatriata grenobloise
September 18, 2011 // Posted in friends, Pavia | No Comments
I nostri amici italo-americani Marco e Anna si sono trasferiti a Grenoble, come gia’ abbiamo ricordato (vedi qui) e ora e’ piu’ facile riuscire a vederci, visto che da Grenoble a Pavia la distanza e’ tutto sommato ragionevole. Cosi’ ieri sera, approfittando di una loro visita pavese, abbiamo cenato assieme ed abbiamo trascorso davvero una bella serata. E, dopo la cena, per far gustare ad Anna una prelibatezza pavese mai provata, siamo andati a mangiarci un gelato da Cesare. Li’ si sono uniti all’allegra compagnia anche i mitici Ivan e Gabry. La cosa buffa e’ che anche Ivan vive, quantomeno parzialmente, in quel di Grenoble. E riunirci tutti assieme e’ stato decisamente piacevole. Grazie a tutti per la bellissima serata.
Our italo-american friends Marco and Anna moved to Grenoble last June, as we already mentioned here and this makes us happy because now we can meet them more often. So yesterday we had a dinner together here in Pavia, and it was really nice to spend some time with them. After dinner we met also Ivan and Gabry (Ivan too, at least partially, lives in Grenoble) and we went for a “gelato” to Cesare, a place that Anna didn’t know. Someone decided to eat the last “gelato” of the summer, while someone preferred to start with the first “hot chocolate” of the fall, but for sure it was a lovely evening. Thanks to all for making it so special.
Our italo-american friends Marco and Anna moved to Grenoble last June, as we already mentioned here and this makes us happy because now we can meet them more often. So yesterday we had a dinner together here in Pavia, and it was really nice to spend some time with them. After dinner we met also Ivan and Gabry (Ivan too, at least partially, lives in Grenoble) and we went for a “gelato” to Cesare, a place that Anna didn’t know. Someone decided to eat the last “gelato” of the summer, while someone preferred to start with the first “hot chocolate” of the fall, but for sure it was a lovely evening. Thanks to all for making it so special.
Silvia e il dinosauro
September 18, 2011 // Posted in Pavia | 1 Comment
Quest’anno, a Pavia, il Festival dei Saperi e’ un po’ in tono minore, probabilmente per questioni economiche. Tuttavia qualche manifestazione e’ stata organizzata e la piu’ “simpatica” e’ la presenza, all’interno dei cortili dell’Universita’, di una ricostruzione di “diplodocus longus” (presumiamo in scala reale), piuttosto suggestiva. Eccolo nella foto con Silvia (il Diplodocus e’ quello dietro….)
This year the Festival dei Saperi is not so exciting as it was in the past, here in Pavia, probably because of the economic crisis. However something good has been proposed. Very peculiar is the “diplodocus longus” that you can see within the court of the University. It is very impressive and you can see it here in the picture with Silvia (the Diplodocus is the one in the second floor….)
This year the Festival dei Saperi is not so exciting as it was in the past, here in Pavia, probably because of the economic crisis. However something good has been proposed. Very peculiar is the “diplodocus longus” that you can see within the court of the University. It is very impressive and you can see it here in the picture with Silvia (the Diplodocus is the one in the second floor….)
Un bel pranzo coi colleghi
September 11, 2011 // Posted in food, friends | No Comments
Sabato scorso ci siamo recati presso il ristorante Case Gazzoli per un pranzo in compagnia di (quasi) tutti i colleghi e le rispettive famiglie. E’ stata anche l’occasione per festeggiare i 5 anni di esistenza della sede italiana di Marvell, ma e’ stato sopratutto un momento di allegria trascorso in ottima compagnia; e il tutto allietato da un pranzo di proporzioni davvero impressionanti: gli ottimi salumi piacentini, accompagnati da varie torte salate hanno infatti anticipato i quattro primi (tortelli, nidi di rondine, pisarei e ravioli) che, per qualita’ e abbondanza, hanno davvero saziato. Ovviamente non ho rinunciato neppure ai secondi (arrosto di vitello, tacchino, salame cotto, costine e pollo), accompagnati da patate al forno e insalata. E infine, la torta celebrativa, ovviamente ricca di panna. Che dire, una bella festa e un ottimo pranzo, decisamente non ipo-calorico….
Last Saturday we went to the restaurant Case Gazzoli, a very interesting place on the hills around Piacenza. Here we met almost all the colleagues (and families) of the Sacchibelli’s male component, and together we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Marvell italian site. We had a lot of fun together, and it was nice to meet all the colleagues in a “non conventional” place. Moreover the food was really good, and this contributed to make the experience very positive.
Last Saturday we went to the restaurant Case Gazzoli, a very interesting place on the hills around Piacenza. Here we met almost all the colleagues (and families) of the Sacchibelli’s male component, and together we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Marvell italian site. We had a lot of fun together, and it was nice to meet all the colleagues in a “non conventional” place. Moreover the food was really good, and this contributed to make the experience very positive.
La salamella polacca
September 4, 2011 // Posted in food, Pavia | 2 Comments
Anche quest’anno a inizio settembre, in occasione della Festa del Ticino, si e’ svolto a Pavia il classico Mercatino Europeo; per qualche giorno, nei dintorni del Castello, si e’ cosi’ assistito al proliferare di bancarelle specializzate in cibi e prodotti dei vari paesi europei. Nonostante la pioggia, l’evento e’ stato accolto con molta curiosita’. E anche quest’anno la componente maschile di casa Sacchibelli non ha saputo resistere al richiamo della salamella polacca, accompagnata da crauti e buona birra… Il fatto che l’anno scorso (vedi qui) indossassi la stessa maglietta e’ solo casuale…
This year too, although the “Festival dei Saperi” is reduced because of economic crisis, we enjoyed the presence of the “Mercatino Europeo”, a nice happening where you can try and taste good foods coming from every country of Europe. And as it happened last year, I didn’t resist to “Poland Sausage” together with “crauti” and good beer. As you can note, last year too (see here) I was wearing the same t-shirt…. but this is just a coincidence.
This year too, although the “Festival dei Saperi” is reduced because of economic crisis, we enjoyed the presence of the “Mercatino Europeo”, a nice happening where you can try and taste good foods coming from every country of Europe. And as it happened last year, I didn’t resist to “Poland Sausage” together with “crauti” and good beer. As you can note, last year too (see here) I was wearing the same t-shirt…. but this is just a coincidence.