Ieri sera ho cenato con Alessandro ed Emiko, che ormai mi hanno adottato.
Approfittando di un coupon omaggio (buy 1, get 1 free) siamo andati a mangiare una Chicago style pizza at “Pizz’a Chicago” (4115 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, toward Mountain View).
La pizza, ancorche’ diversa da quella tradizionale italiana, era molto buona, e, sembra incredibile, in 3 non siamo riusciti a finire 2 pizze “medie”. La prossima volta pero’ tocchera’ alla originale pizza italiana (quella sottile, e con ingredienti umani), che qui si puo’ trovare in pochi posti.
Due di questi sono:
“La Pizzeria” a Campbell, e la “Pizzeria Delfina” a San Francisco.

Dopo la pizza, siamo andati a casa di Ale ed Emiko, dove ci aspettava, oltre all’immancabile tazza di ottimo te, un quadruplo dolce, costituito da torta di ricotta (fatta da Emiko, ottima), fragole (fragole fresche in questa stagione!!!!), gelato e cioccolato.
Grazie ancora della vostra ospitalita’.
Yesterday I went to “Pizz’a Chicago” (4115 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, toward Mountain View) with Ale and Emiko (it is true, at the end it seems that they adopted me). Here is served the famous “Chicago style” pizza, very thick and with a lot of toppings (someone strange enough). It seems incredible, but we were not able to finish 2 medium pizzas (being in three), although it was very good. Next time, however, wee have to try the “italian style” pizza (much thinner, and with a moderate quantity of toppings). It is not easy to find it here around; however two good places seems to be
“La Pizzeria” a Campbell, e la “Pizzeria Delfina” a San Francisco.
After the pizza we went to Ale’s and Emiko’s place. We drunk a cup of good tea (as usual) and we had a combination of 4 desserts, with the extraordinary “Ricotta cake” from Magnamotto (see their blog for details), fresh californian strawberry (yes, it is late november!!!!!), ice cream and chocolate.
I am very lucky because I found so nice friends that adopted me 🙂